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Hi, i havent played multiplayer survival in a while and am looking to get back into the experience, discord is BluDynamite#3513
I'll try it out Olliewa#8620
I can't add you, add myself thisjord#9776
it says it's incorrect?
DekoconUltra is my sign
Do you have discord?
Could I join my GT is MCTactics
I sadly don’t have discord
MCTactics didn't exist, are you on java?
I would like to join your realm if you don't mind?
DM on discord if you accept me: zekpower#3667
my ign is DekoconUltra, and my tag is ElekidMaster7#6649
hey can i join ?
my username is Blinkerrrr
Hi, i havent played multiplayer survival in a while and am looking to get back into the experience, discord is BluDynamite#3513
I'll try it out Olliewa#8620
I can't add you, add myself thisjord#9776
it says it's incorrect?
DekoconUltra is my sign
Do you have discord?
Could I join my GT is MCTactics
I sadly don’t have discord
MCTactics didn't exist, are you on java?
I would like to join your realm if you don't mind?
DM on discord if you accept me: zekpower#3667
my ign is DekoconUltra, and my tag is ElekidMaster7#6649
hey can i join ?
my username is Blinkerrrr