How long have you been playing minecraft: Like 7-8 years, idk i can't remember tbh. I just know i've played for a long time.
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): I'll be on roughly a few days each week, depends how i feel when playing, will decrease when i have collage later this year.
Gamertag: RightfulRhino47
Age: 12
Region: US
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 6-7 years
How active will you be on the realm: Everyday in Summer 1or 2 hours a day and when school starts every other day 1 or 2 hours
Favorite movie: endgame
Gamertag: GhoulishGeno
Age: 17
Region: North America
About 3ish years
Anywhere from 2-6 hours (depends)
Favorite Movie: I don't know man that's kinda tough
Region:United States, North Carolina
How long have you been playing minecraft: sense 2016
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): During the weeks i will be on 3:30 pm to 10 pm But on weekends longer
Favorite movie: I Don"t have one i dont remember the name
Gamertag: FireLemon324
Age: 16
Region: Glasgow Scotland, UK
How long have you been playing minecraft: Around 11/12 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): Probs just every now and again when im online
Favorite movie: Star Wars. All episode made by Lucasfilm probs. Or the lion king. Or any marvel movie. Its too hard to pick one
Age: 13
Religion: south Australia
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 5 years
How active will you be on the realm ( days/hours per week): about 3-4 hours a day between 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock
Forest Gump
Gamertag: meganight774
How long have you been playing minecraft:7 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week):at night every day . 10 hours
Favorite movie:Black panther
How long have you been playing minecraft: since 2016
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): at least 1 hour a day after work, longer on sunday probably
Favorite movie: cant decide between Shrek and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, oh right Treasure Planet also great.
Opscocelus#8986 in case you need my discord
Gamertag: Goddenator Jr
Region: uk
How long have you been playing minecraft: 8 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): 2 to 3 hours
Favorite movie: ready player one
Gamertag: CrazySoulx
Age: 16
Region: East Asia
How long have you been playing minecraft: 5+ years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): a constant amount per day around 1:30 hours at least
Favorite movie: Nothing I can remember
Gamertag: zMaraw
Age: 18 Years
Region: germany
How long have you been playing Minecraft: ~8 Years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): 5 days per week/ 2-3 hours a day
Favorite movie: The green mile
Region:Great Britain?
How long have you been playing minecraft:7 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week):3-4 hours a day (more on weekends)
Favorite movie:fast and furious franchise
Gamertag: ShahAyaan744
Age: 14
Region: Middle East
How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): 3 or 4 days, 2 or 4 hours
Favorite movie: The hangover
Gamertag: ConfinedGlue212
Age: 16
Region: North America
How long have you been playing minecraft: 6 Years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): 5 to 8 hours a day
Favorite movie: Titanic
Gamertag: vDripGodx
Age: 5
Region: Australia
How long have you been playing minecraft: 4 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): as much as possible. Every day except Saturday anywhere from 1 - 6 hours
Favorite movie: Gladiator
Gamertag: CanineTuna2540
Age: 16, 17 in november
Region: UK, England
How long have you been playing minecraft: Like 7-8 years, idk i can't remember tbh. I just know i've played for a long time.
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): I'll be on roughly a few days each week, depends how i feel when playing, will decrease when i have collage later this year.
Favorite movie: Back to the future 3
Gamertag: Eqymacks
Age: 19
Region: SEA
How long have you been playing minecraft: around 2013 ish i don't know exactly when but i remember it was free on google playstore
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): inconsistent
Favorite movie: shrek series
Gamertag: FishInTheHell
Age: 18
Region: SEA
How long have you been playing minecraft: around 2015 or 2016 i dont know exactly
Favorite movie: Jurassic Pack
Hey! I’m not sure if this realm is still active, but if it is, I would love to join! Here’s my info:
Gamertag: NightX1805
Age: 12
Region: Eastern US
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Around about 6 or 7 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): All day on Saturday and Sunday, And occasionally during the week for a few hours
Favorite movie: Napoleon Dynamite
Please consider me, because I would love to join!
Gamertag: Inventor824
Age: 16
Region: us
How long have you been playing minecraft:10 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): 28 hours a week
Favorite movie: the Patriot
Gamertag: FeltStraw176
Age: 12 (but mature)
Region: USE ( United States East)
How long have you been playing minecraft: About 5 years
How active will you be on the realm (days/hours per week): about 3 hours a week during school months but during summer months about 5-10 a week
Favorite movie: Die Hard