My name is Atrocity and im a small streamer who has always had the idea to start a Hermitcraft like realm but had too much holding back like funding. Well now i have opened a realm and im after 8 more youtubers and/or streamers to join the world. im after a dedicated and passionate group of people i can play with and have a good time and tell a story with. if you think this is you then go ahead and drop your name down below and we will join a game to see how it goes. the realm is based in Australia so be mindful of that. Thank you
Hey everyone,
My name is Atrocity and im a small streamer who has always had the idea to start a Hermitcraft like realm but had too much holding back like funding. Well now i have opened a realm and im after 8 more youtubers and/or streamers to join the world. im after a dedicated and passionate group of people i can play with and have a good time and tell a story with. if you think this is you then go ahead and drop your name down below and we will join a game to see how it goes. the realm is based in Australia so be mindful of that. Thank you
My IGN is TundraThunderGL
Hi I’m interested! My ign is JustyOMG
My ign is Bruhhhhh
My friend would also like to join, their ign is callmepapa
Hello my ign is Taeismybias
My bedorck username is CaptainCowYT
Java is ItsCowPlayz