The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Kentucky, USA
Member Details
Assuming I can gather up enough players in these coming days; Simply Survival will start on May 1st at a tbd time.
Simply survival will be a 100% vanilla survival realm with hope of never having to turn on cheats so you all can continue to earn endgame achievements and such throughout your experience. No plug-ins or any modifications will be added to the realm as of now. Simply Survival has a goal to become a mature community oriented realm.
The rules are pretty simple;
-No killing, unless both parties consent
-No griefing
-No utilizing any glitches in the game for your benefit, most importantly duplication
-No use of any 3rd party applications under any circumstances
Any unlisted rules or realm details will be listed in the discord and be down to a vote by the community. I would like to reach at minimum 25 potential members before the start of our realm, which with hope will take place sometime on the 1st of May.
If any of this sounds interesting you are free to leave a reply down below including:
but you’re more likely to gain a fast response by just messaging or adding me @AmericaJake#0769 on discord.
Assuming I can gather up enough players in these coming days; Simply Survival will start on May 1st at a tbd time.
Simply survival will be a 100% vanilla survival realm with hope of never having to turn on cheats so you all can continue to earn endgame achievements and such throughout your experience. No plug-ins or any modifications will be added to the realm as of now. Simply Survival has a goal to become a mature community oriented realm.
The rules are pretty simple;
-No killing, unless both parties consent
-No griefing
-No utilizing any glitches in the game for your benefit, most importantly duplication
-No use of any 3rd party applications under any circumstances
Any unlisted rules or realm details will be listed in the discord and be down to a vote by the community. I would like to reach at minimum 25 potential members before the start of our realm, which with hope will take place sometime on the 1st of May.
If any of this sounds interesting you are free to leave a reply down below including:
but you’re more likely to gain a fast response by just messaging or adding me @AmericaJake#0769 on discord.
Hope to see you soon on the realm, Thanks.
GT meegan3012
Discord meegan3012#8522
Age 14
-GT froggychair_apk
-Discord froggychair.apk#9532
-Age 18
Gt- QueenMize
Discord- Ramize18
Age- 19
GT - bulldozerman185
Discord - bulldozerman185 #4958 (Discord currently inaccessible on mobile, but accessible from PC)
Age - 24
~"If at first you don't succeed, nuke it with a TNT cannon"
GT: Rahdok
Discord - Rahdok#0329
age - 26 just looking to chill on a server for awhile.
GT- Elowido8941
Discord- elowido #5366
Age- 19
GT : madankfurry
DC : Jun#6998
Age : 21
hi I'm interested
Age 19
Gt - MeQueenD
Discord - D_laX #2037
Age - 14
GT - WhalishTurtle
Discord - WhalishTurtle#3586
Age - 14
xbox live Franzstigler12
discord Marshall#2585
age 16
GT: Encrypt08
Discord: Encrypt08#3718
Age: 18