This is a close Knit PvE server focused on being a friendly environment. We are welcoming new players to our server (server has only been out for about 4 days now) This server is structured around trust, therefore we will unfortunately not be accepting anyone below the age of 17.
On this server we do not tolerate
Cheats/ exploits
among other general rules
To Join message me on Discord #CjInstinct#1080 OR drop a comment below.
Gametag is Bulldozerman185. And yes, I'm over the age of 17.
I wouldn't mind joining a good Realm with other experienced players like myself. Especially if PVP is discouraged. ( believe me; That stuff tears apart realms faster than the Ender Dragon spawned in the Overworld... )
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~"If at first you don't succeed, nuke it with a TNT cannon"
This is a close Knit PvE server focused on being a friendly environment. We are welcoming new players to our server (server has only been out for about 4 days now) This server is structured around trust, therefore we will unfortunately not be accepting anyone below the age of 17.
On this server we do not tolerate
Cheats/ exploits
among other general rules
To Join message me on Discord #CjInstinct#1080 OR drop a comment below.
Happy Mining
I'm unable to find you on discord, do you have a 4 digit code
GT: MichellScarlet
also i couldn’t find u on discord but mine is Miyoyi#2023
GT: Sensei Kappa
Discord: Takoui#4008
Age: 21
I'm currently searching for a decent realm to play hope i can join yours.
Added you on discord. Sorry forgot to add the #'s
added you me and my friend like to join ur realm
we are looking for a good mature realm to play on
our ign: Moonpie202020, onestringpuppet
Gametag is Bulldozerman185. And yes, I'm over the age of 17.
I wouldn't mind joining a good Realm with other experienced players like myself. Especially if PVP is discouraged. ( believe me; That stuff tears apart realms faster than the Ender Dragon spawned in the Overworld... )
~"If at first you don't succeed, nuke it with a TNT cannon"
Added/ updated
JosefGraberg343 , Iam 17 years old.
Added/ Updated
I'd like to join too please I'm 36
GT: AshleyQueenx