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No pvp,keep invent, good map, and invite only for protection and stuff!
If you want! Just message me and ill give u the link!Thanks!
Or type in ur username on XBOX! ill add you!
can i get a invite to the realm my GT is an4 ace
Hi. My gamertag is Reisdrx
My gt is SpoonierCashew
I would like to join
My gt is: undeadgamer122
(that is if this on bedrock)
Hi, my gt is Youneedtoprep12
No pvp,keep invent, good map, and invite only for protection and stuff!
If you want! Just message me and ill give u the link!Thanks!
Or type in ur username on XBOX! ill add you!
can i get a invite to the realm my GT is an4 ace
Hi. My gamertag is Reisdrx
My gt is SpoonierCashew
I would like to join
My gt is: undeadgamer122
(that is if this on bedrock)
Hi, my gt is Youneedtoprep12