hi my Minecraft name is UrNightMare7992 my selling company yesterday was destroyed when I was sleeping , I think it was agent41175 or something like that, I think is him cause yesterday he was toxic (a lot).
why I'm have build a selling company, u say?
well is cause I want to help the new people in the server.
Uhm i have an interest in joining my gamertag is Mystro2410
It says I don't have permission to join. The owner must send me a request to join. Can yoh please send me request? IGN: KyREA2315
name is narutoboozamaki
Stwgamer9045 I’m going to to join rn so I’ll have fun with the ppls reactions lol
TheOctopus824,would love to join and meet new ppl,if u need an age I'm 22
My gt is B1g_Falcon or beybladeboomer 2 plz invite me!
MY NAME IS UrNightMare7992
My name is chaoticgods12345 or killerunknown45
how did you join?
Please invite me my ign is yeeter9958
Pls add me in
hi my Minecraft name is UrNightMare7992 my selling company yesterday was destroyed when I was sleeping , I think it was agent41175 or something like that, I think is him cause yesterday he was toxic (a lot).
why I'm have build a selling company, u say?
well is cause I want to help the new people in the server.
so, pls help me
oh can I build a selling company inside the safe zone?
my name is UrNightMare7992 pls invite me
my gt is:branchysphere84
I'm interested! my gamer tag is Blackoutwarmake. well, I'm joining later cause I'm busy and is too nervous if I were to join.
My name 4 Minecraft is the same user name 4 this website but if that’s confusing my username is BadAngelLover
My gamertag is SurerTunic14531
Gt : BattingEwe014
my friend GT : CreeparCat
Can i join on xbox and my gamertag is youguddud
(Srry if i spelled anything wrong)