Hello, I'm also female and old enough to be your mom but super young on the inside. lol I have three girls. One is only 3 yrs older than you. I tried playing with her, but she only has a PlayStation and I will only play using certain resource packs and shaders that are only available on java for free and want to be able to use the aesthetic decor mods I make. I'f you're interested you'd need forge and optifine for 1.20.1 then you'd need to download the essential mod, you can download it and set it up yourself from curse forge or their website or they have a downloader on their site that sets it all up for you. Here's the site. Home | Essential Mod
if you end up downloading it just search for me on the search engine that comes with the mod. You'll find it on the page that pops up when you start the game up. my mc tag is realgamerma. Ill keep an eye out for your request just in case. I've attached one of my wallpaper mods.
really need friends i am 13 and female
Me and my freind can play with you
ok bedrock or java
ok add avaXpierce
i just sent it
my user is igotnothing1333
Hello, I'm also female and old enough to be your mom but super young on the inside. lol I have three girls. One is only 3 yrs older than you. I tried playing with her, but she only has a PlayStation and I will only play using certain resource packs and shaders that are only available on java for free and want to be able to use the aesthetic decor mods I make. I'f you're interested you'd need forge and optifine for 1.20.1 then you'd need to download the essential mod, you can download it and set it up yourself from curse forge or their website or they have a downloader on their site that sets it all up for you. Here's the site. Home | Essential Mod
if you end up downloading it just search for me on the search engine that comes with the mod. You'll find it on the page that pops up when you start the game up. my mc tag is realgamerma. Ill keep an eye out for your request just in case.
I've attached one of my wallpaper mods.