Hi all we have a server starting sometime in May which already has a couple small content creators either streamers or youtubers or both. Its vanilla except for a few quality of life mods like proximity voice chat. We have mostly adult members but a few of the members are still in highschool however everyone is mature. We arent looking for any pvpers, we want people from all over the world wiht different timezones and different vibes so we can have activity on the server 24/7. There will ofcourse be some random lore that happens as with every smp but nothing is really planned. More details can be given on discord to anyone that's interested just add me @deeplybored on discord.
Hi all we have a server starting sometime in May which already has a couple small content creators either streamers or youtubers or both. Its vanilla except for a few quality of life mods like proximity voice chat. We have mostly adult members but a few of the members are still in highschool however everyone is mature. We arent looking for any pvpers, we want people from all over the world wiht different timezones and different vibes so we can have activity on the server 24/7. There will ofcourse be some random lore that happens as with every smp but nothing is really planned. More details can be given on discord to anyone that's interested just add me @deeplybored on discord.