Basically, I have always liked the idea of Towny servers as they are a good way to form community. If anyone has a good realm or server that I can join that'd be great!
I don't use any abusive items or game mechanics (eg. Glitches)
I am a pretty good builder
And I (Think so anyway), am a nice person.
I will follow any rules that you may have and I will play along with any events that you guys host. (E.g. Like how HermitCraft has the Area 77 vs Hippies)
If you have something I could join, please DM me on Discord at "phrotonz#7619"
G'day, Phro here!
Basically, I have always liked the idea of Towny servers as they are a good way to form community. If anyone has a good realm or server that I can join that'd be great!
I don't use any abusive items or game mechanics (eg. Glitches)
I am a pretty good builder
And I (Think so anyway), am a nice person.
I will follow any rules that you may have and I will play along with any events that you guys host. (E.g. Like how HermitCraft has the Area 77 vs Hippies)
If you have something I could join, please DM me on Discord at "phrotonz#7619"