Server has been shifted over to Minecraft REALMS platform, this means i paid $40.95 per 180 days, if servers like these gain traction ill just startup multiple minecraft REALMs servers
If you'd like to be added, please create a microsoft account, and Reply with your Gamer Tag and stating you Agree to the rules as listed below so i know to add you to my microsoft account (IE Friend you, and add you in as allowed to join the minecraft realms server)
Quick Recap, Just no world griefing and hardcore player griefing tolerated, obviously war and theft is inevitable, i suggest using HIDDEN CHESTS, and ENDER CHESTS to hide your gear
Chit Chat:
Alrighty folks was throwing around ideas with KiwiGal, and the idea came to mind, despite my ever so strong dislike for donations, and knowing how people are dishonest with their donations/where they go, i figured this.
I'd like to grab some input on what your thoughts are regarding yay or nay on using donations (or enabling donations) for the sole purpose of minecraft realms (server hosting), seperate hosting (IE where i build out servers to host not using realms), And multi-platform hosting (IE ps4, ps3, xbox one, xbox 360, wii u) builds. Obviously ill build out a tracker to see donations coming in from the minecraft donation link, but at the same time, this will allow users to see the funding accumulated. Top it off, when it gets to large donations so to say, ill obviously open a poll that will determine where the funding will go In order of priority (#1 Realms, #2 dedicated network line, #3 server/pc components for pc platform,#4 console platform), of course it will be voted when it comes to console platforms, assuming pc/server components neccessary ill throw up again a vote on where it goes.
Anyway all this explaining just helps make it more transparent on where donations would go, and how it would be used.
Attached are the photos regarding discussion. Note i've been hosting/make shift hosting servers since minecraft PC edition, and ps3 edition. You'll find my posts floating around all over, on various parts of the if you do a search for "Supernet2 24/7" sorta ordeal, as servers go down, or hardware has died you'll see how i bring it down and keep the community notified to the best of my abilities. Anyway, know everything up until this point has been free, with 0 donations, and i was just figuring i'd start asking and going from their.
Best of luck and the yay/nay thing will then start off the side project of fee assessments to make more transparent on this project, remember though this is a community based effort, i assume everything will be kept alive by the community.
The Idea: The idea behind this server is solely to have a one of a kind fully functional Minecraft PE Vanilla server w/basic commands made available to host* 24/7
The Rules: Currently the rules are enforced On (19132 Build only) as this server is now considered stable. Have fun!
Follow color coding BLUEmeans not enfored, ORANGEmeans enforced;
---The Rules---
You must beable to speak or understand english {How will i know you acknowledged rules?}
You must be respectful of others. War is fun, but still treat them with respect even if you are stabbing them in the face
No spawn camping (Ex: Constant PVPing someone, PVPing IS ALLOWED, but not in excessive force against one person (ex: Trolling them so they cant do anything)
No Constant Trolling (Ex: Preventing them from doing anything with constant stalkerish attacking/mine thwarting)
Their is no safe zone, careful with who you trust.
---Allowed in moderation---
PvP (No spawn camping their continued spawn point, give em a few seconds to at least recover)
Raiding (Raiding is allowed at all given times, just beware if you get caught someone might go to war with yah!)
Destruction of base(s) (Try not to destroy bases i understand a creeper can go boom and blow up the base, if thats the case oh well, but try to keep base destruction to a minimum)
---Enforcement of Rules---
Simply put failure to follow rules can possibly result in a kick, or a ban. A ban being defriended and kicked with permissions revoked. A kick being permissions revoked and re-enabled(If server hosted is running under Permission Rules) if you re agree to follow the rules. Failure to follow rules repetitively can result in a permanent removal, meaning no mod will clear you and you will be permanently kicked on sight upon entry into server, ontop of having permissions revoked.
The Problems: The issues, besides my procrastination its statistics, and making time to build out a proper test box to keep a 24/7 live server. Its also having connectivity and reliability, and building a wrapper (im being lazy, any takers?) for the android sdk version ran on pc, (basically emulated android OS, running minecraft PE< but building a wrapper that is a overlay with complete administrative commands for ingame management, mods, permissions etc... things of that nature)
What you can do:Try to push the server to its limit, i want statistics, results, and what can and will break the server, so i can set hard limits and undercut it by 10-15% to keep server stability. If you wanna run hacks/mods your welcome to, but the server may crash you out, or crash altogether, right now it auto crashes users out, i know about blocklauncher pro currently that works but only if your on the same VPN, or LAN as the server, else it will disconnect you and not allow you to run around in hacked/god mode. Obviously ill leave this go for now, as the intent is to gather details, specifics so i can make a solid PE server platform
Extra Commentary: Personally i will keep my servers live for as long as possible. Anyway that aside you'll see me often on the live server thats got mobs spawning, although i go by supernet2mobile to identify im playing mobile, my UUID stays current or the same though. On the flip side though you'll see that i label my bases (based on its importance or build) the Base #, normally i always run around with spare crafting supplies to make last resort makeshift bases... i tend to get lost alot and the ingame map is pretty much useless. Completely useless.
The Current Function of the Server: Test System to stress test system and reverse code to make a functional "vanilla" minecraft PE server with full scale ingame capabilities based off of the ANDROID version of minecraft PE, enabling cross play, and availability to the android & iOS gamers on the go (True portability through running the ip mod to connect through block launcher pro)
This has been updated to reflect what the minecraft PE server(s) i host will be run under. Keep in mind the server WILL BE running under Normal/Hard mode with USER ID's Enabled{Until i figure out how to disable it in apk}.
I Kindly ask you either A. Post here your user ID if your gonna be a frequent player for others to keep track of, as i will most likely not pay attention otherwise to posts about server instabilities*
B. Post here if you have some severe issues with the server and find it absolutely neccessary to mention it here.
Updates will be done in a chronological order, from top to bottom, this is the first update so IT WILL be listed at the top, future updates will be listed at top and old updates will be listed at bottom in CHRONOLOGICAL order(Top To Bottom).
Update 05/21/2016
8 more days, can you count it? 8 more days until a stable network is installed!
Just side notes, All servers are usually checked on 1-2x a day, i do interval checks on all my servers and sub server systems for the games i host (or sites i host on), this time being around 1-2am EST time zone, chances are if you cant reach me, the servers will be power cycled/purged/maintained at the time specified (1-2am EST) for about 15min while i just take apart all the data, and analyze it to further understand whats going on. Flip Side, maybe a new server going live soon, and ill be expanding my mini server(s) builds or running a VPN to enable 100+ users on mob enabled server(s). (Its becoming a reality, not sure how soon though, given i need to rebuild a network mod for the android build, and then make sure it properly works with bluestacks)
If you cannot connect to server even though you were able to access dummy server (HFS) server, then let me know, chances are theirs a glitch or a crash out with the win10 app (or the world may need purged again..)
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported (Set To Hardcore)
Update 05/11/2016
Servers back up! But this is now considered the "Mystery server" until the 29th when my new network line comes in, i have multiple IP(s) the server keeps rotating to every few hours, their listed below if one doesn't work try the other one (i suggest keeping both added for now) Sorry about the hassle
Added a checkable dummy server on HFS solely to validate if server is even up/running
If you can connect to either of the dummy servers linked uptop, this means that IP is active and the PE server is ON that IP and the port associated (Meaning the 19132 port on the ip it works on) IE: via web browser, PINGing server, Or verifying if port is open (and its successful) then Minecraft PE server is on IP
If you cannot connect to server even though you were able to access dummy server (HFS) server, then let me know, chances are theirs a glitch or a crash out with the win10 app (or the world may need purged again..)
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported (Set To Hardcore)
Update 05/06/2016
Server will be wonky on connection, this is out of my hands. Im waiting till 5/29/2016 for Verizons rescheduled installation, protesting seems to have affected me and this server and various other network plans i had. I cant really do much here but just sit and wait, or shell out 500+/mo for better package with comcast. Not to willing to shell that much out for a 10th of the cost with Verizon.
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported (Set To Hardcore)
Update 05/05/2016
Server is down again due to incredibly high jitter, this is something i cannot decrease on my end, this is a affect on comcast, expect little to no connectivity for the next day or two, currently whats affecting the network is pretty much the weather in my area, which is messing up the network line coming in. Can't do much remotely, and direct interaction just tends to do nothing more than allow temperary few minutes of connectivity where it drops constantly. Swapping out network cables and reworking the line does nothing. On the flip side may 8th verizon fios Installation will remedy a large majority of my network issues, and the connectivity issues for you, the users. Apologies in advance, but their isn't much i can do, on the upside i reopened the ps4 server, as i think im gonna buy another one tomorrow, really depends if i can validate having more than 2 ps4s, and dedicating one to a minecraft server host like build*
Short version, server is wonky, will most likely be inaccessable till may 8th(05/08/2016), if you can connect its because of magc
Server IP will be changing on 05/05/2016
I will randomly appear on server, i do do server checks, sometimes im passive sometimes im aggressive, just depends on how aggro'd i am at the moment. Lol or if were at peace, figure'd i'd mention this as i've fought a few wars with people. lol
Update 4/19/2016
Server IP is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported (Set To Hardcore)
Server Had a Landslide issue, server reset to empty world, Debugging old data isn't possible to much NBT corruption, and world entities hit a 4000+ limit resulting in heavy lag, reset world completely to remove buggy issues.
Hard limit placed, 3-4weeks, world refresh limits maybe longer based on if entities reaches a 4000+ crash thresh-hold again(meaning i maybe lax on the 3-4week timeframe for more debugging data purposes)
Update 4/8/2016
Server Backups happen every 24hrs, if something horribly wrong happens server is restored to a stable server build
Server IP is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported (Set To Hardcore)
Server @Port 19133 is PocketMine Server running a 20 player limit, no mob spawning is available yet
Server @Port 19134 is test/development server running modified APK w/blue stacks Mob spawning supported
Server @Port 19155 is PE Vanilla running on Phone (its up randomly when im building on my own*)
Looking into Himachi to allow XBL cross play on the server although.. its alota hassle on user end to do the editing to enable access through himachi, and requires knowledge regarding how to edit your network and ips so... yeah on the back burner but its being looked into
Lag related to Mob Spawning, kill every mob you find or limit your farm sizes to 25-50 animal/hostile NPCs
Update 4/4/2016
Server(s) Kept at Normal Gameplay mode
Server listed IP is Is PE Vanilla running on Phone (4 Player LImit +1 being host =5)
This server is my Temp server as i work on creating multi mini servers for more user access
This server lag is related to MOB spawning, if your gonna create a animal/monster spawner farm, please keep it limited to 25-50 entities as the hard limit before my server becomes unstable is 500 entities at any given time
Update 3/30/2016
Server(s) Kept at Normal Gameplay mode
Server listed IP is Is PE Vanilla running on win10 (4 Player LImit +1 being host =5)
This server is my baby server im working on it specifically to learn more about how minecraft PE operates ingeneral, expect to see me often here
This server lag is related to MOB spawning, if your gonna create a animal/monster spawner farm, please keep it limited to 25-50 entities as the hard limit before my server becomes unstable is 500 entities at any given time
Server game mode is switched to Easy at least 1hour a day to force clear out hostile mobs{This is the main cause of server lag}
Try switching your view limit to lesser to help reduce mob spawning, this isn't a requirement but will help keep server stable
This server has complete rule enforcement, mic server IP will be on a separate port, might utilize ventrillo server as i have a license available for it. Not sure yet
Server listed IP is is PE Vanilla running on PocketMine (20 Player limit)
This is my toy server, its just their to be wrecked basically, once i stop being lazy and start properly coding my own mods, this server will be the trial server for complete accessability regarding mob spawning through pocketmine
Pretty much this server is lawless currently 0 rules enforced
Server listed IP is is PE Vanilla running on Bluestacks with player mod limit running 100 players (To enable world with mods and 100player limit) This is the Beta server im working mods on for players, only way to get to it is to properly proxify and tunnel to the server, expect shotty connectivity till i setup the right connection
This is my baby server running block launcher pro, or various other applications with scripts enabled to allow mods to be run within the apk (or the apk being directly modded)
Either or, this server is barely functional, i dont feel like making a dummy vpn application to make this server operate, i may just spend $1-2/mo for the monthly vpn fee for a vpn application that already does this, its all about how much i want to spend and what i want to do with the server though, trying to keep everything operating under a free basis
Update 3/23/2016
Server kept in Normal Survival mode
Server slots set to 1/5 (1 occupied for host 4 for others)
Server set to infinite world mode, the world is limitless
Server listed IP is Is PE Vanilla running on win10 (4 Player LImit +1 being host =5)
Server listed IP is is PE Vanilla running on PocketMine (20 Player limit)
Server listed IP is is PE Vanilla running on Bluestacks with player mod limit running 100 players (To enable world with mods and 100player limit) This is the Beta server im working mods on for players, only way to get to it is to properly proxify and tunnel to the server, expect shotty connectivity till i setup the right connection
Server @port 19134 is test/development server running modified APK w/blue stacks Mob spawning supported
Server @port 19133 is PocketMine Server running a 20 player limit, no mob spawning is available yet
Server @Port 19132 is Win10 Build server Mob spawning supported
Not sure on if the same issue as the android build of minecraft PE is present in minecraft Win10 (If host dies server stutters or accessibility drops completely) Edit: 3/24/2016 Regarding this, if host profile dies server will lag horribly and lead to unstable connectivity, tested this over a 3day timeframe
Server Specs:
(This is running win10 os, blue stacks, and 2 emulated servers)
Frigate T6-9650
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-3940XM Mobile Processor 3.00 GHz 8M Smart Cache, Max Turbo Freq. 3.90 GHz
HDD: 750GB 7200RPM SATA300 Hard Drive
MEMORY: 32GB (8GBx4) DDR3-1333 SODIMM Memory (Corsair)
MOTHERBOARD: Mobile Intel HM77 Express Chipset Mainboard
OS: Microsoft® Windows 10 (64-bit Edition)
(This is a temprary make shift server more of a debugging system)
ASUS T100 (1.83ghz quad core) 1.6gb ram (400mb reserved for os) --> Test Server
Server slots set to 1/5 (1 occupied for host 4 for others)
Server set to infinite world mode, the world is limitless
Server listed IP is Is PE Vanilla running on win10
players (To enable world with mods and 100player limit) This is the Beta server im working mods on for player li
Server is now running on a Win10 Beta build of minecraft PE, as i do scraping to understand how the program works, and slowly tinker with reverse engineering the C++, so that i can build a softmod to increase # of players for the server, their is a way, im just taking my time on it (i've already created a solution for the PE edition build, just simply hack the .apk file and modify some source files for server settings), or run block launcher pro with the multiplayer mod. Either or works but the .apk is a more stable multiplayer # edit
Server set to infinite world mode, the world is limitless, the skys limited to 256blocks until i remove limitations set by original apk
Server listed IP is
Server is now temporarily running on my HTC ONE M8 series, with availability around 25%, meaning that its uptimes are(primarily when im asleep), My user is running around in Auto mode, and will probably not respond (i have macros, and scripts setup to keep server alive on my phone while im asleep), expect it to be a bit dodgy with connection as i work with my network provider (comcast) to provide a more stable connection
Uptimes are in -5 GMT/EST time zone, server will start going online at 1am EST- 6am EST Times may vary based on who calls me lol
Only allocated 15mbps cap to this device, so it may get laggy if bogged down with full user load, not sure yet never stress tested on my phone beyond 15 people at any given time*
Server Specs:
HTC ONE M7 (1.7ghz quad core) 1.6gb ram (400mb reserved for os) --> Test Server
PC Running blue Stacks (4.2ghz quad core) 64gb RAM (2.8gb reserved for os) --> Test Server 2
Server set to infinite world mode, the world is limitless, the skys limited to 256blocks until i remove limitations set by original apk
Someone brought up a good question, if i dont respond here your welcome to try to reach out to me via kik, my KIK username is as FOLLOWS --> supernet2
Server listed IP is
Server crashes related to running various mod tests (injections into .apk on android platform), if server crashes just hammer it with relogin attempts it will eventually accept connection after 1-5min of being brought back up on the network.
This server is now switching to partial functionality, as i procrastinate on setting up android sdk, and running emulated minecraft PE server for 24/7 availability. Currently server will be run temperarily with uptimes of 25% availability daily, this means usually around 11pm EST time - 5/6am EST time, off of my own phone (HTC M8) which will be run in server mode, (vanilla) with full working server settings (minor mods tweaking user slots, ram, and cpu allocated to the game itself)
This server is temporarily "Live" and will stay "Live" for Unlisted time from this post, and then it will go down again at a unlisted time, testing and seeing how i can softmod the win10 install package, and mod the # of players in the install directory itself, once i figure this out i can properly host a infinite # of users on the server on win10 for PE users, looking into it... so have fun!
Oh solid advice i haven't determined if the server times out if the main host profile dies so i strongly suggest you dont kill it just box the "supernet2" profile into a wall or build crazy barriers around that host profile. server doesn't time out from no ingame activity thats for sure
This server will be left up for a few months, gonna try seeing if i can hardmod it though, this is a vanilla build that does have mobs spawning although player limit is limited to 5players
What are your long-term plans for thos server platform?
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Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Hrm well like the vita and ps3 & ps4 plans i have, they'll stay up indefinitely. Well till i die at least. Lmao. But jokes aside, The win10 build is a "private not so private" server. The win10 is running on a win10 blue stacks is on a emulated system, and is up 24/7 this is a modded APK file running through blocklauncher pro using player limit script mods, haven't setup the vpn correctly i can personally tunnel into it but until i make it more user friendly it will only be available to those who are technically savoy and understand how vpn works (In short as the description says its shoddy)
Regarding the win10 build, its up 24/7 (although this is a vanilla server running with 0 mods nothing, so player limit is 4, 5 if you include the host profile which i just buried randomly about 15k blocks away from starting spawn) This server really is just a private server i play around on remotely and allow friends into people i know personally but given its up and made public i assume people on server are aware, guard your stuff, their will most likely be thieves etc, i suggest making hidden storage zones in the nether but then again thats where i hoard 90% of my stuff, given you know, its buried under lava chances are nobodies gonna find/touch it.
Regarding the PocketMine server, this is just a vanilla server that i left up and running as a test box, really its just so i can tinker working on reversed code relating to A.I. in android minecraft PE build (Pretty much trying to strip out the source and import it into a plugin supportive format, given PE is now recoded, its a bit more of a hassle to do) but the idea is to make a one of a kind vanilla server running identical with the PE phone builds (but increasing player limits) Long term looking towards plugin support but given im a lazy coder as is, it will be taking some significant time till i get around to that, on the flip side already figured out the source in the android .apk just more so to lazy to rework it into a mod for the pocketmine platform.
Interesting, so you're currently running multiple server platform .machines on a private ip specifically to test their limitations and manipulate the OS of each to allow for cross compatibilty or hosting, but lack dedicated motivation on several points so you aren't rushing any one part of this rather large project?
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Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Well I'm not rushing it more so because I need to allocate my time to other things (personal life, other gaming plaatforms, work, being a parent, social life, etc...) Really the mine craft platform I see as a easy hosting medium and a way I can play with hosting more delicately. More so the mine craft server hosting is just a hobby of mine, I truly believe we can have 24/7 always accessable gaming servers/platforms and with the right community we can have a solid user basis. More so I play mine craft out of interest in building and survival gameplay though brought together on multiple platforms.
All in all I could use some skyping or getting a dedicated team to work with to design a fully operational aspecct of the server but mind you then I don't have sole control of the project or understanding.
In all honesty though Your summary is correct. It also boils down to financial support and funding. I back all my servers and subsystems/hardware, I personally maintain and fund all my own equipment and pet projects allowing me to do whatever I want whenever I want with the hosting. I have a few Xeon servers but those are more so used for other pet projects like cloud computing and focusing on distributed processing theories etc...
Well, I really am interested in what you have going. If you ever want a serious team of alpha testers for pc mc or mcpe let me know mate.
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Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Yeah actually i would be interested in that, right now the server i have is live, and thanks to a IGN player named NamiG (Who is often 24/7 on the server from what i can see) its pretty much telling me what system lag is, well when it happens (its related to how the game is set to run side by side with win10, PE, and also XBL players) not sure how to patch it beyond hard hacking the code and pretty much applying my own mod but i believe that would immediately cause legal action (or potential legal action) with microsoft so thats a dead end their. :/ on the flip side i noticed 4 people on server same time seems to yield lag at some points (best way to reduce lag) is to literally just reduce your distance rendering, no idea why (i figure its the way the game calculates chunks and sends out this data constantly to the clients or players client side*).
Anyway heres a screenshot of some of the local(s) the other fellas name was lost probably because (the server was experiencing hardcore lag at the time* and i had to power cycle the server and machine itself to test out if that would resolve the lag issues which it didn't when the lag issues were present*)
Sounds like you already have a few dedicated testers
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Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Yeah i found a way to login to the bluestacks server, just the annoyance is, i need to keep a vpn activated on my bluestacks server, haven't figured out another way yet, and i really dont wanna pay for a dedicated VPN service to ensure the server is accessible, kinda funny though. I figured it would be easier to get a ip, im use to running centOS and multiple virtual os's same time on a server, but the annoyance is i haven't come across this issue before until trying to running a android modded, i mean technically i could run the server on a tablet or high end phone running blocklauncher Pro but then its just a device i need to leave live (and given that this means its a wirelessly connected system or device) the server stability i couldn't guarantee regarding connectivity (IE to many signals etc... could affect operation of device let alone phone device crapping out etc..)
I can see the difficulties in running a mcpe server without paging for a remote host
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Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Yeah sorta, i could i just dont wanna spend extra money for a pet/toy project really. Lol, personally though, figured out the issues with ingame lag and i now understand why they put in a multiplayer limit for the PE edition now. With the cross compatibility and the way the game interprets information and how it feeds out to multiple platforms, it has a issue with entities spawning. After a certain # of monsters/animals spawn, the game starts spawning in glitched out mobs that lead to the servers eventual crash/lag nightmare where the fps drops to like 1-5fps
Anyway your welcome to hopin whenever, server is going to stay up 24/7 live, the main one i will leave un modified as a vanilla server, obviously i will figure out a way to do minor injection into the code to eject hardcore griefers or cheaters though.
Trying to keep the server on the win10 build vanilla unmodified, not cheated on, and a active system for friends, family etc...
Me personally? I always leave signs around my base or with notes on them to people if i dont see them ingame, alongside random items i pickup lol
Edit: Damn server went down, i dont have access remotely as something went wrong with the network remotely so meh, guess ill find out when i get home, ill migrate the server to a more capable server instead of the makeshift i have running it, dedicated vlan. :X might fix it just gotta do some ip switching on my end lol
Edit: Its as i feared, win10 is a garbage operating system afterall, its causing my wireless nic, and hardwired network line to become "unacceptable", ill test this out on a newer dummy server im working on, with a win10 build, hadn't expected my makeshift server to be this unstable on win10, thats new. But this is the first time i seen a outage like this on win10 seen noticeable signs on multiple win10 pcs i have while i trial run and demo win10, but i might move back to win7 and mysql server builds.
Edit: I think i may have a solution, ill probably run a VM version of win10, and go with the virtual version, might resolve my network issue
Edit: Attached pictures from local chatter(More so to show XBL is enabled for this server, not sure how to enable it to the XBL version on non win10 build, meaning xbox 360 beyond LAN looking into it, but probably will not figure it out, to lazy lol)
Sounds like alot of work and fun. But I honestly don't trust win10 enough to even consider downloading or using it. I might give it a shot i. 2-3 years.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Balance is the key. You need some time away and we understand that. But once that's done? We'll meet you on any server (yes, even factions) with a sword in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other.
Yeah win10 is craptastic, i just also discovered new issues with the win10 minecraft build (or both PE and minecraft build)
Seems to be a issue with the forums so ill post it here and try editing it later.
The issues;
- Server lags (3-5 players in server or "full house") {Related to entity spawning after 30min-4hours of continuous uptime w/just hostle mobs on easy/normal
- Items do not self clear (Do not delete after set time of 1-5min, this leads to a stack up of lag in time)
- Loading lag, even with minimum distance after a few hours the server landslides
- Win10 build specific issue is connectivity bug, slowly the network drops no known work around yet, (Testing another pc with wireless and LAN enabling a fallback line)
The current solutions;
- Server lag is manageable with fps tanking to 23-30fps (Solution is to reduce view distance, and refresh mob spawning every few hours)
- Items do not self clear (shutdown server for a few minutes, reload it, and any items found just take and trash in lava/hoard in chests)
- Loading lag (chunk loading, just reduce view distance to minimum)
Can it be....a guy who acually creates a REGULAR MINECRAFT SERVER? AND KILLS ZOMBIES? Bro you are MAN. Been looking for one for many fkin moons. I hope your able to finish programming it!
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"There comes a point in some peoples lives that they realize death smiles upon all. All a person can do is smile back."
Yeah i talked to you ign (ingame), so you have a idea. Lol
Anyway yeah definitely leave me details as much as possible to lag if you encounter it, just to re mention i threw more cpu power at the process giving it maximum system priority, increased bandwidth to it directly through the port for the switch i have the server attached to.
Update 06/18/2016
Alrighty folks was throwing around ideas with KiwiGal, and the idea came to mind, despite my ever so strong dislike for donations, and knowing how people are dishonest with their donations/where they go, i figured this.
I'd like to grab some input on what your thoughts are regarding yay or nay on using donations (or enabling donations) for the sole purpose of minecraft realms (server hosting), seperate hosting (IE where i build out servers to host not using realms), And multi-platform hosting (IE ps4, ps3, xbox one, xbox 360, wii u) builds. Obviously ill build out a tracker to see donations coming in from the minecraft donation link, but at the same time, this will allow users to see the funding accumulated. Top it off, when it gets to large donations so to say, ill obviously open a poll that will determine where the funding will go In order of priority (#1 Realms, #2 dedicated network line, #3 server/pc components for pc platform,#4 console platform), of course it will be voted when it comes to console platforms, assuming pc/server components neccessary ill throw up again a vote on where it goes.
Anyway all this explaining just helps make it more transparent on where donations would go, and how it would be used.
Attached are the photos regarding discussion. Note i've been hosting/make shift hosting servers since minecraft PC edition, and ps3 edition. You'll find my posts floating around all over, on various parts of the if you do a search for "Supernet2 24/7" sorta ordeal, as servers go down, or hardware has died you'll see how i bring it down and keep the community notified to the best of my abilities. Anyway, know everything up until this point has been free, with 0 donations, and i was just figuring i'd start asking and going from their.
Best of luck and the yay/nay thing will then start off the side project of fee assessments to make more transparent on this project, remember though this is a community based effort, i assume everything will be kept alive by the community.
The Idea: The idea behind this server is solely to have a one of a kind fully functional Minecraft PE Vanilla server w/basic commands made available to host* 24/7
The Rules: Currently the rules are enforced On (19132 Build only) as this server is now considered stable. Have fun!
Follow color coding BLUE means not enfored, ORANGE means enforced;
---The Rules---
---Allowed in moderation---
---Enforcement of Rules---
Simply put failure to follow rules can possibly result in a kick, or a ban. A ban being defriended and kicked with permissions revoked. A kick being permissions revoked and re-enabled(If server hosted is running under Permission Rules) if you re agree to follow the rules. Failure to follow rules repetitively can result in a permanent removal, meaning no mod will clear you and you will be permanently kicked on sight upon entry into server, ontop of having permissions revoked.
The Problems: The issues, besides my procrastination its statistics, and making time to build out a proper test box to keep a 24/7 live server. Its also having connectivity and reliability, and building a wrapper (im being lazy, any takers?) for the android sdk version ran on pc, (basically emulated android OS, running minecraft PE< but building a wrapper that is a overlay with complete administrative commands for ingame management, mods, permissions etc... things of that nature)
What you can do:Try to push the server to its limit, i want statistics, results, and what can and will break the server, so i can set hard limits and undercut it by 10-15% to keep server stability. If you wanna run hacks/mods your welcome to, but the server may crash you out, or crash altogether, right now it auto crashes users out, i know about blocklauncher pro currently that works but only if your on the same VPN, or LAN as the server, else it will disconnect you and not allow you to run around in hacked/god mode. Obviously ill leave this go for now, as the intent is to gather details, specifics so i can make a solid PE server platform
Extra Commentary: Personally i will keep my servers live for as long as possible. Anyway that aside you'll see me often on the live server thats got mobs spawning, although i go by supernet2mobile to identify im playing mobile, my UUID stays current or the same though. On the flip side though you'll see that i label my bases (based on its importance or build) the Base #, normally i always run around with spare crafting supplies to make last resort makeshift bases... i tend to get lost alot and the ingame map is pretty much useless. Completely useless.
The Current Function of the Server: Test System to stress test system and reverse code to make a functional "vanilla" minecraft PE server with full scale ingame capabilities based off of the ANDROID version of minecraft PE, enabling cross play, and availability to the android & iOS gamers on the go (True portability through running the ip mod to connect through block launcher pro)
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This has been updated to reflect what the minecraft PE server(s) i host will be run under. Keep in mind the server WILL BE running under Normal/Hard mode with USER ID's Enabled{Until i figure out how to disable it in apk}.
I Kindly ask you either A. Post here your user ID if your gonna be a frequent player for others to keep track of, as i will most likely not pay attention otherwise to posts about server instabilities*
B. Post here if you have some severe issues with the server and find it absolutely neccessary to mention it here.
Currently rules are NOT being enforced.
Update Notes:
Updates will be done in a chronological order, from top to bottom, this is the first update so IT WILL be listed at the top, future updates will be listed at top and old updates will be listed at bottom in CHRONOLOGICAL order(Top To Bottom).
Update 05/21/2016
If you cannot connect to server even though you were able to access dummy server (HFS) server, then let me know, chances are theirs a glitch or a crash out with the win10 app (or the world may need purged again..)
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Update 05/11/2016
If you cannot connect to server even though you were able to access dummy server (HFS) server, then let me know, chances are theirs a glitch or a crash out with the win10 app (or the world may need purged again..)
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Update 05/06/2016
Server IP(s) is all ports for server(s) listed below
Update 05/05/2016
Update 4/19/2016
Server IP is all ports for server(s) listed below
Update 4/8/2016
Update 4/4/2016
Update 3/30/2016
Update 3/23/2016
Server Specs:
(This is running win10 os, blue stacks, and 2 emulated servers)
Frigate T6-9650
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-3940XM Mobile Processor 3.00 GHz 8M Smart Cache, Max Turbo Freq. 3.90 GHz
HDD: 750GB 7200RPM SATA300 Hard Drive
MEMORY: 32GB (8GBx4) DDR3-1333 SODIMM Memory (Corsair)
MOTHERBOARD: Mobile Intel HM77 Express Chipset Mainboard
OS: Microsoft® Windows 10 (64-bit Edition)
(This is a temprary make shift server more of a debugging system)
ASUS T100 (1.83ghz quad core) 1.6gb ram (400mb reserved for os) --> Test Server
(This is running BlueStacks emulated)
Raspberry pi B
900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU
Update 3/13/2016
Update 1/26/2016
Server Specs:
HTC ONE M7 (1.7ghz quad core) 1.6gb ram (400mb reserved for os) --> Test Server
PC Running blue Stacks (4.2ghz quad core) 64gb RAM (2.8gb reserved for os) --> Test Server 2
Update 4/25/2015
Update 4/22/2015
Rules in BLUE will not be enforced Until a later date.
Rules in ORANGE will/are currently being enforced
--------------------------------------------------------End Updates----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EDIT: This post is a reserve slot for expansion of rules, or commentary, or chronological order of updates as posted.
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This is the last post ill make directly here unless otherwise editing or responding to user issues, This is the 3rd reserved post slot*
Your welcome to post here now user basis, thanks for waiting so i could get 3 reserve posts*
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This server is now switching to partial functionality, as i procrastinate on setting up android sdk, and running emulated minecraft PE server for 24/7 availability. Currently server will be run temperarily with uptimes of 25% availability daily, this means usually around 11pm EST time - 5/6am EST time, off of my own phone (HTC M8) which will be run in server mode, (vanilla) with full working server settings (minor mods tweaking user slots, ram, and cpu allocated to the game itself)
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This server is temporarily "Live" and will stay "Live" for Unlisted time from this post, and then it will go down again at a unlisted time, testing and seeing how i can softmod the win10 install package, and mod the # of players in the install directory itself, once i figure this out i can properly host a infinite # of users on the server on win10 for PE users, looking into it... so have fun!
Oh solid advice i haven't determined if the server times out if the main host profile dies so i strongly suggest you dont kill it just box the "supernet2" profile into a wall or build crazy barriers around that host profile. server doesn't time out from no ingame activity thats for sure
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This server will be left up for a few months, gonna try seeing if i can hardmod it though, this is a vanilla build that does have mobs spawning although player limit is limited to 5players
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What are your long-term plans for thos server platform?
Hrm well like the vita and ps3 & ps4 plans i have, they'll stay up indefinitely. Well till i die at least. Lmao. But jokes aside, The win10 build is a "private not so private" server. The win10 is running on a win10 blue stacks is on a emulated system, and is up 24/7 this is a modded APK file running through blocklauncher pro using player limit script mods, haven't setup the vpn correctly i can personally tunnel into it but until i make it more user friendly it will only be available to those who are technically savoy and understand how vpn works (In short as the description says its shoddy)
Regarding the win10 build, its up 24/7 (although this is a vanilla server running with 0 mods nothing, so player limit is 4, 5 if you include the host profile which i just buried randomly about 15k blocks away from starting spawn) This server really is just a private server i play around on remotely and allow friends into people i know personally but given its up and made public i assume people on server are aware, guard your stuff, their will most likely be thieves etc, i suggest making hidden storage zones in the nether but then again thats where i hoard 90% of my stuff, given you know, its buried under lava chances are nobodies gonna find/touch it.
Regarding the PocketMine server, this is just a vanilla server that i left up and running as a test box, really its just so i can tinker working on reversed code relating to A.I. in android minecraft PE build (Pretty much trying to strip out the source and import it into a plugin supportive format, given PE is now recoded, its a bit more of a hassle to do) but the idea is to make a one of a kind vanilla server running identical with the PE phone builds (but increasing player limits) Long term looking towards plugin support but given im a lazy coder as is, it will be taking some significant time till i get around to that, on the flip side already figured out the source in the android .apk just more so to lazy to rework it into a mod for the pocketmine platform.
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Interesting, so you're currently running multiple server platform .machines on a private ip specifically to test their limitations and manipulate the OS of each to allow for cross compatibilty or hosting, but lack dedicated motivation on several points so you aren't rushing any one part of this rather large project?
Well I'm not rushing it more so because I need to allocate my time to other things (personal life, other gaming plaatforms, work, being a parent, social life, etc...) Really the mine craft platform I see as a easy hosting medium and a way I can play with hosting more delicately. More so the mine craft server hosting is just a hobby of mine, I truly believe we can have 24/7 always accessable gaming servers/platforms and with the right community we can have a solid user basis. More so I play mine craft out of interest in building and survival gameplay though brought together on multiple platforms.
All in all I could use some skyping or getting a dedicated team to work with to design a fully operational aspecct of the server but mind you then I don't have sole control of the project or understanding.
In all honesty though Your summary is correct. It also boils down to financial support and funding. I back all my servers and subsystems/hardware, I personally maintain and fund all my own equipment and pet projects allowing me to do whatever I want whenever I want with the hosting. I have a few Xeon servers but those are more so used for other pet projects like cloud computing and focusing on distributed processing theories etc...
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Well, I really am interested in what you have going. If you ever want a serious team of alpha testers for pc mc or mcpe let me know mate.
Yeah actually i would be interested in that, right now the server i have is live, and thanks to a IGN player named NamiG (Who is often 24/7 on the server from what i can see) its pretty much telling me what system lag is, well when it happens (its related to how the game is set to run side by side with win10, PE, and also XBL players) not sure how to patch it beyond hard hacking the code and pretty much applying my own mod but i believe that would immediately cause legal action (or potential legal action) with microsoft so thats a dead end their. :/ on the flip side i noticed 4 people on server same time seems to yield lag at some points (best way to reduce lag) is to literally just reduce your distance rendering, no idea why (i figure its the way the game calculates chunks and sends out this data constantly to the clients or players client side*).
Anyway heres a screenshot of some of the local(s) the other fellas name was lost probably because (the server was experiencing hardcore lag at the time* and i had to power cycle the server and machine itself to test out if that would resolve the lag issues which it didn't when the lag issues were present*)
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Sounds like you already have a few dedicated testers
Yeah i found a way to login to the bluestacks server, just the annoyance is, i need to keep a vpn activated on my bluestacks server, haven't figured out another way yet, and i really dont wanna pay for a dedicated VPN service to ensure the server is accessible, kinda funny though. I figured it would be easier to get a ip, im use to running centOS and multiple virtual os's same time on a server, but the annoyance is i haven't come across this issue before until trying to running a android modded, i mean technically i could run the server on a tablet or high end phone running blocklauncher Pro but then its just a device i need to leave live (and given that this means its a wirelessly connected system or device) the server stability i couldn't guarantee regarding connectivity (IE to many signals etc... could affect operation of device let alone phone device crapping out etc..)
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I can see the difficulties in running a mcpe server without paging for a remote host
Yeah sorta, i could i just dont wanna spend extra money for a pet/toy project really. Lol, personally though, figured out the issues with ingame lag and i now understand why they put in a multiplayer limit for the PE edition now. With the cross compatibility and the way the game interprets information and how it feeds out to multiple platforms, it has a issue with entities spawning. After a certain # of monsters/animals spawn, the game starts spawning in glitched out mobs that lead to the servers eventual crash/lag nightmare where the fps drops to like 1-5fps
Anyway your welcome to hopin whenever, server is going to stay up 24/7 live, the main one i will leave un modified as a vanilla server, obviously i will figure out a way to do minor injection into the code to eject hardcore griefers or cheaters though.
Trying to keep the server on the win10 build vanilla unmodified, not cheated on, and a active system for friends, family etc...
Me personally? I always leave signs around my base or with notes on them to people if i dont see them ingame, alongside random items i pickup lol
Edit: Damn server went down, i dont have access remotely as something went wrong with the network remotely so meh, guess ill find out when i get home, ill migrate the server to a more capable server instead of the makeshift i have running it, dedicated vlan. :X might fix it just gotta do some ip switching on my end lol
Edit: Its as i feared, win10 is a garbage operating system afterall, its causing my wireless nic, and hardwired network line to become "unacceptable", ill test this out on a newer dummy server im working on, with a win10 build, hadn't expected my makeshift server to be this unstable on win10, thats new. But this is the first time i seen a outage like this on win10 seen noticeable signs on multiple win10 pcs i have while i trial run and demo win10, but i might move back to win7 and mysql server builds.
Edit: I think i may have a solution, ill probably run a VM version of win10, and go with the virtual version, might resolve my network issue
Edit: Attached pictures from local chatter(More so to show XBL is enabled for this server, not sure how to enable it to the XBL version on non win10 build, meaning xbox 360 beyond LAN looking into it, but probably will not figure it out, to lazy lol)
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Sounds like alot of work and fun. But I honestly don't trust win10 enough to even consider downloading or using it. I might give it a shot i. 2-3 years.
Yeah win10 is craptastic, i just also discovered new issues with the win10 minecraft build (or both PE and minecraft build)
Seems to be a issue with the forums so ill post it here and try editing it later.
The issues;
- Server lags (3-5 players in server or "full house") {Related to entity spawning after 30min-4hours of continuous uptime w/just hostle mobs on easy/normal
- Items do not self clear (Do not delete after set time of 1-5min, this leads to a stack up of lag in time)
- Loading lag, even with minimum distance after a few hours the server landslides
- Win10 build specific issue is connectivity bug, slowly the network drops no known work around yet, (Testing another pc with wireless and LAN enabling a fallback line)
The current solutions;
- Server lag is manageable with fps tanking to 23-30fps (Solution is to reduce view distance, and refresh mob spawning every few hours)
- Items do not self clear (shutdown server for a few minutes, reload it, and any items found just take and trash in lava/hoard in chests)
- Loading lag (chunk loading, just reduce view distance to minimum)
Its a work in progress thats for sure
Edit: Attached pictures from local chatter
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Can it be....a guy who acually creates a REGULAR MINECRAFT SERVER? AND KILLS ZOMBIES? Bro you are MAN. Been looking for one for many fkin moons. I hope your able to finish programming it!
Yeah i talked to you ign (ingame), so you have a idea. Lol
Anyway yeah definitely leave me details as much as possible to lag if you encounter it, just to re mention i threw more cpu power at the process giving it maximum system priority, increased bandwidth to it directly through the port for the switch i have the server attached to.
Edit: Attached pictures from local chatter
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