why: I would like to become staff because I feel as if I would be a big help. I know how to work worldedit, I know most of the commands,and I've owned two previous servers of my own. I've also never been chosen to be admin before, and I would freak out if you actually chose me. I would like a chance to prove myself. Thanks
William please help me for the fate of your server. Ok so I was playing and oiman accidently griefed but put it back. Then a second later his house was on fire and he died of burning, also I saw someone say "that would teach him" but I am not sure who said that. Then I tried to put the fire out. Another second later my house was on fire. Then I said I was never going to join again. After I clamed down I wasn't sure if they knew it was my house. I logged on and said you griefed my house, then I got banned. So here where the people who where on: TurtlePower, Payne, oiman and myself. So I hope this gets figured out.
thanks, Pix
Age: 12
IGM: HannaCatx
why: I would like to become staff because I feel as if I would be a big help. I know how to work worldedit, I know most of the commands,and I've owned two previous servers of my own. I've also never been chosen to be admin before, and I would freak out if you actually chose me. I would like a chance to prove myself. Thanks
Why:I like building stuff and i want to make friends also this will be a great chance to show minecraft what i got
thanks, Pix
Age: 11
Wanted rank: builder
Why: I am very good at building fancy detailed buildings.
Mcpe name (also Pc name) BlockieBlocks
I will soon send screenshots of my buildings.
I'm not to young
Is the sever down?