Welcome to MineplexPEThe server is OUT, and I updated the server to 0.10.0,Which means... I am Accepting Staff RIGHT NOWThe server will be run by an Computer!Blah, Blah, Blah, Boring Stuff!Plugins and Spawn is already made but a team that can build a Spawn would be Amazing!Staff (right now!):Owner: DeKilller762 Co-Owner:Head- Admin: Admins:OP: YouTubers:Builders:Also There is! VIP, VIP+, VIP++Note: need a YouTuber that has at least 100 subs.You can start a series and get support from me!
Note: The server is Alredy out!Thats why Im accepting staff RIGHT NOW!I will need your kik, skype, Have you ever got banned?,You age, Your skills, and your Minecraft username!For YouTuber I will need your channel name!The IP and Port will be...IP: Default , (19132) Be on the look out and have fun!!!!
Kik:MianiteKing, skype: MianiteKing,,I have never ben bannEd, I'm 13,my skills zare okay, my usernames is MianiteKing
Hi, I would like to be a staff on your server, I don't have kick but I can get it. If you accept me I will pm you my email because I don't feel like getting spam today. I am 13 I have never gotten banned, I don't have Skype, I can do anything but not really good builds, (like xbayani) I'm ok at building otherwise. Hope you accept me! My IGN is JugglerMan
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
when I uploaded the server, and I had a hacker logging in and getting op, so I'm getting a building team that could make me another spawn. I'm hoping the server will be out for all of you next week. I am trying to make the server hacker proof so all of you can get a better experience of playing! If you want to build me a spawn I want you to make a world, make the spawn and send the world to me! I'll do the rest.
when I uploaded the server, and I had a hacker logging in and getting op, so I'm getting a building team that could make me another spawn. I'm hoping the server will be out for all of you next week. I am trying to make the server hacker proof so all of you can get a better experience of playing! If you want to build me a spawn I want you to make a world, make the spawn and send the world to me! I'll do the rest.
I want but from what i send to you?
Are the server is up ? I unable to connect
How many hours do you play MCPE daily?
-On weekdays I play about 2-3 hours a day while on weekends and holidays I play 6-7 hours a day..
Why do you want to apply for admin?
-because I would like to share my experiences to every player in the server which can help them improve how they act and respect other players..I also like to be an admin to warn or kick the players who uses mods and hacking stuffs because it's one of the problem in this server,some players hack so that they would be the most successful player in the server..and this server will be more interesting if people cooperate with each other and if there's no war.. I seem to notice the reason why players kill each other is because they're out if materials..because of that I plan to give people some basics stuffs so they can start easier..I listen to players and make sure that everyone's happy Of the service that I provide, of course players who break the rules won't be happy hehe.I will help players if they need help and try to solve their problems..
Have you had any previous experiences being a server moderator?
-I was a co-owner of a server but it was been close last year I'm the owner of PiggyCraft. Also administrator at NOREGAMING.
Additional info (optional):
-I am friendly to people I live in America and still studying (I'm in 6th grade)..
Hoping for your kind consideration ! Thank you very much
My minecraft username is tylerwaterman
My Skype is tylerwaterman
I don't have kik
My skills are that I am fair trustworthy and on 24/7
I know all of the commands and I own my server plus im good at building
But don't know anything about plugins
And my age is 11 next month I am going to be 12
Kik:MianiteKing, skype: MianiteKing,,I have never ben bannEd, I'm 13,my skills zare okay, my usernames is MianiteKing
Check out my youtube channel!
MySkills:im good at building (and trolling xD) and I hate someone is hacking the server!!
Skype:my facebook account is im using (my facebook:[email protected])
Have you ever got banned:no I didn't get banned in any server.
Kik:I don't have kik srry (I don't know what is kik sorry):((
Please I just want to get your server better and I wanna have fun with you!!;)
My skills are:
- I'm kind to others, but strict if someone does something wrong.
- I'm a good builder
- I do have experience with servers but I have never been an admin or OP before. I've been very close to being one, though. I follow all rules.
I have never been banned.
I don't have any of those social media's, sorry. But if you need to talk to me you can just PM me here.
My username is AnonymousSh33p and I am 14.
Thank you, I hope you consider me as a staff member.
I want but from what i send to you?
Are the server is up ? I unable to connect
I scored 82% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
I would like to join your staff!
I have never made a server spawn in MCPE but I am a pro at minecraft PC
- I'm kind to others, but strict if someone does something wrong.
- I'm a good builder
- I do have experience with servers but I have never been an admin or OP before. I've been very close to being one, though. I follow all rules.
I am 14
is that all?
My kik is Daredevin as well as my mc pe username
im 14
i am very good at structure bases like the outside of mansions and houses but my interior design needs a little work
i have never been banned froM anything
I make new mod every week & i need a texturer for my mods if you want to be a texturer message me
You Like Chillin With Foxy?
I make new mod every week & i need a texturer for my mods if you want to be a texturer message me
-Preferably, Administrator
In-game nickname:emg7
How many hours do you play MCPE daily?
-On weekdays I play about 2-3 hours a day while on weekends and holidays I play 6-7 hours a day..
Why do you want to apply for admin?
-because I would like to share my experiences to every player in the server which can help them improve how they act and respect other players..I also like to be an admin to warn or kick the players who uses mods and hacking stuffs because it's one of the problem in this server,some players hack so that they would be the most successful player in the server..and this server will be more interesting if people cooperate with each other and if there's no war.. I seem to notice the reason why players kill each other is because they're out if materials..because of that I plan to give people some basics stuffs so they can start easier..I listen to players and make sure that everyone's happy Of the service that I provide, of course players who break the rules won't be happy hehe.I will help players if they need help and try to solve their problems..
Have you had any previous experiences being a server moderator?
-I was a co-owner of a server but it was been close last year I'm the owner of PiggyCraft. Also administrator at NOREGAMING.
Additional info (optional):
-I am friendly to people
Hoping for your kind consideration ! Thank you very much
Skype: katiequake24
I have never been banned
Age: 13
Skills: Building, PVP, Parkour
IGN / Minecraft PE Username: KatieQuake
Expierience: I have been builder on 4 servers, I am currently builder and moderator on PotatoGalaxy.
Here is one of my builds:
Get KatieQuake to make speedart or to Build on your server! PM, Skype Message, or Message me on my website!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe9i-sMDrKtJcFLSb5I11Rg
Official Website: https://www.katiequakefanz.yooco.org
BTW, I can only build on Minecraft PE servers. Thanks!
skill- build and design
pls whitelist me i wont destroy anything
I have not been banned before in a server where i was a builder
And i would like to take the position as builder cause i have some
Good building skill just tell me what it looks like and i will build it
Age: 13
I dont have kik or skype but just tell i will make one
So hope you accept my application , good luck to me