I can't believe it. The second i join creative server, it is griefed. How could you? I work hard to keep the servers running and spend money for you guys and THIS is how you thank me?! I have installed a plugin that logs EVERY action on the server. Also, ill be shutting down the servers until you learn to CLEAN UP YOUR ACTS.
I know the ones who didn't grief. And i might reward them with a free VIP account. I will also allow them to play on the VIP server soon.
I can't believe it. The second i join creative server, it is griefed. How could you? I work hard to keep the servers running and spend money for you guys and THIS is how you thank me?! I have installed a plugin that logs EVERY action on the server. Also, ill be shutting down the servers until you learn to CLEAN UP YOUR ACTS.
I know the ones who didn't grief. And i might reward them with a free VIP account. I will also allow them to play on the VIP server soon.
Also, be sure to join the A+Craft forums.
I haven't joined aplus for a while when I joined holy crap the world was rubbish Someone protected the whole world
Want to be staff? Apply today! I am looking for 1 admin and 2 moderators. I need more because of what happened with creative. The current staff are not online enough to watch the servers for a long period of time. Submit your applications by March 31st, 2014. You MUST submit your application HERE.
Dont delay, apply now!
Hurry! i will choose the next staff March 31st
This is a direct message from Aplus himself "Survival server has been wiped. Its new ip will be Acss.pocketserver.net, Read more about this change on A+Craft forums. " Thus meaning this server is not dead! Aplus (and maybe me) will update you when some new info comes through. Follow this topic to keep updated on the server!
What questions me is that why do people break the rules? Is it that they don't know them, or are they just asking for a two week ban I put up the rules for a reason, and they should not be ignored by anyone. Dont think i make exeptions, and i monitor EVERY action on the servers. So i know exactly who break the rules. So i recommend you follow them
Thanks to Florian, I'm proud to announce that the servers will be up today! Hunger Games chests have been filled, Survival has been completely wiped, and creative has been restored! Have fun on the servers, and don't forget to apply for staff! Also, please be sure to read the 0.5 update on the A+Craft forums! Please remember about the chest looting thing, and if you don't see your status, or don't spawn in the lobby, leave the server immediately, and DO NOT TOUCH THE CHESTS!!!
Do you want a rank but can't afford one? I have a solution! I will give a FREE VIP rank at the end of every month to people who follow the rules, don't grief, and never get banned! If you want a FREE rank, don't ever grief, break the rules, and always listen to admins! If you have already received a free VIP rank, you have a chance to UPGRADE it to VIP+
Apply for op trusted or admin
Experience: I am owner of dark server and admin in 5 builder in 5 trusted in 1 and op in 3
Reason:i wude love to be part of ya staff and to help build parkour maps new warps even i jail to out the bad boys and girls in lol
Hope you acept me your server is awesome
Aplus maybe try to think of a new host. Your server is pretty big and populair now (many views and replies) and pocketserver.net is for smaller servers. Look in that pocketserver server list. Pocketserver is very easy to use. But thats not that good. You jave limited plugins. You can edit the files for limited. You cant download the chunks and actually nothing is for you. So but ya think about it. Ok bye!
Im using Pocketserver until i can find a host that is cheaper and for bigger servers. Until then, I'm sticking with pocket server. And i really careless about the plugin choice, i can request for them to add more.
Hey A-Plus the Survival Server is Sooooo Wrong
Why? Because EVERYTHING IS PROTECTED!!!Im Serious Me and Some guy... Played on it
We cant break ANY BLOCKS Everything is Protected
So can you please Fix it thx
I know the ones who didn't grief. And i might reward them with a free VIP account. I will also allow them to play on the VIP server soon.
Also, be sure to join the A+Craft forums.
There is now a new way to apply for staff! You submit your application on A+Craft forums. Its easier than the older ways! You should apply!
And yes, i will be looking for more staff members real soon! So apply right now!
I haven't joined aplus for a while when I joined holy crap the world was rubbish Someone protected the whole world
Dont delay, apply now!
Hurry! i will choose the next staff March 31st
For further details go to http://acraft.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=33
yay plus its Summer break for me so i can play all day!
Oh yeah, random Notch head XD
to aplus: I have registered both accounts on all servers also banitem flint and steel in creative fire
So many people are pretending to be staff, but now ill give staff prefixes
Please apply on the A+Craft forums: http://acraft.freeforums.org
Ya. Of course. Just a sec...
Im using Pocketserver until i can find a host that is cheaper and for bigger servers. Until then, I'm sticking with pocket server. And i really careless about the plugin choice, i can request for them to add more.
Why? Because EVERYTHING IS PROTECTED!!!Im Serious Me and Some guy... Played on it
We cant break ANY BLOCKS Everything is Protected
So can you please Fix it thx