Builder is all I ask for, but if in need of a lead builder then I can get that done for you too. o/
IGN: Viel_Gamer
Reasoning: I've had experience in many different servers in which I've undertaken the jobs Builder, Admin, OP. Moreover I feel that I could support your server to help it become a very well taken care of, well-known server. I'm a guy turning 14 in March. I can take a joke and all but know when it goes to far and ready to take care of griefers, hackers, exc. I'm always ready to try new things and face the challenge of going out of my comfort zone. Also I'm available almost every day except maybe for special occasions. Im pretty socialable so expect me to be hanging out with the community of players who join the server. You can reach me at my gmail, [email protected], and if that doesn't work for you email me and I'll send you other ways to reach me possibly through Facebook if needed. Thanks for at least giving the thought to if you'll let me join your server or not thanks in advance.
Sincerely, ViletoVice
RE: reply back your kik username or PM us it. Its very important and you must have it
Is the server currently being updated? It says 24/7 and its offline right now. I hope it's just getting updated cause if this server is gunna taken down I think I might cry. )-;
Ign:VirusCode Age:14 Rank:Admin Experience:Been admin in some server and builder in 2 server, owns a server before but closed Reason:As i say at top, i owned a server before so i know how it feels when the players grief or hack or modding .And i know what is the job of an admin , and i will not abuse my power of an admin. I can help looking at the server I will warn the griefer or hacker or modder before banning them. I alao know a little on making plugins
In the past time, shops were abandoned, parkours were not released and many problems were going on.
we just took a deep look in all and decided to start things from the starting. Server is under maintainence and would be up this tuesday for public usage.
Features this upgrade would have-
-economy shops working efficiently.
-wood and iron almost at a very very cheap price. (Eg.50$ per stack of wood and iron)
-all 5 theme parkours to be opened.
-Map backups and free bedrock houses and plots giveaway.
Server would be consisting all these updates for now and we also need a few beta testers for testing these features.
Note : Do not worry about the server guys. There have been many attacks on major servers but we have pased away from them. Nobody, not even the darklords or shadow army can attack our server. We have Zsecurity and many backups and plans for our server.
we have demoted a lot of staff and looking for some very experienced builders. 2 slots are open now and you can contact us for trying out in the building competion and being a builder.
Hello, I think maybe your server could have clans/factions worlds, to attract more people? These could attract lot more people, especially RPG gamers, if the clans/factions could have some RPG action, like some clans are for medieval, some for modern/future e.t.c. It could be fun maybe, just suggestions.
Btw the kik/hangouts e.t.c. isn't very good and working on Apple devices, you know what I am talking about.
Sorry if this feels some kind of "I have ideas I want to build there" but I might have few ideas for a mining/resource world map, where the people get their resources. Danger and action e.t.c.
we are planning for those things in the future updates.
also, forums is not actually a good place for chatting or contacting people. Many people are on kik and hangouts and mostly the whole staff chats and disscusses things there. So I wont get a person whom we cant actually contact efficiently.
One thing I would like to have in the next update would be a spam filter. There have been a few people that would spam because of reasons unknown, and it really gets in the way when u try to mine.
Hey parteeksharma,
This is a little embarrassing but I forgot the password I used on your server. Would you mind sending me a kik so we can delete my account and I can log back on? I'd like to build you a mini-game if you're down.
Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused in the Economy Server as certain plugins had resulted in a php error to occur, causing the server to crash every 5 minutes. We are currently working on a new spawn and we promise this will be an extremely massive update with an enormous spawn and many features in it.
Meanwhile, you can try out our Parkour Server, it is quite addictive and there is absolutely no lag in the server even if it is crowded.
Here's the Server Info:
PORT: 19132
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Hello good sir. I'd like to be a builder.
IGN: whattheheck_74
Age: 13
Building skill: I can build several things although pixel art is not my major. I mainly build parkour maps, caves, statues of things, houses buildings, etc. I am Co-Head Builder on Power Mega Craft. On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate my building skill to be a "8." I will try to repair buildings that have been griefed.
Talents in Building: Caves, Parkour, houses, buildings and I try to make a sense of reality for what I build. I built a statue of a horse in golden armor in power mega craft.
Time Zone: Eastern US time (I live in New England, Boston Massachusetts)
I have never been banned by a server.
Friend of Tylarbob3
I'm sorry but I do not have a KiK because it is restricted by the age restriction on my iPad.
You can contact me by: [email protected] or [email protected]
Instagram: whattheheck47
Twitter: whattheheck47
Hope you can accept this!
I want to be mini admin or op
Staff expeirence: Im such good with commands, OP on many servers and good player.
What i can do?: Im Pro with commands, ill help griefed people to repair damage and found griefer, ill wont ban someone with retarded reason, i will be online 10 hours per day, ill help building, keeping server from griefers, and help other staff to build and im good with making spawns and parkours
IGN : NikolaGamingYEA
Positives: Good friend, helpful, good minecraft player
Dear Players and Supporters of DroidCraft,
there were a lot of confusions and misunderstandings in the past time. Our server was also offline since a long time. This was due to a apk error in the survival server that caused it to crash.
we are now merging with XenonCraft and All the staff there would be here and all our staff would be there. We are turning our survival server into a very awesome Minigames Server. We will still host the survival server but from a different server (xenoncraft).
This update would feature many amazing minigames and a new spawn. Also we will be giving ranks and prefix to people who support us.
We are also looking for some good builders who can build great parkour, PVP arenas and water parks. If you are interested in helping us, then post a good application here.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience that you people are facing but you can still play on our testing parkour server.
Server IP -
Server Port - 19132
We have not decided the new server IP but we will still give update information over time. The release date is not final but it is expected to be online on around 7 April.
Thanks for your support guys,
PrateekSharma (Owner)
Dear Players and Supporters of DroidCraft,
there were a lot of confusions and misunderstandings in the past time. Our server was also offline since a long time. This was due to a apk error in the survival server that caused it to crash.
we are now merging with XenonCraft and All the staff there would be here and all our staff would be there. We are turning our survival server into a very awesome Minigames Server. We will still host the survival server but from a different server (xenoncraft).
This update would feature many amazing minigames and a new spawn. Also we will be giving ranks and prefix to people who support us.
We are also looking for some good builders who can build great parkour, PVP arenas and water parks. If you are interested in helping us, then post a good application here.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience that you people are facing but you can still play on our testing parkour server.
Server IP -
Server Port - 19132
We have not decided the new server IP but we will still give update information over time. The release date is not final but it is expected to be online on around 7 April.
Thanks for your support guys,
PrateekSharma (Owner)
As prateeksharma has said, we currently have a survival server (XenonCraft) and a mini games server. You can play on our survival server (XenonCraft) and the mini games server. Meanwhile, we are currently working on a new spawn in a new survival server. The update would be massive. So yea, stay updated guys
I could have you some custom minigames if you are interested, these minigames are invented by me, and I haven't built them to any server except "Hizzle Hazzle". I could have cool and custom minigames, for example, Hizzle Hazzle, Daycare, Mario Party
I wont make you op but if you want to build some minigame in our server, then you are welcome. I would give full credit to you plus a "Premium" prefix to you once the server starts again. Reply backif you are interested or not
Yea, sure, I will gladly build for your server. And just to make sure, that wasn't even an application, I was asking for your interest if you want those minigames. But Yes, I will build for your minigame server.
Ummm.....I have a little question. I will be building a map in 0.9.0. version, just asking: Are you interested in some "Super Hostile (or what you want call it) survival" map? Just asking if you might be interested, not sure if I am going to build the map on a server though or for a map what you can download.
I will PM you more info about the things you need to do and how to do.
Plus, 0.9.0 is not out and it will take much time for it to come , so I am not thinking about it now.
dead server
Experience:Been admin in some server and builder in 2 server, owns a server before but closed
Reason:As i say at top, i owned a server before so i know how it feels when the players grief or hack or modding .And i know what is the job of an admin , and i will not abuse my power of an admin. I can help looking at the server I will warn the griefer or hacker or modder before banning them. I alao know a little on making plugins
we just took a deep look in all and decided to start things from the starting. Server is under maintainence and would be up this tuesday for public usage.
Features this upgrade would have-
-economy shops working efficiently.
-wood and iron almost at a very very cheap price. (Eg.50$ per stack of wood and iron)
-all 5 theme parkours to be opened.
-Map backups and free bedrock houses and plots giveaway.
Server would be consisting all these updates for now and we also need a few beta testers for testing these features.
Note : Do not worry about the server guys. There have been many attacks on major servers but we have pased away from them. Nobody, not even the darklords or shadow army can attack our server. We have Zsecurity and many backups and plans for our server.
we have demoted a lot of staff and looking for some very experienced builders. 2 slots are open now and you can contact us for trying out in the building competion and being a builder.
we are planning for those things in the future updates.
also, forums is not actually a good place for chatting or contacting people. Many people are on kik and hangouts and mostly the whole staff chats and disscusses things there. So I wont get a person whom we cant actually contact efficiently.
dood you gave VIP and YouTuber rank to the wrong DrummerBoy0109 ... the real drummerboy0109 IGN : DrummerBoyYT plz fix it
This is a little embarrassing but I forgot the password I used on your server. Would you mind sending me a kik so we can delete my account and I can log back on? I'd like to build you a mini-game if you're down.
Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused in the Economy Server as certain plugins had resulted in a php error to occur, causing the server to crash every 5 minutes. We are currently working on a new spawn and we promise this will be an extremely massive update with an enormous spawn and many features in it.
Meanwhile, you can try out our Parkour Server, it is quite addictive and there is absolutely no lag in the server even if it is crowded.
Here's the Server Info:
PORT: 19132
We hope to see you there and have fun
IGN: whattheheck_74
Age: 13
Building skill: I can build several things although pixel art is not my major. I mainly build parkour maps, caves, statues of things, houses buildings, etc. I am Co-Head Builder on Power Mega Craft. On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate my building skill to be a "8." I will try to repair buildings that have been griefed.
Talents in Building: Caves, Parkour, houses, buildings and I try to make a sense of reality for what I build. I built a statue of a horse in golden armor in power mega craft.
Time Zone: Eastern US time (I live in New England, Boston Massachusetts)
I have never been banned by a server.
Friend of Tylarbob3
I'm sorry but I do not have a KiK because it is restricted by the age restriction on my iPad.
You can contact me by: [email protected] or [email protected]
Instagram: whattheheck47
Twitter: whattheheck47
Hope you can accept this!
Staff expeirence: Im such good with commands, OP on many servers and good player.
What i can do?: Im Pro with commands, ill help griefed people to repair damage and found griefer, ill wont ban someone with retarded reason, i will be online 10 hours per day, ill help building, keeping server from griefers, and help other staff to build and im good with making spawns and parkours
IGN : NikolaGamingYEA
Positives: Good friend, helpful, good minecraft player
there were a lot of confusions and misunderstandings in the past time. Our server was also offline since a long time. This was due to a apk error in the survival server that caused it to crash.
we are now merging with XenonCraft and All the staff there would be here and all our staff would be there. We are turning our survival server into a very awesome Minigames Server. We will still host the survival server but from a different server (xenoncraft).
This update would feature many amazing minigames and a new spawn. Also we will be giving ranks and prefix to people who support us.
We are also looking for some good builders who can build great parkour, PVP arenas and water parks. If you are interested in helping us, then post a good application here.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience that you people are facing but you can still play on our testing parkour server.
Server IP -
Server Port - 19132
We have not decided the new server IP but we will still give update information over time. The release date is not final but it is expected to be online on around 7 April.
Thanks for your support guys,
PrateekSharma (Owner)
As prateeksharma has said, we currently have a survival server (XenonCraft) and a mini games server. You can play on our survival server (XenonCraft) and the mini games server. Meanwhile, we are currently working on a new spawn in a new survival server. The update would be massive. So yea, stay updated guys
Ever ben banned:nope
Ever ben staff: on 7 servers
We have talked on kik Kirirto Kirigaya and now i submited my post i await for ur response
I wont make you op but if you want to build some minigame in our server, then you are welcome. I would give full credit to you plus a "Premium" prefix to you once the server starts again. Reply backif you are interested or not
Plus, 0.9.0 is not out and it will take much time for it to come , so I am not thinking about it now.