Position/s your applying for :co-owner,head admin, admin
Contact:kik:Jeighdy twitter: Jeighdy1410 skype:akosijd
Maturity (1-10):9
Building Skills (1-10):10
Experience: (years I've been playing mcpe) I've been playing since 2009 so its 4 years
Staff Experience: (what positions and how many servers? Example: Head-Admin on 3 servers, OP on 2 etc.)1 Owner,3 Co-owner,3 head admin,11 admin,1 builder,1 op, 1 mod
Why we should pick you:Because im a great builder funny alot of ideas to come big imagination and i will make the server popular as i can
How will you contribute to this server:I will help any player to there any problem
Have you ever griefed, hacked etc.: (please be honest)Nope
Any extra info about your self:Im a honest player good player and sure that im a responsible man and i have a big imagination
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: Robobadg3r
Age: 13
Experience: Built numerous things over the years for big servers like LifeBoat and SGOHF. I have enough experience for higher places/ranks in a server.
Position: Admin or Op
What I Will Do: Protect and Build Spawn, a Town, and some other things. I will make sure there are no rule breakers and will act accordingly. I can also replant trees and what not.
PORT- 32260
Owner-JackSucksAtMine & NightHawk
Dont Place tnt/lava
Dont grief spawn
No PVP at spawn
Dont use mod
Dont ask for OP/Admin
5 kicks.Ban.
We Also Needed Op And Admin Now!
have Fun dude!
Position/s your applying for :co-owner,head admin, admin
Contact:kik:Jeighdy twitter: Jeighdy1410 skype:akosijd
Maturity (1-10):9
Building Skills (1-10):10
Experience: (years I've been playing mcpe) I've been playing since 2009 so its 4 years
Staff Experience: (what positions and how many servers? Example: Head-Admin on 3 servers, OP on 2 etc.)1 Owner,3 Co-owner,3 head admin,11 admin,1 builder,1 op, 1 mod
Why we should pick you:Because im a great builder funny alot of ideas to come big imagination and i will make the server popular as i can
How will you contribute to this server:I will help any player to there any problem
Have you ever griefed, hacked etc.: (please be honest)Nope
Any extra info about your self:Im a honest player good player and sure that im a responsible man and i have a big imagination
Age: 13
Experience: Built numerous things over the years for big servers like LifeBoat and SGOHF. I have enough experience for higher places/ranks in a server.
Position: Admin or Op
What I Will Do: Protect and Build Spawn, a Town, and some other things. I will make sure there are no rule breakers and will act accordingly. I can also replant trees and what not.