I would like to apply for builder or moderator
My reason is at the top and its with most of my info.I am a really good builder but I can also manage a server.I have tons of experience with being owners of servers.Hope you accept me my mcpe name is DarkStar hope you will accept me for any of these.Also If I was moderator I could help with advice to members and help you with plugins . Finally I can help with anything you could need like kicking anyone I see not following the rules or if you have a prison send them there.O I just read your post
Lol i cant pay lol o well.
TheDjDude, I have recently bought land on your server and built a nice house... Though it seems that the protected area I bought can't protect from world edit as xBayani has world edited away my house.. And took it for himself and protected it. Can you please ban or remove his admin powers as he abused his powers. Thank You.
Hello, recently I have a fair amount of spare time and would be interested in joining in as a staff position, I have quite a lot of experience. Once was co-owner of nore-gaming via name "StrawHatBoi" in 2013 and co-owner of joshcraft. I have much experience in almost all mcpe plugins and I'm really creative so if you would like any support with your mcpe server, just reply
Hey Dude when are you Gonna Choose your Builders Because
When i asked you you said you were gonna pick Builder on Tuesday
Its in Beta Right? Its probably The Best Time
To pick Builder To help you Building
Experience: Has been Co-Owner of 2 servers as alias name "StrawHatBoi"
Servers are closed, Both JoshCraft and Nore-Gaming.
I was in charge of making Spawn, Warps and Area Protection.
Kicking people whom are using inappropriate language and
banning people who have been using mods.
I recently have had a lot of spare time on my hands and would enjoy a
Position with all plugins available to be able to assist the server as much as I can.
I do have the iPhone Application, "Kik" to keep in touch. If you would like my Kik, I'll
/tell [Name] Ingame.
Please give me permission to edit the land please what ever I touch it will say you don't have permission to edit the land please please give me permission
My name in the game:Hazer239
Dj... so. I was wondering if I could get unmanned and just play survival... because all other survival servers suck... btw I never briefed I just placed a few cobwebs to troll someone. It was someone else that briefed. I have looked for days for a good server but there are no goods ones out there. So please un ban me :(And I realize that I made some mistakes and I am sorry. please let me in.
DJCraft is here!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO
Awesome server, awesome staff and everythin its currently in beta right now, so most of the things or not done.
Ip is DJCraft.pocketserver.net
New port is 21987
thanks for reading this be sure to have fun.
BTW raiding is allowed so don't complain
The server is great! I would like to be admin,HeadOp, or builder.
IGN NinigatorGirl
Reason I am admin on three servers and op on two
Age 11
Grade 7
Experience been playing since 0.6.0
Please say yes
Sorry guys but, The server got hacked with FLOWTING flowers in the air, and it gets overloaded so people get disconneted and me and Dracometeor2000 decided but DJ gotta take care of it.
Should be up soon
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Member of MINEJAM ELITE BUILD TEAM! Trusted on TONS of servers! And own a Popular server aswell.
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Follow @TheDJDude12
Follow @TheDJDude12
$5 = Admin
$2 = Creative/Godmode
$1 = 999 Diamond blocks/999 Gold Block
Follow @TheDJDude12
My reason is at the top and its with most of my info.I am a really good builder but I can also manage a server.I have tons of experience with being owners of servers.Hope you accept me my mcpe name is DarkStar hope you will accept me for any of these.Also If I was moderator I could help with advice to members and help you with plugins
Lol i cant pay lol o well.
Follow @TheDJDude12
Follow @TheDJDude12
When i asked you you said you were gonna pick Builder on Tuesday
Its in Beta Right? Its probably The Best Time
To pick Builder To help you Building
IGN : Twedbear
Age: 18
Experience: Has been Co-Owner of 2 servers as alias name "StrawHatBoi"
Servers are closed, Both JoshCraft and Nore-Gaming.
I was in charge of making Spawn, Warps and Area Protection.
Kicking people whom are using inappropriate language and
banning people who have been using mods.
I recently have had a lot of spare time on my hands and would enjoy a
Position with all plugins available to be able to assist the server as much as I can.
I do have the iPhone Application, "Kik" to keep in touch. If you would like my Kik, I'll
/tell [Name] Ingame.
Thank you.
Follow @TheDJDude12
My name in the game:Hazer239
remember new port 21987
Follow @TheDJDude12
Follow @TheDJDude12
Follow @TheDJDude12
IGN NinigatorGirl
Reason I am admin on three servers and op on two
Age 11
Grade 7
Experience been playing since 0.6.0
Please say yes
Should be up soon
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Follow @TheDJDude12