Hello everyone, I am ExCraftGamingband today im looking for admins , moderators, and builder for my very popular server called MLM ! We need 5 admins, 4 moderators, 4 builders, we will accept anybody who follows the requirements!
want to apply (?)
- Name*
-Ign *
- KIK * Must Have
-what your applying for
-why we should accept you
- IP : : 19199
- IP Creative : : 19100
My name is:Joshua Duffield
Kik: My real name for it is: Joshua Duffield My nickname for it is: DarkStar7689
My age is:12
Im aplying for: Admin
Reason:I have experience of being op or owner of my server.Also I can build, give easy advice, advertise on more mcpe website lists if you want me to, And keep hackers or people who use mods off the server :). I know alot of things about being op I may also help you on how to add plugins plz reply to me as quick as possible. And thank you for your time p.s. my real name on mcpe is DarkStar not Darkstar7689. If you need anything else on the server I can also help with that.
What are u applying for:Admin
Why we should accept you: I am an experience admin, i been admin in some server before, I will kick the griefers for warning before banning them, I am also an experienced map builder, I have good building skills, and i am a plugin developer too
Name: Adrian
KIK:I'm not sure what is KIK but my name is adrian if that is the question
Applying: Builder/Admin
Reason: I love building and I can be trusted
I would like to be any position that suits you!
My name is Tyler
My IGN is TJHxx
My kik is TJHxx
Like I said earlier in my post... "I would like to be any position that suits you!"
I have a lot of experience of being staff... So much. Where I'm going with this is that I WILL dedicate all my free time on your server. I will be a serious staff member taking part in every activity that is held. Especially PROTECTING your server from hackers/modders/griefers/bully's etc.
I would like to be any position that suits you!
My name is Tyler
My IGN is TJHxx
My kik is TJHxx
Like I said earlier in my post... "I would like to be any position that suits you!"
I have a lot of experience of being staff... So much. Where I'm going with this is that I WILL dedicate all my free time on your server. I will be a serious staff member taking part in every activity that is held. Especially PROTECTING your server from hackers/modders/griefers/bully's etc.
Hello, I would like to apply for a staff position.
Postition: Admin
IGN: Rez
Why? I am very experienced at mcpe. I help other players and can answer many questions. I play daily and am on quite a lot. I will stick to the admin rules and obey you. I will make sure other players follow rules too. I am very mature and take things seriously
Kik me info about the sever and when you need help!
You can trust me
Please reply ASAP!
Name: Damian Canniff.
IGN: DCanniff46
kik: damian_canniff
Applying For: Admin
Why should you accept me?: I am a good and trustworthy pearson. i will protect this server from grifers and other bad people. i am not afraid to kick/ban anyone who is breaking rules. I have been admin many times and i really lime the postion. i wont abuse the power to be admin. I have never been kicked/banned. Hope you reply
Reason why im worthy: im your guy, I am gonna do my job and kick/ban other players who dont
Obey your rules. If a player requests another player to stop killing them i will
Help the innocent player and kick the other player. if the player i kick joins and keeps
Pvp i will ban. I hope you choose me and i will do my job
I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
I also have a youtube channel and skype if needed I can build statue s of any mc skin
Had a server but i had storage probs so i had to let it go email me or post over this
Email: [email protected]
Name: Timothy Zander
IGN: 64Timothy121
Position: Admin and Builder ( I like to call Buildmin)
KIK: 64Timothy121
I want to become Buildmin Because I want to Protect server and Build Amazing Buildings and Statue I like to build Malacañang (Philippine National Capitol)
i will like to help you with your server from griefers hackers spammers
and i will help new people and i follow rules and i think that it would be great if you accpet me
Experience: Has been Co-Owner of 2 servers as alias name "StrawHatBoi"
Servers are closed, Both JoshCraft and Nore-Gaming.
I was in charge of making Spawn, Warps and Area Protection.
Kicking people whom are using inappropriate language and
banning people who have been using mods.
I recently have had a lot of spare time on my hands and would enjoy a
Position with all plugins available to be able to assist the server as much as I can.
I do have the iPhone Application, "Kik" to keep in touch. If you would like my Kik, I'll
/tell [Name] Ingame.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
- Name* Jeremy -Ign * jerbear64 - KIK * jerbear294 -what your applying for * Admin/Moderator -why we should accept you * I am a reliable and responsible individual who is head mod on 3 servers and admin on one other. I know the game very well so I can tell if somebody is hacking. I am also good with creating greifer traps and know a few plugins to help with that as well.
I would help build but I'm no good at that.
EDIT: I can't connect to either world. Survival says "unable to connect to world" but I think the creative server is full.
Name-Sarah Ign- Elite_Gamer223 KIK * Must Have- Anti_Grief what your applying for- Admin Why we should accept you - Im a verry trustworthy person and i will do anything to make you proud of me I can be Online for about 4 hours in your server im Always in the lookout for Griefers and Hackers So your server is protected while im in it im not an ordinary admin or op who just sits arround messing with the Commands im not like that. While im in your server my job is to build,decorate even more,Lookout for Griefers or Hackers, Reinforce the Rules, and Punish those who not follow all the Rules So your server is protected Now here's what i can do. I can Do many awesome things I can build Statues,PvP Arena (ill just make it more awesome if u want) Insane Parkour,Hide n Seek,Modern Houses or Spawn, And many many more!!! Trust me Posted Image Im very responsible to what im doing and I Have NEVER been banned in a server before so don't worry I can Also HELP you with the Plugins! For i have created a server before i know Many Great And Custom Plugins! I can be A Plugin Manager while an Admin! If you want ill build an Insane Parkour
Hello everyone, I am ExCraftGamingband today im looking for admins , moderators, and builder for my very popular server called MLM ! We need 5 admins, 4 moderators, 4 builders, we will accept anybody who follows the requirements!
want to apply (?)
- Name*
-Ign *
- KIK * Must Have
-what your applying for
-why we should accept you
- IP : : 19199
- IP Creative : : 19100
Name: Vincent Aquino
IGN: vincentapq2
KiK: vincentapq2
Applying for: Admin
Reason: Because I need to be busy with something and help at the same time
this April to May, and you are looking for an administrator right?
want to apply (?)
- Name*
-Ign *
- KIK * Must Have
-what your applying for
-why we should accept you
- IP : : 19199
- IP Creative : : 19100
Kik: My real name for it is: Joshua Duffield My nickname for it is: DarkStar7689
My age is:12
Im aplying for: Admin
Reason:I have experience of being op or owner of my server.Also I can build, give easy advice, advertise on more mcpe website lists if you want me to, And keep hackers or people who use mods off the server :). I know alot of things about being op I may also help you on how to add plugins plz reply to me as quick as possible. And thank you for your time p.s. my real name on mcpe is DarkStar not Darkstar7689. If you need anything else on the server I can also help with that.
What are u applying for:Admin
Why we should accept you: I am an experience admin, i been admin in some server before, I will kick the griefers for warning before banning them, I am also an experienced map builder, I have good building skills, and i am a plugin developer too
KIK:I'm not sure what is KIK but my name is adrian if that is the question
Applying: Builder/Admin
Reason: I love building and I can be trusted
I would like to be any position that suits you!
My name is Tyler
My IGN is TJHxx
My kik is TJHxx
Like I said earlier in my post... "I would like to be any position that suits you!"
I have a lot of experience of being staff... So much. Where I'm going with this is that I WILL dedicate all my free time on your server. I will be a serious staff member taking part in every activity that is held. Especially PROTECTING your server from hackers/modders/griefers/bully's etc.
I hope you take this into consideration
Postition: Admin
IGN: Rez
Why? I am very experienced at mcpe. I help other players and can answer many questions. I play daily and am on quite a lot. I will stick to the admin rules and obey you. I will make sure other players follow rules too. I am very mature and take things seriously
Kik me info about the sever and when you need help!
You can trust me
Please reply ASAP!
What's your kik? So I can start communicating with you ASAP
IGN: DCanniff46
kik: damian_canniff
Applying For: Admin
Why should you accept me?: I am a good and trustworthy pearson. i will protect this server from grifers and other bad people. i am not afraid to kick/ban anyone who is breaking rules. I have been admin many times and i really lime the postion. i wont abuse the power to be admin. I have never been kicked/banned. Hope you reply
Application: Admin
Reason why im worthy: im your guy, I am gonna do my job and kick/ban other players who dont
Obey your rules. If a player requests another player to stop killing them i will
Help the innocent player and kick the other player. if the player i kick joins and keeps
Pvp i will ban. I hope you choose me and i will do my job
Postition: admin or builder
IGN: daniell50
Kik: danielbeatz5
I also have a youtube channel and skype if needed I can build statue s of any mc skin
Had a server but i had storage probs so i had to let it go email me or post over this
Email: [email protected]
IGN: 64Timothy121
Position: Admin and Builder ( I like to call Buildmin)
KIK: 64Timothy121
I want to become Buildmin Because I want to Protect server and Build Amazing Buildings and Statue I like to build Malacañang (Philippine National Capitol)
-Ign: Tano
- KIK: i dont have but i will have one soon
i would like to be admin or op
i will like to help you with your server from griefers hackers spammers
and i will help new people and i follow rules and i think that it would be great if you accpet me
hope you read and accept me
IGN : Twedbear
Age: 18
Experience: Has been Co-Owner of 2 servers as alias name "StrawHatBoi"
Servers are closed, Both JoshCraft and Nore-Gaming.
I was in charge of making Spawn, Warps and Area Protection.
Kicking people whom are using inappropriate language and
banning people who have been using mods.
I recently have had a lot of spare time on my hands and would enjoy a
Position with all plugins available to be able to assist the server as much as I can.
I do have the iPhone Application, "Kik" to keep in touch. If you would like my Kik, I'll
/tell [Name] Ingame.
Thank you.
-Ign * jerbear64
- KIK * jerbear294
-what your applying for * Admin/Moderator
-why we should accept you
I would help build but I'm no good at that.
EDIT: I can't connect to either world.
Ign- Elite_Gamer223
KIK * Must Have- Anti_Grief
what your applying for- Admin
Why we should accept you
I can be Online for about 4 hours in your server im Always in the lookout for Griefers and Hackers
So your server is protected while im in it im not an ordinary admin or op who just sits arround messing with the
Commands im not like that. While im in your server my job is to build,decorate even more,Lookout for Griefers or Hackers,
Reinforce the Rules, and Punish those who not follow all the Rules So your server is protected
Now here's what i can do. I can Do many awesome things I can build Statues,PvP Arena (ill just make it more awesome if u want)
Insane Parkour,Hide n Seek,Modern Houses or Spawn, And many many more!!!
Trust me Posted Image Im very responsible to what im doing and I Have NEVER been banned in a server before so don't worry
I can Also HELP you with the Plugins! For i have created a server before i know Many Great And Custom Plugins!
I can be A Plugin Manager while an Admin! If you want ill build an Insane Parkour
Name: Vincent Aquino
IGN: vincentapq2
KiK: vincentapq2
Applying for: Admin
Reason: Because I need to be busy with something and help at the same time
this April to May, and you are looking for an administrator right?