This is a new survival server, it is improving now .We are now making minigames for the server and add some more awesome plugin. And we need your help to help us improve our server
Server staff
We are now accepting staff applications
Post ur staff application below to get more chance becoming a staff
We are also needed some plugin developer
If u are a plugin developer, contact us
Experience: 2 Cowner and 4 op on 6 different servers
Reason: I am trustworthy and follow the rules. I aim to make a better experience for the people that join and improve the server looks.
I am also on mincraft about 4 hours a day!
Hey could i plz be op
ign: Kitay20
reason: I would love to help u out and make sure everyone's following the rules!
skills: building
Thnx for ur time see u soon!!
Experience: 2 Cowner and 4 op on 6 different servers
Reason: I am trustworthy and follow the rules. I aim to make a better experience for the people that join and improve the server looks.
I am also on mincraft about 4 hours a day!
Hey before i join could i please be an admin?
Reason : I am here to help people out,im good at pvp and building.
Experience :5 admins on different server
Hope you accept! Thank you!
Position: admin
Experance: I'm a admin on 2 servers I was a head admin befor on this server and I'm a co owner of a server
Reason: I would like to help keep the server fun and il restock mines and il help everyone out
Ign: chris868788
Hope you accept and thank you for your time
Hey I want to be a staff....
IGN: Droidplaysmc
AGE: 13
REASON: First of all Im not good at building but I have good ideas on Someone who builds. I would ban GRIEFERS, Scammers, Hackers, And Rule-Breakers. If they would grief I give them a chance....BUT I do /kill on them IF they argue then INSTA-BAN! if Scammers Give them 5 chances 1-3 Kicks 4 /kill and 5 IPBAN. Hackers of Course what my answer? INSTA-BAN OF COURSE Rule-Breakers Hmmm I guess I will give them 5 chances but if they say why was I kicked I will give them a warning if they argue.......BANNED! So this is my strict side my Good Side is I will give them DropParty's Every 5hrs or if u dont agree of having a DP then.....we.....will......start.......A.......PRANK WARS Not Grief Wars but....PRANK WARS! And I can get along with people very well AND.....I'm A HotHeaded Person so dont mess with me.....LOL
HONESTY: on staffs 100% On players 95%
TRUST OF PLAYERS AND STAFFS: I trust staff 1000000% I trust players 88%
Hope U choose me an HeadAdmin/HeadOP!:)
U have my deepest gratitude
I would like to apply for admin or op (anyone of these)
Reason: because i want to help the server and make the server clean.
I will also Ban greifer's, cheaters, and hackers.
I want to help the players.
If the players respect me, I will also respect them.
You can also trust me. Im also responsible.
This is a new survival server, it is improving now .We are now making minigames for the server and add some more awesome plugin. And we need your help to help us improve our server
Server staff
We are now accepting staff applications
Post ur staff application below to get more chance becoming a staff
We are also needed some plugin developer
If u are a plugin developer, contact us
Contact us
Kik:Friscopolice or BangJons
Ign: 103
Age: 16
Experience: 2 Cowner and 4 op on 6 different servers
Reason: I am trustworthy and follow the rules. I aim to make a better experience for the people that join and improve the server looks.
I am also on mincraft about 4 hours a day!
Hope you accept!
Reason : I am here to help people out,im good at pvp and building.
Experience :5 admins on different server
Hope you accept! Thank you!
Position: admin
Experance: I'm a admin on 2 servers I was a head admin befor on this server and I'm a co owner of a server
Reason: I would like to help keep the server fun and il restock mines and il help everyone out
Ign: chris868788
Hope you accept and thank you for your time
IGN: Droidplaysmc
AGE: 13
REASON: First of all Im not good at building but I have good ideas on Someone who builds. I would ban GRIEFERS, Scammers, Hackers, And Rule-Breakers. If they would grief I give them a chance....BUT I do /kill on them IF they argue then INSTA-BAN! if Scammers Give them 5 chances 1-3 Kicks 4 /kill and 5 IPBAN. Hackers of Course what my answer? INSTA-BAN OF COURSE Rule-Breakers Hmmm I guess I will give them 5 chances but if they say why was I kicked I will give them a warning if they argue.......BANNED! So this is my strict side my Good Side is I will give them DropParty's Every 5hrs or if u dont agree of having a DP then.....we.....will......start.......A.......PRANK WARS Not Grief Wars but....PRANK WARS! And I can get along with people very well AND.....I'm A HotHeaded Person so dont mess with me.....LOL
HONESTY: on staffs 100% On players 95%
TRUST OF PLAYERS AND STAFFS: I trust staff 1000000% I trust players 88%
Hope U choose me an HeadAdmin/HeadOP!:)
U have my deepest gratitude
I would like to apply for admin or op (anyone of these)
Reason: because i want to help the server and make the server clean.
I will also Ban greifer's, cheaters, and hackers.
I want to help the players.
If the players respect me, I will also respect them.
You can also trust me. Im also responsible.
BTW my IGN is TheTagger
Age 13
Grade 8
Im always on. Unless when im sleeping
Thanks i Advance