Ign:Jeighdy or Jeighdy14
Possition:Head admin or admin
Reason:I will help the server being nice looking and peaceful server And I will banned or kik those players saying Vulgar World,Griefing,not following the rules and most importantly disrespecting the staff..I know all the Commands And WorldEdit command..I've experience being 9 Admin,2 Co-Owner, 2 Head-Admin,and 2 Builder...Im like a Expert builder too And i will do my best to make the server popular as i can..I play in a server 3-5Hours a day...
Im applying for Admin or op
Reason:Im trustworthy yah know im Experienced because Um Admin On other server xD
Im also good at building anythingAs u want.I dont cheat i Dont Grief And I will punish those Griefers!!!
Hope U Accept
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Hi if you remember me im Diamond_lover4
and I would like to apply for op
Age: 11 mature
Reason: I am very responsible and trustworthy I like to help
People when they need it and I would make your server popular
When the REAL server comes out
Experience: I have been playing minecraft since 0.6.0 to 0.8.1 and I
have been op on multiple servers to know all the commands
I you choose me to be part of your staff you would make my day thanks
Hi if you remember me im Diamond_lover4
and I would like to apply for op
Age: 11 mature
Reason: I am very responsible and trustworthy I like to help
People when they need it and I would make your server popular
When the REAL server comes out
Experience: I have been playing minecraft since 0.6.0 to 0.8.1 and I
have been op on multiple servers to know all the commands
I you choose me to be part of your staff you would make my day thanks
Hi can i be admin
IGN: DCanniff46
Age: 13
Reason: to help improve this server and stop grifers and other bad people. i am nice to the players and i am very helpful and ambitious.
pls accept
Position Looking For :Head-Admin/Admin or Op
Reason:I am good at building structures and i would like to help the sever from unwanted griefers and also i would stop people/players from saying vulgar or not reading the rules.
This is my application
Reason:I will ban and kick cheaters or hackers I will build anything for u I'm a great builder I will get more people in your server I will make your server bigger
Possition:Head admin or admin
Reason:I will help the server being nice looking and peaceful server And I will banned or kik those players saying Vulgar World,Griefing,not following the rules and most importantly disrespecting the staff..I know all the Commands And WorldEdit command..I've experience being 9 Admin,2 Co-Owner, 2 Head-Admin,and 2 Builder...Im like a Expert builder too And i will do my best to make the server popular as i can..I play in a server 3-5Hours a day...
Skype:Jeighdy Isaiah Tanamal
Reason:Im trustworthy
Im also good at building anythingAs u want.I dont cheat i Dont Grief And I will punish those Griefers!!!
Hope U Accept
Age: 8
Banned/Kicked: Never
Reason: To Kick/Kill bad people and to help the server run. I will help with all my effort!
Hope You Accept!
Accepted!!! But only OP though
and I would like to apply for op
Age: 11 mature
Reason: I am very responsible and trustworthy I like to help
People when they need it and I would make your server popular
When the REAL server comes out
Experience: I have been playing minecraft since 0.6.0 to 0.8.1 and I
have been op on multiple servers to know all the commands
I you choose me to be part of your staff you would make my day thanks
Ok your Accepted!!!!
IGN: Tano
Reason: i follow rules i play minecraft since 0.6.0
i like to help people and i will bann people who
dont follow rules, grief, or hack/modded
Age: 13
I can play for 7 hours and i will connect daily
Hope you read and accept me
but if its no problem can I be admin plz
IGN: DCanniff46
Age: 13
Reason: to help improve this server and stop grifers and other bad people. i am nice to the players and i am very helpful and ambitious.
pls accept
IGN:SonicFan or SonicFan1 or ImACoolDude
Age:11 (but mature)
Maturity out of 100%?:100%
Reason:I'll protect your server from greifers,hackers,spammers, etc. I'LL ALSO MAKE SURE PEOPLE OBEY THE RULES!!!!!
Anyways, Hope U Accept Have A Have A Nice Day!
Position Looking For :Head-Admin/Admin or Op
Reason:I am good at building structures and i would like to help the sever from unwanted griefers and also i would stop people/players from saying vulgar or not reading the rules.
Reason:I will ban and kick cheaters or hackers I will build anything for u I'm a great builder I will get more people in your server I will make your server bigger