Hey W3W3 Its. Tylartt10 Can I be co-owner
I never grieff I never cuss I always obey the rules
Thanks bro.
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Member of MINEJAM ELITE BUILD TEAM! Trusted on TONS of servers! And own a Popular server aswell.
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Can i Please Admin
IGN: Elite_Gamer223
Age: 16
Experience: I have been Co-Owner in EpicCraft ,Head-Admin in Mineplay's Server and op inBigOakley's server
KiK: ANTI_Grief
Reason: Im a verry trustworthy person and i will do anything to make you proud of me
I can be Online for about 4 hours in your server im Always in the lookout for Griefers and Hackers
So your server is protected while im in it im not an ordinary admin or op who just sits arround messing with the
Commands im not like that. While im in your server my job is to build,decorate even more,Lookout for Griefers or Hackers,
Reinforce the Rules, and Punish those who not follow all the Rules So your server is protected Posted Image
Now here's what i can do. I can Do many awesome things I can build Statues,PvP Arena (ill just make it more awesome if u want)
Insane Parkour,Hide n Seek,Modern Houses or Spawn, And many many more!!!
Trust me Posted Image Im very responsible to what im doing and I Have NEVER been banned in a server before so don't worry
I can Also HELP you with the Plugins! For i have created a server before i know Many Great And Custom Plugins!
I can be A Plugin Manager while an Admin! If you want ill build an Insane Parkour
I really hope this application is Good Enough Posted Image
Im hoping to be Admin
If your still not convinced well ask me more about what
I can do for your server
Heloo can i be admin?
Experience: head admin in server legacy build
Op in brocraft
Reason: online for about 3-4 hrs a day so can kick
Grievers and hackers. Builds epic cities and houses in lessthan a day.(well not a really bigcity :-P)
Plz reply......
Heloo can i be admin?
Experience: head admin in server legacy build
Op in brocraft
Reason: online for about 3-4 hrs a day so can kick
Grievers and hackers. Builds epic cities and houses in lessthan a day.(well not a really bigcity :-P)
Plz reply......Hey dude wats the name of server?
Port: 30817
Apply for staff here!
Have you been staff before:
Have a nice day!
reason:good at buidling and plugin manager
i had op in some server
Reason:I would like to help others and im good at building
Port: 35577
Owner: W3W3
Co-Owner: Recycle
Head-Admin: VirusCode
Keep applying for staff :)VirusCode you're accepted!
I never grieff I never cuss I always obey the rules
Thanks bro.
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
IGN:SonicFan or SonicFan1 or ImACoolDude
Age:11 (but mature)
Maturity Out Of 100%?:100%
Reason?:I'll protect your server from greifers,hackers, etc. I'LL ALSO MAKE SURE PEOPLE OBEY THE RULES!!!!!!!!!
(I'll also suggest some plugins for your server if u want btw)
Hope U Accept Have A Nice Day!
IGN: Elite_Gamer223
Age: 16
Experience: I have been Co-Owner in EpicCraft ,Head-Admin in Mineplay's Server and op inBigOakley's server
KiK: ANTI_Grief
Reason: Im a verry trustworthy person and i will do anything to make you proud of me
I can be Online for about 4 hours in your server im Always in the lookout for Griefers and Hackers
So your server is protected while im in it im not an ordinary admin or op who just sits arround messing with the
Commands im not like that. While im in your server my job is to build,decorate even more,Lookout for Griefers or Hackers,
Reinforce the Rules, and Punish those who not follow all the Rules So your server is protected Posted Image
Now here's what i can do. I can Do many awesome things I can build Statues,PvP Arena (ill just make it more awesome if u want)
Insane Parkour,Hide n Seek,Modern Houses or Spawn, And many many more!!!
Trust me Posted Image Im very responsible to what im doing and I Have NEVER been banned in a server before so don't worry
I can Also HELP you with the Plugins! For i have created a server before i know Many Great And Custom Plugins!
I can be A Plugin Manager while an Admin! If you want ill build an Insane Parkour
I really hope this application is Good Enough Posted Image
Im hoping to be Admin
If your still not convinced well ask me more about what
I can do for your server
Experience: head admin in server legacy build
Op in brocraft
Reason: online for about 3-4 hrs a day so can kick
Grievers and hackers. Builds epic cities and houses in lessthan a day.(well not a really bigcity :-P)
Plz reply......
Port: 34333
*Ip and Port changes every day!
Experience: head admin in server legacy build
Op in brocraft
Reason: online for about 3-4 hrs a day so can kick
Grievers and hackers. Builds epic cities and houses in lessthan a day.(well not a really bigcity :-P)
Plz reply......Hey dude wats the name of server?