This server has PMEssentials, Economy, alwaysSpawn and ruinPvP and simpleauth and alwaysspawn plugins.
The server is usually 24/7 unless something needs to be fixed or updated. Like I said this is still in testing as it is my 1st server, has property you can buy and wall shops and sell at sell centers.. Please don't break rules either, they will automatically post through the chat.. Join and let me know what you think, its NOW 20 SLOTS...
Its survival, pvp plugin so has kits. No griefers allowed as will result in BAN or IP BAN, there are admins and moderators in the map aswell to help with that.. You can buy and own land just have to ask, other than that just have fun and enjoy, its 20 slots not whitelisted so you can still build!! But DON'T WRECK the world, theres also gonna be more features constantly being added and will update this post when changes are made..
Trying to login as someone else is insta-IP BAN!
name: Mcpe4All
PORT: 19132
video showing what to expect in server
Awesome Buildings Castles , Hotels and more! Awesome Structures!
And Dinosaurs! MiniGames! Play with other people!Battle Arenas + Parkour FREE PUBLIC MINE
Reason: I'm trustworthy nice never grieffes never cusses and obeys the rules.
Hope you read.
-Tylarbob3Oh and I like to apply for admin
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Member of MINEJAM ELITE BUILD TEAM! Trusted on TONS of servers! And own a Popular server aswell.
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Member of MINEJAM ELITE BUILD TEAM! Trusted on TONS of servers! And own a Popular server aswell.
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
The server is usually 24/7 unless something needs to be fixed or updated. Like I said this is still in testing as it is my 1st server, has property you can buy and wall shops and sell at sell centers.. Please don't break rules either, they will automatically post through the chat.. Join and let me know what you think, its NOW 20 SLOTS...
Its survival, pvp plugin so has kits. No griefers allowed as will result in BAN or IP BAN, there are admins and moderators in the map aswell to help with that.. You can buy and own land just have to ask, other than that just have fun and enjoy, its 20 slots not whitelisted so you can still build!! But DON'T WRECK the world, theres also gonna be more features constantly being added and will update this post when changes are made..
Trying to login as someone else is insta-IP BAN!
name: Mcpe4All
PORT: 19132
video showing what to expect in server
Awesome Buildings
Awesome Structures!
And Dinosaurs!
Play with other people!
+ Parkour
Reason: I'm trustworthy nice never grieffes never cusses and obeys the rules.
Hope you read.
-Tylarbob3Oh and I like to apply for admin
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Need Help with Server Info? PM Me! I can help you with:
Plugins, Access Panel, And Lots More!
Thanks For Reading. -Tylar
Reason: im staff on tons of servers and im nice and trustworthy
Please accept
If not op
i will never grief i help people
i follow the rules
i will never spam the chat
age= 13