Application for adminship
Since before chests (forgot the version :P)
Well I am a web dev html, css, and wee bita JS and I am trying to learn php. I have access to internet 24 7, I own a galxy tab 2, my internet speeds are 30mbps so I wont lag any server, I prefer androids over Idevices since android is more flexable and I own a server but currently it is down, I think I should be an admin because, well, i'm honest, fair, I've been in deep deep n00b positions like a when I had 20 iron and I accidently walked into someones underground home they slaughtered me and took my iron if I was the admin I would understand and give my self iron or help get it back by giving myself a diamond sword and brestplate, but what really ticks me off is favoritism its just cruel to see a user get some diamonds just because shes a girl the admin likes. I really dont care who your are as long as you are noble and always on like a neighbor in mcpe you will be rewarded for good citizenship and loyalty to the comunity.
If I spot a griefer, automatic kick plus I wod warn ppl about the by puting a sign up and I would also return the victim his blocks... I would never ban a griefer, because I know they are just n00bs trying to get some recognition but it it goese too far like killing and burning a player and his stuff then maybe I would ban.
Application for adminship
Since before chests (forgot the version )
Well I am a web dev html, css, and wee bita JS and I am trying to learn php. I have access to internet 24 7, I own a galxy tab 2, my internet speeds are 30mbps so I wont lag any server, I prefer androids over Idevices since android is more flexable and I own a server but currently it is down, I think I should be an admin because, well, i'm honest, fair, I've been in deep deep n00b positions like a when I had 20 iron and I accidently walked into someones underground home they slaughtered me and took my iron if I was the admin I would understand and give my self iron or help get it back by giving myself a diamond sword and brestplate, but what really ticks me off is favoritism its just cruel to see a user get some diamonds just because shes a girl the admin likes. I really dont care who your are as long as you are noble and always on like a neighbor in mcpe you will be rewarded for good citizenship and loyalty to the comunity.
If I spot a griefer, automatic kick plus I wod warn ppl about the by puting a sign up and I would also return the victim his blocks... I would never ban a griefer, because I know they are just n00bs trying to get some recognition but it it goese too far like killing and burning a player and his stuff then maybe I would ban.
Sry bout my grammer I hate my laptop >
Read the first post! you cannot be an admin! Sheesh.
Sorry for the interuption, great majosity of the server. I have traveled from the far lands to come here. You see, i have come in request for a favor from you. This favor is entailed on this scroll i am curently holding: Heryi, heryi, What is the port number for this server? I have been trying to connect to the sever with an application called by "Multiplayer PE, with just the ip address you provided me, however quite frankly it also requires a port number. Without these two requirments, the app comenses a following error.. So, great majosity, i beg of you, to reply to my request in favour of the answer i desire.
I wouldn't know, sorry. Semies would. And what device are you on? Android devices can get BlockLauncher, where you can redirect Realms to Pocketmine realms and other 3rd party servers.
Where do I go to join the server? And may I be admin if I join?
How long I have been playing:since it came out
Why I want to be admin:see for yourself:
I am always watching... So don't look back...
it is a pvp server u want visit if u want
I just want to prove I know how to maintain a server.
Since before chests (forgot the version :P)
Well I am a web dev html, css, and wee bita JS and I am trying to learn php. I have access to internet 24 7, I own a galxy tab 2, my internet speeds are 30mbps so I wont lag any server, I prefer androids over Idevices since android is more flexable and I own a server but currently it is down, I think I should be an admin because, well, i'm honest, fair, I've been in deep deep n00b positions like a when I had 20 iron and I accidently walked into someones underground home they slaughtered me and took my iron if I was the admin I would understand and give my self iron or help get it back by giving myself a diamond sword and brestplate, but what really ticks me off is favoritism its just cruel to see a user get some diamonds just because shes a girl the admin likes. I really dont care who your are as long as you are noble and always on like a neighbor in mcpe you will be rewarded for good citizenship and loyalty to the comunity.
If I spot a griefer, automatic kick plus I wod warn ppl about the by puting a sign up and I would also return the victim his blocks... I would never ban a griefer, because I know they are just n00bs trying to get some recognition but it it goese too far like killing and burning a player and his stuff then maybe I would ban.
Sry bout my grammer I hate my laptop >
Read the first post! you cannot be an admin! Sheesh.
just for that, I think we'll un-whitelist you.
Soon, hopefully. no promises.
I am always watching... So don't look back...
I wouldn't know, sorry. Semies would. And what device are you on? Android devices can get BlockLauncher, where you can redirect Realms to Pocketmine realms and other 3rd party servers.
I am always watching... So don't look back...
How long I have been playing:since it came out
Why I want to be admin:see for yourself: