Join my cool server-TeamMiner server
ip: or
Looking for new ops(the first join will be op)
A random gift will sent to you
Any bug or problem please tell me,my IGN is Recycle(im head-admin)
Write your name here then i add you to whitelist
A lot of jobs!!!!!!!
Come and join mow!!!!!
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I am Owner of CrackedIngotPE-:boom:
I am Owner4 of TGCraft and I Also Host It-:nssnss:
I and my friend would like for aplication fFor admin
We're responsible and fun we don't grief and really friendly
My ign: Jackzombiebuster
My friend's ign: zen
ip: or
Looking for new ops(the first join will be op)
A random gift will sent to you
Any bug or problem please tell me,my IGN is Recycle(im head-admin)
Write your name here then i add you to whitelist
A lot of jobs!!!!!!!
Come and join mow!!!!!
I am Owner of CrackedIngotPE-:boom:
I am Owner4 of TGCraft and I Also Host It-:nssnss:
We're responsible and fun we don't grief and really friendly
My ign: Jackzombiebuster
My friend's ign: zen
me. I can take good care. My IGN: MrZ9sector