This Server WhiteList .. Want Join give Username At This Link -->
McMalaysia is a Minecraft Pocket Edition server made for everyone. It has many features, and many custom plugins, to help you get started surviving with friends, or any other people you meet. One of these features is Random-items, which add random items to everyone's inventory every 5 minutes, to give you a boost when resources are low, and when trees are gone. But that's not all. The world will reset after it has been used up, and if you have any problems, at least one admin will be online within 20 mins, if non are currently online. There is no goal in this server, and you need to work together to be successful. Have fun!
Player Are Welcome to Help By Donating To [email protected] or by using the donation button below
Guys member this i don't give out permission for fun, i give permission out so players can help with the running of the server. If you ask for Permission the chances of you getting the permission is low. I will make a Application Form so players can apply for Permission and when a place open up for a new admin or trust i will get in contact
Server ip & port
Port: 19132
Youtube - 2$ (Forever)
Trust - 3$ (1Month)
Update ...
Rules 1) No swearing 2) No grieifing 3) Don't Be racist 4) Don't ask for permisson 5) No Spamming
McMalaysia is a Minecraft Pocket Edition server made for everyone. It has many features, and many custom plugins, to help you get started surviving with friends, or any other people you meet. One of these features is Random-items, which add random items to everyone's inventory every 5 minutes, to give you a boost when resources are low, and when trees are gone. But that's not all. The world will reset after it has been used up, and if you have any problems, at least one admin will be online within 20 mins, if non are currently online. There is no goal in this server, and you need to work together to be successful. Have fun!
Player Are Welcome to Help By Donating To [email protected]
or by using the donation button below
Guys member this i don't give out permission for fun, i give permission out so players can help with the running of the server.
If you ask for Permission the chances of you getting the permission is low. I will make a Application Form so players can apply for Permission and when a place open up for a new admin or trust i will get in contact
Server ip & port
1) No swearing
2) No grieifing
3) Don't Be racist
4) Don't ask for permisson
5) No Spamming
I won't op anyone without your permission
IGN DracoJ1
Also what's the IP and port
I won't op anyone without your permission
IGN DracoJ1
Also what's the IP and port