I don't understand how a 24 hour mcpe hunger server will work there will be so many people spamming the chat bar and no one will cooperate because the only kids who play pocket edition are very immature and I know wont listen to anyone. trust me I've had experience with servers and people can be idiots. and btw why do you need to know everyones PVP experience? that just seems odd.
PVP EXPERIENCE: I play lifeboat hunger all the time! I win a lot. I always get a diamond sword! I change my name a lot so my wins aren't counted all on one! Im going to kill all the people in this!
PVP EXP: I've been playing lbsg since the start. I have won over 74 games & have about 677 kills. I now am working on pc hunger games.
EXP: I play a lot of lifeboat survival games
The elite players of minecraft pe
Pvp experience: multiple xbox and pocket edition hunger games, I won 12
PvP: love PVP always have a stratagy I win a bought 50 50 can be a good partner or a great enemy doesn't hid as much
Banner,Icon,Thumbnail artist.
PVP EXPERIENCE: I play lifeboat hunger all the time! I win a lot. I always get a diamond sword! I change my name a lot so my wins aren't counted all on one! Im going to kill all the people in this!
Pvp Experience: None on minecraft hunger games but on other pvp games i am boss.