Everyone this realm has been erased (LITTLE SISTER) 😂😂 I have created a new hard survival realm I will add u all don't worry but I will make another replica realm of this very soon so I will have 2 realms this one and my current hard core survival realm thank you awesome people- (THIS REALM WILL UP AND RUNNING AGAIN IN THE NEXT 8-18 HOURS SO CHECK WITH ME AND MSG FOR UPDATES ABOUT THIS REALM BEING CREATED ONCE MORE) I will also post again here when this realm is live and running thnx !!
-Ultimate Ender Dragon
-Lootastic V2
-Coordinates Unlocker
-Lucky Bonus
-Double Drops
-Laser Projectiles
Difficulty is set to hard yes
Spawn is between villages (village pls is the seed)
Description of the add ons
Ender Dragon harder to kill more dangerous
Village Temple and spawner chests contain more better loot
There's no gravity for arrows.. snowballs projectiles etc..
Animals and mobs have a better chance to drop extra loot
Rouble drops is basically looting 3 so extra food
Main reason is to have fun and play around and its the add ons also I never killed the Ender dragon by myself to hard alone haha
No conditions needed to join just come play
Add me on Minecraft PE through add friends lBryce Keatingl let's play some MC PE
- PvP only if provoked
-No Raiding house unless u have permission or invited in
-Lastly no destroying buildings or foundations
If you are interested or just add me as I said
Reply with
-What are you mainly good at (eg Mining, Food Gathering, Redstone etc..)
-Why you like playing Minecraft PC, Console or PE
I sent u msg and a friend request
U have been added
Cant seem to add you would appreciated if you could add me CrucialMist13
Crucial I'll add you
Hello, my username is namelessman04, I am good at redstone and building, can I join your realm
You sure can Nameless
I just sent you a message through xbox live but I am interested in joining. gt Smokey McPott06. Message me if you need anything else. Thanks!
I can't find you but I would love to join. My gamer tag is vancedebusk
May i join age:11 GT:mincraftDaBest no e in mincraft i love to mine and to do redstone thx if you can i may be young but i see if u cant add me
Age - 14
GT - XxTrollingCPOxX
Location - Texas,USA
Quirks - Im good at PvP, Building and Mining
The reason i like playing this game is because it fun to play with people and see what we can create together.
Please Invite me if possible...
Everyone this realm has been erased (LITTLE SISTER) 😂😂 I have created a new hard survival realm I will add u all don't worry but I will make another replica realm of this very soon so I will have 2 realms this one and my current hard core survival realm thank you awesome people- (THIS REALM WILL UP AND RUNNING AGAIN IN THE NEXT 8-18 HOURS SO CHECK WITH ME AND MSG FOR UPDATES ABOUT THIS REALM BEING CREATED ONCE MORE) I will also post again here when this realm is live and running thnx !!
Hey! I'm SamBam32, and your realm sounds fun!
Im 13
From Georgia, USA
Really good at building and stuff
Not too great with monsters or crap like that 😂
I actually haven't played minecraft in a while, but I wanted to get back into the fun I guess
Please add me!!!! Thanks