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My Gamer Tag is ItsmyMinecraft, I am a girl, and I have always wanted to be on a YouTube channel so please add me to your Realms
please invite me BeastFrostGhiomy gametag
Add Me my gamertag is OP LION GAMER all caps
I am good at surviving building and etc
Muh gamer tag is LuigiEXE VI. Anything else I need to say?
GamerTag: RedDudeYT. Im a youtuber too but i dont record mcpe vids. Im a good builder and good redstoner. Hope to play soon
Already played for 4 years..
Good at building, mining, designing the town
tag = P0cketG4mer
Add me, looking forward to play in realm
Owner of Pyrocraft PvP/Faction server
I want to join!
Gamertag: JohnnySpaceEpik
I'm good at mining and building smaller houses.
I enjoy mining.
I don't grief in survival. (I only grief in creative)
I don't troll.
Hope you add me!
Hi my name and gamer tag is TheWiza2341 I am asking if I could join your server because I want to share some of my Redstone creations
Gt: chiggaa
hope u add me
add me plz. my gt: K1m4h im find realm survive for play with friends
i am good at
survive mining
My gamertag is TheStraySlayer I will help you develop your Realm so pleae add me
GametaG xXjesse47Xx with the xXXx
Good at redstone,building,survival,and,sharing stuff
My gamertag is OutlawPieRat,edd me play I will bee ur slave
hi im gt: JammyBeast76588
My Gamer Tag is ItsmyMinecraft, I am a girl, and I have always wanted to be on a YouTube channel so please add me to your Realms
please invite me BeastFrostGhiomy gametag
Add Me my gamertag is OP LION GAMER all caps
I am good at surviving building and etc
Muh gamer tag is LuigiEXE VI. Anything else I need to say?
GamerTag: RedDudeYT. Im a youtuber too but i dont record mcpe vids. Im a good builder and good redstoner. Hope to play soon
Already played for 4 years..
Good at building, mining, designing the town
tag = P0cketG4mer
Add me, looking forward to play in realm
Owner of Pyrocraft PvP/Faction server
I want to join!
Gamertag: JohnnySpaceEpik
I'm good at mining and building smaller houses.
I enjoy mining.
I don't grief in survival. (I only grief in creative)
I don't troll.
Hope you add me!
Hi my name and gamer tag is TheWiza2341 I am asking if I could join your server because I want to share some of my Redstone creations
Gt: chiggaa
hope u add me
add me plz. my gt: K1m4h im find realm survive for play with friends
i am good at
survive mining
My gamertag is TheStraySlayer I will help you develop your Realm so pleae add me
GametaG xXjesse47Xx with the xXXx
Good at redstone,building,survival,and,sharing stuff
My gamertag is OutlawPieRat,edd me play I will bee ur slave
hi im gt: JammyBeast76588