Name: Jordan
Age: 14
Mojang Name: jordan1018
Device: iPad 4, android tablet, iPhone 4
Playing since: Release, and minecraft for 3 years
Additional: I have a lot of experience in general and experience on being a mod and admin.
Name: Adam
Mojang name: _MacDaddyD_
Device: Ipod 4g
Playing MCPE since: 0.5
Additional info: im really nice and really respectful, and i would love doing anything
Name: Brandon Age: 18 Mojang Name: brroot Device: Asus Google Nexus 7 (Android) Played MCPE Since: 0.6.1 Additional: been playing Minecraft since 1.3 Beta (PC)
Name: Avery
Age: 15
Mojan Name: averyjohnathon
Device: IPod 4th gen with IOS 5.something
Been Playing since the good old 0.2.0 update
Additional info: I am no stranger to MCPE I have benn playing from before they had crafting tables! I usualy play by myself and would love to play with others in the MCPE community. I am respectful, kind and always active. Please chose me to be on your server! Thank you.
Name- Anthony
Age- Twelve
Mojang Username- asedthesayian
Device- android asus tablet
Playing Since Version 0.3.3
Additional info- Really experienced at the game and am an excellent miner and hunter
Name: Susanne
Age: almost 13
Mojang name: glittersusanne_ (someone stole my name :@)
Device: Iphone 4s 32gb
Played MCPE since: 0.2.0 (i started with LITE but I got bored so I and ny brother bought the full game after 2 weeks.
Additional info: I am not so good at killing with sword but Im good with bow. I can kill skeletons with sword. I love to breed animals so Im waiting for that update... I also play on the PC version there I have played since Chritmas 2012
Name- mansour
Age- 13
Mojang Username : alkaabi4ever
Device- ipad 3 and 1 and ipod and iphone
Playing Since Version 0.5.0
Additional info- I love to play server
Hi my name is Emma Rasmussen!
I play on an iPhone 4!
My age is 13!
I have played since 0.2.0!
My username is PteraspisEMMA
I hope you will allow me to play on the server it looks like lots of fun!
I am a good builder! Please let me play on your server!
Contact me via email at [email protected]!
I'm good at building,recon missions,PvP,hunting,farming,and mining.
I am pro anti grief,kill,spam,hack,ect.
I respect all people and rules.
I'm fun to be around and would enjoy being a part of a ten slot community.
I will be online a lot,not wasting slots.
Name: Angus
I play on iPad 2
I am 11 years old
I have been playing since 0.1.3
My username: funkyrainbows
I am a great farmer and I have YouTube (superbros1211) with 60 subscribers.
Name: William
I play on iPad 3
I am 13 years old
I have been playing since 0.1.3 (over 1 yr)
My username: superbros1211
I am great at redstone (when it comes out) and I love building and mining I have youtube (superbros1211) with 60 subs.
Almost 24/7
Im playing on android, and my Mojang name is samb28.
I you want to join please tell me your :
Mojang name:
Playing MCPE since: (version number 0.X.X)
Additional Info:
Map seed is nyan.
Screenshot of the map:
Age: 14
Mojang Name: jordan1018
Device: iPad 4, android tablet, iPhone 4
Playing since: Release, and minecraft for 3 years
Additional: I have a lot of experience in general and experience on being a mod and admin.
Device : iPad 2
Version: can't remember but it was before survival came out.
Mojang name: _MacDaddyD_
Device: Ipod 4g
Playing MCPE since: 0.5
Additional info: im really nice and really respectful, and i would love doing anything
Age: 13
Mojang name: skatebaked
Device: ipod 5
Played MCPE since: 0.3.0 came out
Additional: i had alot of experiance in general
Age: 18
Mojang Name: brroot
Device: Asus Google Nexus 7 (Android)
Played MCPE Since: 0.6.1
Additional: been playing Minecraft since 1.3 Beta (PC)
Age: 11
Mojang name: brendon68
Device: iPod touch 4th gen
Played MCPE since: 0.4.0
Additional info: played computer minecraft since 1.2.5
IPod touch 4g
I've played mcpe since 0.5.0
Playing mc in pc since 1.4.2 (I think)
Age: 15
Mojan Name: averyjohnathon
Device: IPod 4th gen with IOS 5.something
Been Playing since the good old 0.2.0 update
Additional info: I am no stranger to MCPE I have benn playing from before they had crafting tables! I usualy play by myself and would love to play with others in the MCPE community. I am respectful, kind and always active. Please chose me to be on your server! Thank you.
Age: 12
Mojang name: Zxadeel%20
Device: Ipod touch 4g
Playing since: 0.3.2
Age- Twelve
Mojang Username- asedthesayian
Device- android asus tablet
Playing Since Version 0.3.3
Additional info- Really experienced at the game and am an excellent miner and hunter
Username- ruslanyuki
Device- iPod touch 4
Playing since version 0.2.0
I can be on every day.
Age: almost 13
Mojang name: glittersusanne_ (someone stole my name :@)
Device: Iphone 4s 32gb
Played MCPE since: 0.2.0 (i started with LITE but I got bored so I and ny brother bought the full game after 2 weeks.
Additional info: I am not so good at killing with sword but Im good with bow. I can kill skeletons with sword. I love to breed animals so Im waiting for that update... I also play on the PC version there I have played since Chritmas 2012
Age- 13
Mojang Username : alkaabi4ever
Device- ipad 3 and 1 and ipod and iphone
Playing Since Version 0.5.0
Additional info- I love to play server
Samaung galaxy tab 2 android.
AlphaLabs is my username.
Playing since 0.4.0
I play on an iPhone 4!
My age is 13!
I have played since 0.2.0!
My username is PteraspisEMMA
I hope you will allow me to play on the server it looks like lots of fun!
I am a good builder! Please let me play on your server!
Contact me via email at [email protected]!
I am pro anti grief,kill,spam,hack,ect.
I respect all people and rules.
I'm fun to be around and would enjoy being a part of a ten slot community.
I will be online a lot,not wasting slots.
Mojang name:TREYYMCPE
Playing MCPE since: 0.3.3
Additional Info:
I play on iPad 2
I am 11 years old
I have been playing since 0.1.3
My username: funkyrainbows
I am a great farmer and I have YouTube (superbros1211) with 60 subscribers.
Name: William
I play on iPad 3
I am 13 years old
I have been playing since 0.1.3 (over 1 yr)
My username: superbros1211
I am great at redstone (when it comes out) and I love building and mining I have youtube (superbros1211) with 60 subs.
Username- ashlyh114
Age- 13
Device- ipod
I have been playing minecraft for about 2- 2 in a half years