For many who don't know, a long while back I wrote a PC program called MCPEGenerator that created custom maps using a noise algorithm called Simplex Noise. But, since my primary role was modding iOS MCPE, when MCPE lost RTTI around 0.7.2, I left all my other projects and MCPEGenerator to the community as open-source code. Now that MCPE is supposedly getting RTTI enabled in 0.9.0, and now that I have an Android device, I have decided to pickup where I left off with, starting with MCPEGenerator. I am going to make it much more advanced, and develop it for devices rather than computers (though I may also write it for PC to help un-jailbroken iOS users).
Features the new app and PC versions will include:
Choose world size
Finite world size with custom dimensions
Infinite using a planned mod for 500ISE's BlockLauncher (Android) or a custom mod planned for iOS
Option to generate oceans
Use preset or custom settings for ocean depth, sea level and beaches
Option to generate land
Multiple types of noise to choose from, including Simplex, Perlin, Fractal, and Voronoi
Filters for noise to add different effects
Can use basic (presets) or custom conic equations for specific shapes like cliffs or floating islands
Option to generate caves
Different presets or custom settings for cave generation
Option to generate ores
Different presets or custom settings for ore generation
Add new "ore" veins such as nether rack or quartz
Option to generate foilage (plants and trees)
Allow for custom tree models
Add forests of custom tree types
Option to generate custom structures
Will have preset or custom structures using schematic files
Edit frequency of spawning
Choose which biomes structures can spawn in
Option to generate custom biomes
Will have preset or custom biome settings files
Size, frequency, and filters to use for each biome
Since this is a large project, I expect to finish all the features above in late June or early July, but I will release versions of the app and program whenever I add new and large features. I will start during 0.8.1 getting the core stuff implemented, but will keep it basic with few features. When the 0.9.0 terrain update comes, I will begin adding the rest of the features mentioned (to make it easy for future development).
Maps generated using my old MCPEGenerator:
Abstract (plain noise):
Floating Island:
Hollow Mountain:
Example of caves:
Last, since I am no where near a good iOS app maker, I would like to find somebody who can make a jailbroken iOS app. If you do develop iOS apps, PM me, and if possible, show some previous iOS apps you've made.
Features the new app and PC versions will include:
Maps generated using my old MCPEGenerator:
Abstract (plain noise):
Floating Island:
Hollow Mountain:
Example of caves:
Last, since I am no where near a good iOS app maker, I would like to find somebody who can make a jailbroken iOS app. If you do develop iOS apps, PM me, and if possible, show some previous iOS apps you've made.
Also, just out of curiosity, what Android device do you use? C:
I have two. A Galaxy S5, and a very cheap Chinese tablet that somehow runs MCPE. I have both to test apps on slow and fast devices.
*Cough* *Cough* Sony Xperia Z2 is better *Cough* *Cough*
When will this be completed?
This is a world editor program which would have been usable prior to 0.9.x.
Since the 0.9.x series, the worlds have been saved in a different format called LevelDB.
Even the guy who worked on MCEdit, codewarrior, has not been able to create a world editor for this new format.
I suggest you wait patiently.
|MCPE Modder, Mapmaker, Mediocre Skinmaker, Update Maniac, Problem-Solver, and Texture-Pack Beginner|
Biggest Update thread for MCPE 0.12.x :
Biggest Update thread for MCPE 0.13.0 :
Contact: @GenBrianSuzuki (Twitter), email address on request.
Oh ok
can you beta test.
This Is What I Want For A Year Perfect For Map Makers
How can I download this