Something like this. The golden nugget is the main texture and the virus is the items name.
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Make sure you follow me on twitter! @DarkDiaMiner IF I post a mod download it and give me a +1 if you appreciate.
Make sure you give me a suggestion at my WIP topic darkPE
Make sure you click on that +1 button if I help you! ---------------->
Not to be a jerk but this is every thing but dead I've been backed up with school that I'm not really able to work on this but
Expect this to be out soon
I'm sorry for whom ever had there hopes up I apologize ;(
If you are not getting enough time I could take over it and give you credit with your permission. Even though I have not released any mods but I have finished around 7 mods but feeling lazy to upload it. Will upload them today or tomorrow.
I need beta tester for v0.2 I'm letting at least 3 people test so please .
I made it easier to battle none of that tap and hit crap.
Now its more based with the chat. Also what pkmn would you like to see in this version please post any of your favorites for Gen1 of pkmn.
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Remember this is round 27, think off call or duty logic, our pistol are as useless as broken condoms.
IF I post a mod download it and give me a +1 if you appreciate.
Make sure you give me a suggestion at my WIP topic darkPE
Make sure you click on that +1 button if I help you! ---------------->
Check out my game! It's an open-world, sandbox text adventure.
Follow @hexdro_
Hexdro © 2012-2015
Expect this to be out soon
I'm sorry for whom ever had there hopes up I apologize ;(
I made it easier to battle none of that tap and hit crap.
Now its more based with the chat. Also what pkmn would you like to see in this version please post any of your favorites for Gen1 of pkmn.