Ummm well most mods I get don't work and some mods end in .bin so how do I install that and the texture packs I get usually just crash my game plz help
Ummm well most mods I get don't work and some mods end in .bin so how do I install that and the texture packs I get usually just crash my game plz help
There are three ways to mod mcpe, with ModPE which is JavaScript and its extension is .js, patches, their extension is .mod, and addons, their extension is .apk, I'm not sure what .bin is, and for the texture packs, make sure you use one that's compatible for your Minecraft version, like, don't use a 0.8.1 texture pack if you're running 0.11.1
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This is my signature..
clicked block quote Hey..How do i turn it off?Help! I'm scared This is my life now...
Ok lol thanks turns out u can turn a .bin mod into .js mod with as file
There are actually 5 ways .js (javascript/ModPE (also some java)), .mod (patch), .apk (application), .zip (texturepack) and .png (skin), mod is just short for modification but when we talk about mods for games it is usually just the first 3
Item.defineArmor(ID, "item texture",item number, "name", "armor texture", protection, durability, ArmorType);
for example
Item.defineArmor(777, "empty_armor_slot_helmet", 0, "New Chestplate","armor/iron_1.png", 5, 300, ArmorType.chestplate);
Ummm well most mods I get don't work and some mods end in .bin so how do I install that and the texture packs I get usually just crash my game plz help
There are three ways to mod mcpe, with ModPE which is JavaScript and its extension is .js, patches, their extension is .mod, and addons, their extension is .apk, I'm not sure what .bin is, and for the texture packs, make sure you use one that's compatible for your Minecraft version, like, don't use a 0.8.1 texture pack if you're running 0.11.1
Ok lol thanks turns out u can turn a .bin mod into .js mod with as file
There are actually 5 ways
.js (javascript/ModPE (also some java)), .mod (patch), .apk (application), .zip (texturepack) and .png (skin), mod is just short for modification but when we talk about mods for games it is usually just the first 3
I'm back baby!
You were banned for that long. Lol.
I wasn't even banned I just lost interest in minecraftforums
What about something for a custom crafting table with a custom gui for inputs and outputs
The heck is this for
This can be done using javape but would probably be better done using a native add-on, because if you did javape it would be huge, but not impossible
What did the error say when you tried to enable it
Try to fix what it says cause thats how I fix a bunch of my errors instead of waiting a long time for a respnose lol
The heck is this for
Aw man,well im not learning c++ yet so my idea will have to wait :/
The heck is this for
can you take a look at this and see whats wrong with it.//Super Swords//
function newLevel(){
clientMessage("Welcome to Super Swords Mod by kano855");
ModPE.setItem(500,"sword",2,"Super Sword PHI");
function Player.getCarriedItem(){
if(Player.getCarriedItem( == 500){
//Super Swords//
function newLevel(){
clientMessage("Welcome to Super Swords Mod by kano855");
ModPE.setItem(500,"sword",2,"Super Sword PHI");
function Player.getCarriedItem(){
if(Player.getCarriedItem( == 500){
whats wrong with this
function modTick(){
if(Player.getCarriedItem() == 500){
clientMessage("SuperSwordPhi:Equpied"); //spams Chat!!!
Player.getCarriedItem isn´t a hook.
Error occurred in script: Unknown script
org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: missing ) after argument list (The useless mod V0.js#3)
at org.mozilla.javascript.DefaultErrorReporter.runtimeError(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.DefaultErrorReporter.error(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addError(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addError(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.reportError(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.mustMatchToken(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.mustMatchToken(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.argumentList(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.memberExprTail(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.memberExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.unaryExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.mulExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.shiftExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.relExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.eqExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.bitAndExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.bitXorExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.bitOrExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.andExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.orExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.condExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.assignExpr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.expr(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.nameOrLabel(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.statementHelper(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.statement(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parseFunctionBody(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.function(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compileImpl(Unknown Source)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compileReader(Unknown Source)
at net.zhuoweizhang.mcpelauncher.ScriptManager$
thank you
put urls in parenthisesesesese (dunno how to spell it but speach makrs) eg ""
semi colons dude
! and use Player.addItemInventory();
if that fails change it to function procCmd(command){}