Heard of an app called AppNana? It's an app that rewards you for installing games, testing apps, watching adds, with Google Play, Amazon, and iTunes gift cards, and more! And the app, is completely free!
An easy way of earning Nanas is to add other people's Invite Codes. Whenever you invite someone or get invited, you get 2.5k nanas!
My code is t3305123, pm me your codes so we can just keep gettin nanas for doing pretty much nothing at all!
Level.dropItem(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5, 1, 180, 1, 0);
Block.setDestroyTime(198, 4);
This was working for a different mod I had made, but when I put it in this new mod I am making, it doesnt work.
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Heard of an app called AppNana? It's an app that rewards you for installing games, testing apps, watching adds, with Google Play, Amazon, and iTunes gift cards, and more! And the app, is completely free!
An easy way of earning Nanas is to add other people's Invite Codes. Whenever you invite someone or get invited, you get 2.5k nanas!
My code is t3305123, pm me your codes so we can just keep gettin nanas for doing pretty much nothing at all!
P.S. Based from the title, it came out since BlockLauncher 1.6.11... and umm... btw, I didn't check if it still does work on the higher versions... so just test if it works as expected
P.S.S The post is not mine! It's by the famous byteandahalf (lol), who also made the PocketPower.
P.S.S.S umm... another thing... the only (new) functions in the post is to renderCross() and to renderTorch()... and the (new) hook is the renderBlockHook(), which happens when a block is rendered... kind of like an entityAddedHook() but for blocks
P.S. Based from the title, it came out since BlockLauncher 1.6.11... and umm... btw, I didn't check if it still does work on the higher versions... so just test if it works as expected
P.S.S The post is not mine! It's by the famous byteandahalf (lol), who also made the PocketPower.
P.S.S.S umm... another thing... the only (new) functions in the post is to renderCross() and to renderTorch()... and the (new) hook is the renderBlockHook(), which happens when a block is rendered... kind of like an entityAddedHook() but for blocks
Alas it is disabled in the versions released after 0.9. Good find though. All my forum searches tend to leave me more confused than when I start.
I guess we will have to wait for complex blocks. Thanks for linking me to it though!
okay, so ive seen a lot of ModPE tutorials that suggest something about custom functions. Dont judge me if im being such an idiot, but is there an actual way to create my very own function? I tried googling "How do I make a custom function for ModPE" and nothing really helpful came up. But if there is a way of making my own function for me, I would like to know.
Custom functions are actually pretty easy and I use Them to simplify repeated code.
Heard of an app called AppNana? It's an app that rewards you for installing games, testing apps, watching adds, with Google Play, Amazon, and iTunes gift cards, and more! And the app, is completely free!
An easy way of earning Nanas is to add other people's Invite Codes. Whenever you invite someone or get invited, you get 2.5k nanas!
My code is t3305123, pm me your codes so we can just keep gettin nanas for doing pretty much nothing at all!
And second, I meant that ModPEScripts (the javascript) are limited because it's zhuowei who decides what functions are to be added in the BlockLauncher... while with the Native Mods (add-ons (C++)), you can do (almost) everything that the developers can do!
Though I myself don't know how native-modding works (or even how to make one) because I'm not yet into it... maybe in the future...
Heard of an app called AppNana? It's an app that rewards you for installing games, testing apps, watching adds, with Google Play, Amazon, and iTunes gift cards, and more! And the app, is completely free!
An easy way of earning Nanas is to add other people's Invite Codes. Whenever you invite someone or get invited, you get 2.5k nanas!
My code is t3305123, pm me your codes so we can just keep gettin nanas for doing pretty much nothing at all!
have you tried using this to define your food item?
Not what I am trying to do. I am not defining it, just changing it.
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Heard of an app called AppNana? It's an app that rewards you for installing games, testing apps, watching adds, with Google Play, Amazon, and iTunes gift cards, and more! And the app, is completely free!
An easy way of earning Nanas is to add other people's Invite Codes. Whenever you invite someone or get invited, you get 2.5k nanas!
My code is t3305123, pm me your codes so we can just keep gettin nanas for doing pretty much nothing at all!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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How can you add durability to an item such as a pickaxe? I've only seen durability tutorials/guides with weapons. Also, what does Player.getCarriedItemData do?
How can you add durability to an item such as a pickaxe? I've only seen durability tutorials/guides with weapons. Also, what does Player.getCarriedItemData do?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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That isn't the problem. What happens is that the item has no durability at all. If you look more carefully, you'll see that my coding has no syntax errors.
Hmm... how 'bout the Player.getCarriedItem and the Player.getCarriedItemDataup there? They need "()" at the end right? The ones after the "function destroyBlock(x, y, z, side){" by the way.
Soo what do I put in "//Your code here//"
Block.defineBlock(198, "Tin Ore", ["cauldron_inner", 0]);
function destroyBlock(x, y, z)
var blockId = Level.getTile(x, y, z);
if(blockId == 198 && getCarriedItem() == 274)
Level.destroyBlock(x, y, z, true);
Level.dropItem(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5, 1, 180, 1, 0);
Block.setDestroyTime(198, 4);
This was working for a different mod I had made, but when I put it in this new mod I am making, it doesnt work.
Alas it is disabled in the versions released after 0.9. Good find though. All my forum searches tend to leave me more confused than when I start.
I guess we will have to wait for complex blocks. Thanks for linking me to it though!
Custom functions are actually pretty easy and I use Them to simplify repeated code.
Function my function(input1, input2, etc)
Code here
So for example
So, for example
function eatHook(entity, foodId)
if(getPlayerEnt() == entity && getCarriedItem() == 260)
var food = Entity.getHealth(getPlayerEnt) + 1;
Level.setHealth(getPlayerEnt(), food);
and it would work? That simple?
You would need to use the use item hook but other than that it is about that simple.
With the current capabilities, is it possible to make a custom crafting table (Like the stone cutter)?
Maybe in native modding. ModPEScript is soo limited...
yes, using java in javascript, how ever it will be very hard if you dont already have experience in it
you are only limited by your imagination child
Umm... first of all... I'm not a child.....?!
And second, I meant that ModPEScripts (the javascript) are limited because it's zhuowei who decides what functions are to be added in the BlockLauncher... while with the Native Mods (add-ons (C++)), you can do (almost) everything that the developers can do!
Though I myself don't know how native-modding works (or even how to make one) because I'm not yet into it... maybe in the future...
Use Item hook doesnt work. ive tried with food but it still tap block, not when u eat it which is what I want it to do.
Otherwise ill jist learn c++.
ModPE.setFoodItem(id, iconName, iconSubindex, halfHearts, name, maxStack);
have you tried using this to define your food item?[/pre]
Not what I am trying to do. I am not defining it, just changing it.
How can you add durability to an item such as a pickaxe? I've only seen durability tutorials/guides with weapons. Also, what does Player.getCarriedItemData do?
I made a tutorial for durability: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/2477958-modpe-durability (Do you have any questions about that?)
Player.getCarriedItemData() returns the Data (or damage) of the item the Player holds in the hand.
I've tried both methods, hand-typing and proofreading it, but I can't add the durability to my item. Here is my source so far.
You lack another } at the end... I think that's the only error there.
That isn't the problem. What happens is that the item has no durability at all. If you look more carefully, you'll see that my coding has no syntax errors.
Hmm... how 'bout the Player.getCarriedItem and the Player.getCarriedItemData up there? They need "()" at the end right? The ones after the "function destroyBlock(x, y, z, side) {" by the way.