I need help on how to make script mods for ios im new dont know any code at all and i want to start learning code and how to make mods people please help me thanks.
I think the best way to learn is using your brain by referring to others' mod to learn the javascript syntax. That was exactly how I learnt to made my first script. But if you want java reference (for example Math class functions and constants) I recommend this site.
It focuses at webpage making, but I think it is really helpful and easy to understand.
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I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
I think the best way to learn is using your brain by referring to others' mod to learn the javascript syntax. That was exactly how I learnt to made my first script. But if you want java reference (for example Math class functions and constants) I recommend this site.
It focuses at webpage making, but I think it is really helpful and easy to understand.
This is how I learned also.
First I took JS on http://codecademy.com/
Then I looked at other peoples mods until I understood the functions and how to use/make them.
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Willing to work on Android apps or multi-platform games, see profile bio for information.
2.need jail break on ios
if(blockId==PUT BLOCK ID HERE)
function useItem(x, y, z, itemId, blockId, side){
clientMessage("you get stone!!!");
it may be hard to understand on the first time
It focuses at webpage making, but I think it is really helpful and easy to understand.
This is how I learned also.
First I took JS on http://codecademy.com/
Then I looked at other peoples mods until I understood the functions and how to use/make them.
Willing to work on Android apps or multi-platform games, see profile bio for information.
Founder and CEO of Temena Development
Twitter: @TemenaPE
Instagram: @ItsLiterallyMath