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A while ago I had a suggestion that caught a bunch of attention and I am wondering if/how I can make it as a mod.
The idea is an eagle, complete with wild/tamed versions, chicks, eggs and nest. The parts I do not understand is
how I can make the mob fly and also make the mob capable of carrying the player for short distances.
I'd also like to try to mod in the elytra wings (spelling) and the shulker. Basically I want to mod pe to 1.9 in full but
I'm certain that'd be near impossible.
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9
How exactly does the coding work to give an item/mob flight ability? is it item.set? or item.function? I'm a bit lost
on that bit. Plus I need to know how to mod in a biome which I imagine has to be a series of strings with at least a good
15 or so different block.set commands and a few featureCmd codes.
would public void generate command work to set in new biomes? Providing the rest of the line of code.
A while ago I had a suggestion that caught a bunch of attention and I am wondering if/how I can make it as a mod.
The idea is an eagle, complete with wild/tamed versions, chicks, eggs and nest. The parts I do not understand is
how I can make the mob fly and also make the mob capable of carrying the player for short distances.
I'd also like to try to mod in the elytra wings (spelling) and the shulker. Basically I want to mod pe to 1.9 in full but
I'm certain that'd be near impossible.
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9
How exactly does the coding work to give an item/mob flight ability? is it item.set? or item.function? I'm a bit lost
on that bit. Plus I need to know how to mod in a biome which I imagine has to be a series of strings with at least a good
15 or so different block.set commands and a few featureCmd codes.
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9
would public void generate command work to set in new biomes? Providing the rest of the line of code.
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9