So you are a modding noob with no expirience and make a tutorial? Custom textures are very easy. For textures you make a texturepack and inside the images folder you create a folder called "items-opaque". There you put your item textures like "bosssword_0.png"
Hahaha, funny.
1. You have no experience (<== so you write that!) in English ==> Kannst auch deutsch reden mit mir...
2. Custom Textures can be modded withut making a texturepack... That shows you who is the noob...
1-how to build block texture without edit terrain-atlas.tga?
2-im have codes for minecraft style gui but I don't know how to use
Before I forget
I can answer the first question now.
You don' have to edit the terrain-atlas.tga.
The only things you should do are those:
1. Make a .png file with 16x16 pxs
2. "Paint" it like your block should look like (with Photoshop, Paint, etc.)
3. Save its name like this: block_name_0.png (The 0 is important)
4. Make a .zip with your file in the folder /CallItLikeYouWant/images/terrain-atlas/YourPNGFile.png
5. In your script: Search for your defineBlock-Method
6. Change the texturename-String to "block_name" (exactly how you named it in the zip without the 0)
7. Install the script as ModPE-Script and the .zip as texturepack
8. It should work now. If it doesn't write again
but I dont know how to add texture address to method
function Block.defineBlock(id,"name","texture",materialSourceId,opaque,rendertype); Just change the "texture" to "block_name" (What you specified as block_name_0.png)
Das was ich auf englisch gesagt habe war richtig also kannst du nichtmal englisch
Sorry, aber bitte schau mal auf Google nach "expirience" XD
Ich will dich jetzt nicht kritisieren oder so, aber deine Antwort oben war hald ein bisschen aggressiv....
Hello guys!
These are my tutorials about Basic Modding in Minecraft PE!
Here I will show you how to create your own mods for MCPE.
Let's begin!
Smartphone (easy) ==> ONLY ANDROID:
1. Download this app:
(Pro version):
If you prefer a professional app:
PC (laborious):
1. Download Notepad++:
2. Try to get the gist about the basics of JavaScript
3. Look at the ModPE Methods:
Now you only have to learn a little bit to code...
I will show you the basics in this tutorial and some advanced stuff in my other one: Here
How would you do custom textures though?
I haven't found out yet, but I will try to get it working and will add it to my Advanced Tutorials...
Ok, I found out how...
I will add the tutorial to the Advanced Tutorials, when I have time...
Im have questions
1-how to build block texture without edit terrain-atlas.tga?
2-im have codes for minecraft style gui but I don't know how to use
Hahaha, funny.
1. You have no experience (<== so you write that!) in English ==> Kannst auch deutsch reden mit mir...
2. Custom Textures can be modded withut making a texturepack... That shows you who is the noob...
Send me what you modded right now and I can try to explain to you (maybe in a video)
Before I forget
I can answer the first question now.
You don' have to edit the terrain-atlas.tga.
The only things you should do are those:
1. Make a .png file with 16x16 pxs
2. "Paint" it like your block should look like (with Photoshop, Paint, etc.)
3. Save its name like this: block_name_0.png (The 0 is important)
4. Make a .zip with your file in the folder /CallItLikeYouWant/images/terrain-atlas/YourPNGFile.png
5. In your script: Search for your defineBlock-Method
6. Change the texturename-String to "block_name" (exactly how you named it in the zip without the 0)
7. Install the script as ModPE-Script and the .zip as texturepack
8. It should work now. If it doesn't write again
but I dont know how to change block.defineBlock
I currently can create new method
but I dont know how to add texture address to method
Im have changed recently
Example :
In mod:
Block.defineBlock(id, [[blueblock, 0], [...., false, 6, false);
Texture requested "blueblock" not found
It looks like you haven't imported the texturepack.
When you have it imported, what happens then?
Im tested again and is work (NO ERROR)
but im go in game and my custom block texture not showed(show stationary water)
In texture pack: assets/images/terrain-atlas/blueblock_0.png
In mod:
Block.defineblock (id, [[blueblock, 0], ....], false, 6, false);
(Do you have played minecraft story mode?)
The only problem is when you typed blueblock, blocklauncher assumed you wanted a variable in there
Make it like this:
Block.defineBlock(id, name, [["blueblock",0]...], 1, false, 0);
Quick reference:
Block.defineBlock(int id, string name, [string texture, int data], int material, bool opaque, int render);
When you get it to work, it will be dark colored so here's a simple template for ya, just copy and paste it
var Block = {};
var newBlock = function(id, name, texture, material, opaque, render){
Block.defineBlock(id, name, texture, material, opaque, render);
Block.setLightOpacity(id, .0001);
Block.setRenderLayer(id, .0001);
This creates a new function!
Block.newBlock(int id, string name, [string texture, int data], int material, bool opaque, int render);
That's all, it's not rocket science
The heck is this for
Yeah, that should be the problem... In the beginning I tried that, too. (I wanted to put a as png for my block texture...)
Sorry, aber bitte schau mal auf Google nach "expirience" XD
Ich will dich jetzt nicht kritisieren oder so, aber deine Antwort oben war hald ein bisschen aggressiv....
I am not 100% sure, but I think, that jailbreak is illegal, isn't it?
Ok, hab grad nachgelesen... Legal ist es solange man es nicht so macht, dass man z.B. kostenlos aus dem Play Store runterladen kann
Im have question again :-)
Im have mod with minecraft style gui (trading mod.js)
But i don't know how to use codes
Plz help
(Text answer plz (no video))
Functions list on mod:
And more...
And more...
Ich weiß, ich red ja auch von Android
Do you have a link?