Anyone working on shader modding in the latest beta? I have been messing around and created a few awful ones, but I'm curious to see what others have done as well. Some of the better random ones I've done are shown below.
Really trippy world:
Random color mixing:
White-washed/cartoonish world
I also have a no-fog shader mod as well, which is in all of those screen shots.
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In the vertex shader, I've been using gl_Position to create wavyness. I'm looking for some magic "hack" to emulate waveyness without having to move or anything else.
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Did you know I make music? Just click my logo to listen to my awesome Electronic beats!
Do you know the color of water? (for waving only the water and not everything)
I don't have to know the color of water to make only it wave. In the renderchunk vertex shader, there is a definition called NEAR_WATER.
In the main method, I added this:
#ifdef FANCY
color = fancyWater(, COLOR);
gl_Position.y += sin(gl_Position.y * 2.0)/4.0; // add waves to y position
gl_Position.x += cos(gl_Position.x * 2.0)/4.0; // add waves to x position
//Do not add waves to the z position!
color = COLOR;
color.a = (gl_Position.z) / FAR_CHUNKS_DISTANCE + 0.5;
#endif //FANCY
color = COLOR;
Nice, but how is it possible?!
"#ifdef NEAR_WATER" is for the preprocessor at compile time, so is mcpe recompiling the shaders at every vertex?
Remember that these are GLSL shaders. GLSL is OpenGL's own programming language that runs on the GPU, and is similar to C, but with a quite few differences. MCPE doesn't have to do anything other than send the text file containing the shader to the GPU. The GPU compiles the shader, runs the shader, and does everything else on its own.
*noob alert* Where is the main method?
Will links be availible?
I may provide links to some shaders, but not many until 0.10.0 is officially released. Tommaso might change the shaders from now until the final release (for example, he recently said he was going to use mediump floats instead of lowp), so I'm only experimenting for now. Once 0.10.0 is released and the shaders are final, I'll start releasing better and bigger shader packs/themes.
Also, if you look at a fragment/vertex shader, the main method is the line that says:
void main()
// This is inside the main method
It's the one that I highlighted/put a dot next to in this picture:
Heeey This Not Bad Idea, But Not Some Dark the World And Make the Lava And Glowstone and the torchs do more Brighter Is The Best Idea To Make A one GLSL Shaders PE NOT ???
Sorry For My Bad English I am Speak Spanish and HELLO Sir Kael And Jocopa3, Jocopa You Make A Great Music Exellent For Minecraft Videos!!!
Firstly I have a bad English or kind of, but I try to ask if you can make the outline shadows in blocks like chocapics, and crystallized color of water, that would be awesome and also that about the lightning in glowstone, plz reply, bye and thanks.
Really trippy world:
Random color mixing:
White-washed/cartoonish world
I also have a no-fog shader mod as well, which is in all of those screen shots.
If possible, You could make lava and glowstone a little brighter? =)
Like this:
PD: Sorry for my bad English
Sadly, no. I could make the texture of glowstone and lava brighter, and make the torchlight brighter, but not glow. I'll see what I can do, though.
I don't have to know the color of water to make only it wave. In the renderchunk vertex shader, there is a definition called NEAR_WATER.
In the main method, I added this:
Which looks like this:
Remember that these are GLSL shaders. GLSL is OpenGL's own programming language that runs on the GPU, and is similar to C, but with a quite few differences. MCPE doesn't have to do anything other than send the text file containing the shader to the GPU. The GPU compiles the shader, runs the shader, and does everything else on its own.
0.10.0 added shaders, and anyone can edit them with a regular text editor! In the apk file, they are in the /assets/shaders/ folder.
*noob alert* Where is the main method?
Will links be availible?
I support:

I may provide links to some shaders, but not many until 0.10.0 is officially released. Tommaso might change the shaders from now until the final release (for example, he recently said he was going to use mediump floats instead of lowp), so I'm only experimenting for now. Once 0.10.0 is released and the shaders are final, I'll start releasing better and bigger shader packs/themes.
Also, if you look at a fragment/vertex shader, the main method is the line that says:
It's the one that I highlighted/put a dot next to in this picture:
Heeey This Not Bad Idea, But Not Some Dark the World And Make the Lava And Glowstone and the torchs do more Brighter Is The Best Idea To Make A one GLSL Shaders PE NOT ???
Sorry For My Bad English I am Speak Spanish and HELLO Sir Kael And Jocopa3, Jocopa You Make A Great Music Exellent For Minecraft Videos!!!
Would it be possible to adapt the water waving shader and apply it to leaves, flowers and grass?
more addon are comming made by me
Firstly I have a bad English or kind of, but I try to ask if you can make the outline shadows in blocks like chocapics, and crystallized color of water, that would be awesome and also that about the lightning in glowstone, plz reply, bye and thanks.