*The word content will be used when referred to Texture/Resource Packs, Mods, Tools, Maps, and Skins.
When porting and/or redistributing content to MCPE, be sure to include permission from the original creator of the content when distributing (posting a download link) to the forums.
To ensure you can share their content, please be sure to request permission by asking the owner if you may port and/or distribute their content. If they have replied and have agreed for you to do so, provide a link to the post, page if on another website, or image providing proof. If the content owner has stated that anyone can port/share their content, please link to (not copy/paste) that message/post.
When providing proof, you must show that YOU requested the permission. Please do not crop the image if that is your proof. If more information is needed, a forum Moderator or Admin will ask over a Private message.
Providing fake proof by tampering with posts or images will result in your thread removal, and a warning.
Threads that contain comments such as "I asked permission." is not providing proof, and will be removed. If the owner of the content you requested permission to use does not reply, or says no, you may not distribute their work.
If you gain permission to port/share their work, please follow ALL their guidelines. If they do not allow you to use monetary links (ex: adfly) to distribute the content, you may not use those links. Threads that do not follow the owner's guidelines will have their thread removed and the member warned.
Why does is topic sound familiar? I remember seeing something like this on the forums.
pixeldrum had made a topic before, but the topic was outdated and wasn't kept up. I took some of the basic information and added more. This isn't a new rule, just more information.
Are we allowed to 'port' a mod without permission, if we dont copy the name/ textures/ Item names/ code/ models aso. but say some thing like 'inspired by ...' ?
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Are we allowed to 'port' a mod without permission, if we dont copy the name/ textures/ Item names/ code/ models aso. but say some thing like 'inspired by ...' ?
If you making something that is inspired that is fine, but if you are using the same recipes then no.
Also what about recipes for armor? My mod that is going to be inspired by EE2/EE3/ProjectE will have armor, and I don't want to make it be even more expensive.
*The word content will be used when referred to Texture/Resource Packs, Mods, Tools, Maps, and Skins.
When porting and/or redistributing content to MCPE, be sure to include permission from the original creator of the content when distributing (posting a download link) to the forums.
To ensure you can share their content, please be sure to request permission by asking the owner if you may port and/or distribute their content. If they have replied and have agreed for you to do so, provide a link to the post, page if on another website, or image providing proof. If the content owner has stated that anyone can port/share their content, please link to (not copy/paste) that message/post.
When providing proof, you must show that YOU requested the permission. Please do not crop the image if that is your proof. If more information is needed, a forum Moderator or Admin will ask over a Private message.
Providing fake proof by tampering with posts or images will result in your thread removal, and a warning.
Threads that contain comments such as "I asked permission." is not providing proof, and will be removed. If the owner of the content you requested permission to use does not reply, or says no, you may not distribute their work.
If you gain permission to port/share their work, please follow ALL their guidelines. If they do not allow you to use monetary links (ex: adfly) to distribute the content, you may not use those links. Threads that do not follow the owner's guidelines will have their thread removed and the member warned.
Why does is topic sound familiar? I remember seeing something like this on the forums.
Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
pixeldrum had made a topic before, but the topic was outdated and wasn't kept up. I took some of the basic information and added more. This isn't a new rule, just more information.
So we need to have permission if we're porting something? I don't get what this post is about. I can't even port a texture, but I can do skins. :7
Skins don´t need to be ported. They just work.
I mean, like you can download skins for computer, and they work fine for mcpe.
If you are porting/sharing anyone else's designs or work you will need permission.
I have a question:
Are we allowed to 'port' a mod without permission, if we dont copy the name/ textures/ Item names/ code/ models aso. but say some thing like 'inspired by ...' ?
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If you making something that is inspired that is fine, but if you are using the same recipes then no.
Also what about recipes for armor? My mod that is going to be inspired by EE2/EE3/ProjectE will have armor, and I don't want to make it be even more expensive.
My Signature
Seems legit
So, if someone took my mod’s textures, claimed it as their own, then posted a mod called pumpkins n mo, they could get in trouble for that?
(Obviously yes then)
but with whom? Me? Or Curse and the Minecraft Forum?
probably both.
Unless you have clearly stated that others may share your textures other members would not be allowed to post them without your permission.
Minecraft Official assets too?