The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hey man this is a really awesome mod! I did a review of it on my YouTube channel here:
Also, I was wondering if you would be okay with me adding this to my app MCPE Mod Locator (here) to help spread this around. Credit will be given and I would really love to have this mod in my app! Great work man, keep it up!
Hey man this is a really awesome mod! I did a review of it on my YouTube channel here:
Also, I was wondering if you would be okay with me adding this to my app MCPE Mod Locator (here) to help spread this around. Credit will be given and I would really love to have this mod in my app! Great work man, keep it up!
A review by the dogger? I'll check that out!
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hello byteandahalf! pocketpower isnt working. I have no textures or mods or addons on, i am latest version of bl and mcpe but it still says "oh nose everything broke" please help me. Ps i also reinstalled bl and tried again! but it still dosent work
Show me a screenshot of the error that shows up. It sounds like you have an intel device, so it most likely won't work. Does this happen to be a Galaxy Tab 3?
I did. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it still had the add-on. In sorry for blowing up. (I could joke that I'm part creeper but that still was rude of me)
The mod is amazing. I just couldn't get rid of it...
What do you mean you reinstalled? If you want to get rid of the mod, why would you reinstall it? I'm not referring to BlockLauncher, I mean if you go to Settings->Installed Applications, you can scroll down and find Byteandahalf's Redstone Mod, and uninstall it.
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What can i do? Both are updated, and i still get that error. Pfff look:
I know about this error, it happens to tons of people. The arch is x86 and the chipset is Intel. I can try compiling my mod for x86 but Zhuowei will need to make BL support Intel(he has talked about plans of doing this). Sorry
This mod is legendary!! Btw, when I'm building a redstone calculator the redstone system becomes very laggy i.e. the redstone wire sometimes remain lit or flickers when there is no imput signal, and redstone repeaters remain lit even when the wire behind it is off. Is it a problem with the mod or is my device(HTC One X+) too slow?
I have found several bugs with this mod. Redstone clocks do not work and always synchronize and maintain a constant power. The type of redstone clock that that bug adheres to is the type with repeaters and redstone dust, not the lever, redstone dust, and redstone torches. Also, if enough redstone exists in a world, lag with the redstone can occurr, but not lag with placing/removing blocks, mob movement etc.
I have found several bugs with this mod. Redstone clocks do not work and always synchronize and maintain a constant power. The type of redstone clock that that bug adheres to is the type with repeaters and redstone dust, not the lever, redstone dust, and redstone torches. Also, if enough redstone exists in a world, lag with the redstone can occurr, but not lag with placing/removing blocks, mob movement etc.
For the repeaters clocks, you must not be doing something right. The lag caused by being around alot of dust is due to the fact that dust contains alot of transparency, so the game performs alpha testing on it. Mobile devices are not very quick at alpha testing.
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Show me a screenshot of the error that shows up. It sounds like you have an intel device, so it most likely won't work. Does this happen to be a Galaxy Tab 3?
What do you mean you reinstalled? If you want to get rid of the mod, why would you reinstall it? I'm not referring to BlockLauncher, I mean if you go to Settings->Installed Applications, you can scroll down and find Byteandahalf's Redstone Mod, and uninstall it.
Yes, I have a galaxy tab 3. how does that effect this mod?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
In the 42nd closet
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In a box
I have no Xbox
No PSN either!
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Please add:
Obtainable Piston + Sticky Pistion (need that lol)
Redstone wire connects to repeaters like PC
Obtainable redstone block that works
Command Block + PC commands (cause bruh)
Slime drop slimeballs
Also, I was wondering if you would be okay with me adding this to my app MCPE Mod Locator (here) to help spread this around. Credit will be given and I would really love to have this mod in my app! Great work man, keep it up!
A review by the dogger? I'll check that out!
Buy some banners, renders, and profile pics from me here:
Show me a screenshot of the error that shows up. It sounds like you have an intel device, so it most likely won't work. Does this happen to be a Galaxy Tab 3?
What do you mean you reinstalled? If you want to get rid of the mod, why would you reinstall it? I'm not referring to BlockLauncher, I mean if you go to Settings->Installed Applications, you can scroll down and find Byteandahalf's Redstone Mod, and uninstall it.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
You have to try downloading on a different browser. Use ES File Explorer to extract btw
That's a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, isn't it? Sorry, that device is an x86 architecture with an Intel chipset. Currently BlockLauncher won't support that.
I know about this error, it happens to tons of people. The arch is x86 and the chipset is Intel. I can try compiling my mod for x86 but Zhuowei will need to make BL support Intel(he has talked about plans of doing this). Sorry
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Sometimes BL Cannot Support That or The Mod Aren't Compatible In Your Android Devices
Piston Aren't Obtainable Yet
Sometimes This Mod Is Not Compatible in You BL(BlockLauncher
BlockLauncher itself is compiled for x86, but I need to compile the mod for x86 as well.
For the repeaters clocks, you must not be doing something right. The lag caused by being around alot of dust is due to the fact that dust contains alot of transparency, so the game performs alpha testing on it. Mobile devices are not very quick at alpha testing.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
They are if you inventory edit them into your world.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Use this script to add in your creative inventory:
Yes, I have a galaxy tab 3.
yet! Link:
more addon are comming made by me
Obtainable Piston + Sticky Pistion (need that lol)
Redstone wire connects to repeaters like PC
Obtainable redstone block that works
Command Block + PC commands (cause bruh)
Slime drop slimeballs