"Did you extract the zip and tap on the apk inside to install it? Do you have the newest version of BL and MCPE? do you have all other mods uninstalled? Do you have addons turned on? Do you see the mod in your addon list? Try reinstalling BL."
(Sorry I dont know how to use this site.)
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Didn't work,but thanks. I was so hyped for this mod and now this happens. :'(
Hmm... What is the problem then? You get an error when installing? You get no error but the mod just doesn't work? Or...
Hey what are all the ID's of the items? For the piston,redstoneblock,detector rail and buttons?
Same as PC.
Piston: 33
Redstone Block: 152
Detector Rail: 28
Buttons are in the Creative Menu.
[quote=FoxGL;/members/FoxGL;/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/2369391-pocketpower-v1-the-most-advanced-redstone-mod-ever?comment=88]Could you make it in a different format? my android say its a Bad Zip File :'(
Looks like a cool mod though! You have to download with a different browser or a PC. Try any browser until it works.
What about the directing bugs?
Isn't it serious??
Take a look at the picture below.
There isn't a bug like this on the pc~
And actually, my js has more things than yours.
Things such as Slime block and command block.
Those are hard work.
All chinese mcpe player r expecting!!!
I don't know why you're so insistent on being better than me. While it is true that your mod has more features than mine, they aren't implemented as well due to the limitations of ModPE. You are a very good programmer and your mod is impressive for a script, but you can't beat the fact that once I have more features added to my native Redstone mod, it will be the first one exactly like PC. I'm not comparing either one of our skills, we're both quite good, but the simple fact is that native mods are much better than ModPE scripts. I did work quite hard on this mod (about 4 months) and I'm offended that you are insisting that I didn't. The mod is solid C++, which is in fact one of the hardest languages in the world. And one more thing about the picture: I was basing my repeater code off of the code from Minecraft PC Beta 1.4 (old version), and back in that version, repeaters didn't connect to Redstone dust. It isn't really a bug, but more an intentionally implemented feature. Thanks for your input though, I'll fix that for the next version.
The mod works fine, but it's not in the add-ons menu! I can't turn it off.
I deleted the files but nothing happened!
I was forced to Factory reset!
I ran smoothly before. But now it's the slowest junk I have!
You did this!
Your virus mod refused to let go until I got forced to delete my everything!
You made a virus that damaged my expensive kindle fire that I don't have any warranty for!
I'm sorry for being so harsh on you, but breaking my device is just unacceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!
Calm down, calm down. You didn't have to factory reset your device, nor did I make you; You did that on your own accord surely. Kindle Fire is my main device: All you have to do is go to Device Settings->Applications->Installed Applications. Search for my Redstone mod, tap on it, and select uninstall.
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This is amazing!! I love you!! You don't mind if I tweet this forum to Tommas? Thank you, MinerGirl98
You don't have to, I've been talking to Tomasso about my mod for months now! He has my code for the mod and everything, and he may use it as a reference for implementing real Redstone into MCPE.
Kindle Fire HD: No Redstone appeared when tapped and crashes one second after
TIM is Woking fine with it... only mod with it is that one
Obviously TMI isn't working fine with it... You MUST disable TMI to stop the crashing. Also, make sure you have all other complex mods disabled. Disable everything until it works.
There is nothing in the zip file I downloaded and I tried downloading it again. Can you send it to my email address zonner815@@gmail.com
You need to keep using different browsers until it works. Sending it in email isn't going to help, you still have to download it afterward! I'd suggest using a PC if you can.
hello byteandahalf! pocketpower isnt working. I have no textures or mods or addons on, i am latest version of bl and mcpe but it still says "oh nose everything broke" please help me. Ps i also reinstalled bl and tried again! but it still dosent work
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Have you considered making this open-source? It would help people learn how to make native mods and boost the modding community and mod quality quite a lot. (We might actually get some fully-featured mods around here!)
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System administrator (incl. but not limited to Minecraft) and software developer
I did. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it still had the add-on. In sorry for blowing up. (I could joke that I'm part creeper but that still was rude of me)
The mod is amazing. I just couldn't get rid of it...
TIM is Woking fine with it... only mod with it is that one
Use PocketInvEditor, same ID's as PC.
Hmm... What is the problem then? You get an error when installing? You get no error but the mod just doesn't work? Or...
Use an inventory editor to get the pistons. I'd recommend PocketInvEditor on the appstore. ID 33
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Same as PC.
Piston: 33
Redstone Block: 152
Detector Rail: 28
Buttons are in the Creative Menu.
[quote=FoxGL;/members/FoxGL;/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/2369391-pocketpower-v1-the-most-advanced-redstone-mod-ever?comment=88]Could you make it in a different format? my android say its a Bad Zip File :'(
Looks like a cool mod though! You have to download with a different browser or a PC. Try any browser until it works.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
UMG.. . ... . TFW??! . . .. rEKT m8! ...
Wooooow... #Rekt
I don't know why you're so insistent on being better than me. While it is true that your mod has more features than mine, they aren't implemented as well due to the limitations of ModPE. You are a very good programmer and your mod is impressive for a script, but you can't beat the fact that once I have more features added to my native Redstone mod, it will be the first one exactly like PC. I'm not comparing either one of our skills, we're both quite good, but the simple fact is that native mods are much better than ModPE scripts. I did work quite hard on this mod (about 4 months) and I'm offended that you are insisting that I didn't. The mod is solid C++, which is in fact one of the hardest languages in the world. And one more thing about the picture: I was basing my repeater code off of the code from Minecraft PC Beta 1.4 (old version), and back in that version, repeaters didn't connect to Redstone dust. It isn't really a bug, but more an intentionally implemented feature. Thanks for your input though, I'll fix that for the next version.
Calm down, calm down. You didn't have to factory reset your device, nor did I make you; You did that on your own accord surely. Kindle Fire is my main device: All you have to do is go to Device Settings->Applications->Installed Applications. Search for my Redstone mod, tap on it, and select uninstall.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Make sure you have all other mods disabled. Can I see a screenshot of your issue?
He does have a review of my mod because I hand delivered it to him. I had a closed beta.
Your browser failed to download it properly: Use a different browser until it works.
You don't have to, I've been talking to Tomasso about my mod for months now! He has my code for the mod and everything, and he may use it as a reference for implementing real Redstone into MCPE.
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
It should work on every device except for x86 devices (and I don't think there's any x86 phones). What seems to be the problem?
Obviously TMI isn't working fine with it... You MUST disable TMI to stop the crashing. Also, make sure you have all other complex mods disabled. Disable everything until it works.
You need to keep using different browsers until it works. Sending it in email isn't going to help, you still have to download it afterward! I'd suggest using a PC if you can.
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No, please don't - Sorry.
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yet! Link: http://www.minecraft...in-at-any-time/
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The mod is amazing. I just couldn't get rid of it...