Hey guys today I'm showing ya my first mod that I mad and I need help updating it here's the link http://www.mediafire.com/?4wexbre2y092mu4 ITS MY FIRST EMERALD TNT HERES THE RECIPE: EMERALDS AROUND 1 TNT YOU TAP THE TNT WITH A FLINT AND STEEL AND IT EXPLODES, EXPLOSION DONT HURT U AND BIGGER THAN NORMAL TNT. UPDATE: MADE VILLAGERS DROP EMERALDS
do you want me to make any speedart for it?
PM me if you do thanks
Get KatieQuake to make speedart or to Build on your server! PM, Skype Message, or Message me on my website!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe9i-sMDrKtJcFLSb5I11Rg
Official Website: https://www.katiequakefanz.yooco.org
BTW, I can only build on Minecraft PE servers. Thanks!