-Skyforge Steel Sword(Can be upgraded to Skyforge Steel Greatsword!)
-Skyforge Steel Greatsword
-Hazmat Armor Set
-Ghost Soul(Used to Craft Ghostblade)
-Steel Ingot(Used to Craft Skyforge Steel Sword)
-Fireball(Used to Craft Staff of Fireball and an ammo for it)FEATURES:
-Target and Mob Health Nametag
-Upgradeable Swords(Skyforge Steel Sword for now. Tap on a Nether Reactor Core with the sword to upgrade.)
-Rubber(Smelt Leather to Obtain)
Version 2
-[NEW]DRAGONS!(I will make them next time! And i'll fix the face next time too! XD)(Use blaze powder to spawn)
Next Version:
Version 3
-More Features
-More Armors
-More Upgradeable Swords and an awesome way to upgrade them!
MOD CREATORS: darkvoid021 & moddermastersmit
Follow Us: https://twitter.com/Wetdryer21 https://twitter.com/kyransmith1
PM if you want to join me and moddermastersmit
You can edit the mod for personal use ONLY.
Ask me or moddermastersmit if you want to review the mod.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Queen Insanity
Member Details
I think this topic could use some more images. As of now I barely know anything about your mod. Images always make mod topics better, so you plan on adding some more? If not, I'd advise you do. Without them you might make some people not as interested and completely skip over your mod.
If you wanted someone to take some pictures, I could. I could make banners too, you know... If you wanted.
I might install this mod and look at it a bit even if you don't want any pictures. I'm in search for a good Skyrim mod. I still play it a lot to this very day. Such an amazing game....
what version is this for?? 1.7.10? and also is there a jar. file for this idk how to make it into that how do i work this it just gives me a file for safari with the code so plz help
v2.5 Texture: http://adf.ly/srWK7
Development Release
-Staff of Fireball
-Glass Sword
-Skyforge Steel Sword(Can be upgraded to Skyforge Steel Greatsword!)
-Skyforge Steel Greatsword
-Hazmat Armor Set
-Ghost Soul(Used to Craft Ghostblade)
-Steel Ingot(Used to Craft Skyforge Steel Sword)
-Fireball(Used to Craft Staff of Fireball and an ammo for it)FEATURES:
-Target and Mob Health Nametag
-Upgradeable Swords(Skyforge Steel Sword for now. Tap on a Nether Reactor Core with the sword to upgrade.)
-Rubber(Smelt Leather to Obtain)
-[NEW]DRAGONS!(I will make them next time! And i'll fix the face next time too! XD)(Use blaze powder to spawn)
Version 3
-More Features
-More Armors
-More Upgradeable Swords and an awesome way to upgrade them!
-More Items
MOD CREATORS: darkvoid021 & moddermastersmit
Follow Us:
PM if you want to join me and moddermastersmit
You can edit the mod for personal use ONLY.
Ask me or moddermastersmit if you want to review the mod.
Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Wetdryer21
Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Wetdryer21
Skyrim,life complete! LOL JK
We still need Monster Hunter,God Eater etc.etc.
Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Wetdryer21
Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Wetdryer21
Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Wetdryer21
I think this topic could use some more images. As of now I barely know anything about your mod. Images always make mod topics better, so you plan on adding some more? If not, I'd advise you do. Without them you might make some people not as interested and completely skip over your mod.
If you wanted someone to take some pictures, I could.
I could make banners too, you know... If you wanted.
I might install this mod and look at it a bit even if you don't want any pictures. I'm in search for a good Skyrim mod. I still play it a lot to this very day. Such an amazing game....
The file of texture is moved or deleted
what version is this for?? 1.7.10? and also is there a jar. file for this idk how to make it into that how do i work this it just gives me a file for safari with the code so plz help