[ModPack][V1.1 Nightmares update] Ultimate Survival ModPack. A modpack that makes survival (MUCH) harder.
Poll: Would you like a ModPack that makes survival more challenging?
Ended Sep 27, 2014
Poll: What should be added next? (Higher is better)
Ended Oct 4, 2014
-Smaller combat range, you can now only hit mobs if you are really close to them (2 blocks max)
-Less healing from food, only heal up half as much hearts as normal when you eat food
-Underground Suffocation, if you stay underground for longer as 10 minutes you'll suffocate because of the bad air quality. You can type /air to see how much air you have left. It'll also warn you automatically if you have 5, 2 and halve a minute left
-Exploding ores. There is a chance that the ore you mine explodes
-Died means stuff gone. You lose all your stuff when you die. It won't drop on the ground, but instead it'll be deleted
-You have a 2% chance that the block you mine does not drop
-Creepers will now have a much larger explosion radius
-You'll get 25% more damage (if you get 2 hearts of damage you'll get 2.5 hearts)
-Tools will have 10% less durability
-You'll have 25% chance of getting a nightmare when sleeping, and you'll get 2-10 (half)hearts of damage because of that
Download V1.1
-All mods in one script, the Ultimate Survival ModPack
-Separate mods
--Less healing
--Underground Suffocation
--Smaller combat range
--Died means stuff gone
--Exploding ores
--Chance of blocks not dropping
--Larger creeper explosion
--More damage
--Less tools durability
--Added nightmares
--Final bug fixes
--Added in chance of blocks not dropping, larger creeper explosions, more damage and less tools durability
--Adjusted the combat range
--Added in died means stuff gone and exploding ores
I haven't made it yet. I'm gonna start making it based on the most voted features
I just made it myself again, didn't know that. Whatever. I'll just include my version. Saves me some time on asking for permission to use it.
So that mod is done, and I also already have the smaller combat range mod. Now im gonna start on the underground suffocation part, and after that I'll probably release an Alpha of the modpack
Follow me at twitter to check my newest map: https://twitter.com/MRderekleeM4U
Interesting, but I want to make a modpack that just enhances the vanilla minecraft survival experience, so I don't want to implement any new items and/or blocks. I want to stay as as close to vanilla minecraft as possible, but just make things harder, if you know what I mean. (Unless the community wants something else of course)
I'm not very good with java (that's how you can create GUI's and overlays in your mod) so I don't really know how to add in a hunger bar. I could add it in as a text instead of the usual drumsticks, so that it for example says "15/20 hunger". Or I'd have to search help from someone that does know how to do that kinda stuff.
Which warning sign?
If you are wearing any kind of leather armor,you can't breathe for 3 sec after swimming(reason:leather absorb some water)
Iron armor make you burn when you are near lava(reason:metal absorb heat quick)
You will get poisoned if a zombie/pig man/spider bite/attack you(reason:spider,you know that.Zombie and pigman,viruses?)
Sometimes will loss health after sleeping(reason:horrible nightmare)
I like the last one. I already thought about how I could nerf the sleeping a bit but I couldn't really come up with anything.
You can't come up with what?If you mean the code,I can help(I will say how,but not the code):
If you touch a bed(with the block damage because you can't sleep when touching the end of the bed),a timer will set off,the timer must be the same time when you wake up,when the time is 0 and it is day time,a random number generate and only 3 number will make you get hurt(3/10,don't be like 3/5 or less).
If the time is 0 and it is still night,the timer reset and stop,this happen when there is monster nearby.
I actually like the second one,because I like real life physic.And one more idea:
If a mob that is on fire attack you,you will burn about 5 to 7 seconds.
I didn't mean the code, I just meant the idea
Sure, go for it. If you link to the mod(s), please use the forum or adf.ly link, don't use the github link or create your own download. Apart from that you're totally free to use it.