Mods by NateKrell a.k.a. Etan_Llerk a.k.a NateOK For Android, MCPE 0.9.5
*Pictures are BELOW this, in posts #2 and #3. And yes, I use links now. Thanks for understanding, and waiting the extra 5 seconds to support my work!
Emerald Tools/Armor, *GlutenFree-Craft, *SmokeCraft, *Tent-mod, and *ElementCraft all use one Texture Pack. Download: [size=medium][/size]
[size=small]If you don't use that Texture Pack, the new items and tools will look wrong. Otherwise, it is pretty standard MC Textures...[/size]
Emerald tools are in the Crafting menu. They are enchanted with special powers:
-em Pickaxe: Fortune II increases the number of dropped items for many blocks, including Diamond, Lapis, Emerald, Redstone, and Coal Ores, and also Crops, Melons, and more!
-em. Shovel: Silk Touch drops the block you break, instead of the usual drop.
-em. Axe: TreeCapitator drops all Logs above the Log you break.
-em. Sword: Explode and Throw Mobs a short distance. Boom.
-em. Hoe: Randomly plant a crop, melon, pumpkin, or reeds... and water too!
Gluten Free -Craft
Get Almonds from Leaf blocks, and use them to craft GF food in workbench.
-Almond Milk, GF Bread, GF Cake, and now GF cookies!
Use Cannabis in MineCraft! The Mod adds a Joint, Pipe, & Full Pipe as items, and a Lit Joint & Lit Pipe as foods.
-Roll a Joint at the workbench, with Paper and Tall Grass (or Fern)
-Craft a Pipe, with Cobblestone and an Iron Ingot.
-Pack the bowl, and use a torch to light it! Use the Lit Joint/Pipe like a food item (eat it when your hearts are low).
Now with Slow-Speed and Vision- effects!!! (Lasts a short time).
Adds new Ores to Minecraft and generates them (once only!) as you move around and load new chunks.
-Found below level Y40, there is now Silver, Aluminum, Magnesium, Amethyst, Ruby and Sapphire!
-This keeps all the old ore blocks, and increases the number of ores from 7 to 13 (or 14, including Nether Quartz).
-So far you can Smelt the metals into Ingots and craft those into dust, as well as collect the gemstones from their ores.
***Also adds 1-in-200 chance of spawning an Emerald Cave! Full of Emerald Ore. Its like an Emerald Dungeon! More to come later!***
Tent mod
This adds a camping tent that can be placed down or packed up with just one click!
It can provide some protection from Mobs, etc, when you are adventuring far from your home.
-The Tent can be Crafted from Wool and Sticks in the Crafting Table.
-Tap the Tent anywhere to set it up (3x3x3 space needed).
-Tap the darker "corner" Block of the tent to take it down again. Re-usable.
-The tent is big enough for one Bed to be placed inside (not included - bring your own Bed) and one Player.
-(Note: the only "custom texture" on this mod is the Item icon for the Tent itself. It would still place a wool Tent down just fine without the Texture Pack, if you need)
Tree-Planter Machine!
One of my personal favorite Mods I have done, actually. It adds a Block that will plant Trees (or anything else!) over a 4 Chunk area (32x32 blocks square), but only on Grass Blocks!
-Craft the Tree Planter with Cobble, Plank Slabs, a trapdoor, redsrone dust, and a Sapling, in the Crafting menu.
-Place the Tree Planter down in the center of the area you want planted.
-Place a normal Chest *On Top* of the Planter. Put up to 64 saplings (or whatever) into the *first* space of the Chest.
-Tap the Planter Block to turn it on, and it will randomly check all Blocks around to see if they are Grass. If it is a Grass Block, it plants one item and checks another.
-The machine emits Redstone Smoke when it is on, and also makes a fast puff of green above itself, and also at the planted location, each time it finds an acceptable Block!
-It has chat messages to let you know when to refill the Chest on top. Plants any kind of Block!
Emerald Trades (my version)
Tap any Villager to trade for Emeralds and more! You must be holding the right number and type of Item when you tap the Villager. Each type of Villager only takes certain trades (the same as PC, but less choices):
GuideBook, GPS and Clock Time
-Craft the GuideBook in the workbench, tap it on any block/mob for info on ID, age, damage, etc...
-Tap a compass to get your x,y,z location.
-Tap a clock to have game-time converted to 12 hour am-pm format
Skeleton drops Bow
Adds a 12% chance that Skeletons will drop a bow along with its arrows and bones.
Tap Redstone Dust anywhere to blast yourself into Outer Space!!! You will float in the darkness, surrounded by stars, for a few seconds, then fall back to where you started, all safe. Just for fun.
De-Crafting (my version)
Adds a De-crafting Table, for complex de-crafting, as well as simple de-crafting recipes in the normal Crafting Table.
-Get your resources back from many things, including 4 Planks from a Crafting Table, 8 from a Chest...
-Get 6 Gold Ingots plus a Stick and Redstone Dust from a set of Powered Rails, Even get your Diamonds back after crafting a Nether Reactor Core!
-Just tap the Decrafting Table with the item you want to revert back to its base ingredients. Many things can be Decrafted, but many can not yet! Let me know what you want new Decrafting recipes for! this thread!
Emerald Everything!
This adds several new Emerald Blocks to craft and use. Also works in Creative. Adds: Emerald Carpet, Emerald Slabs, Emerald Posts ans Pillars (like fences and wall pillars), Emerald Bookcases, and more! Uses new, un-used IDs for new Blocks. Kind of a weird one... enjoy.
MoreBlox (my version)
Adds a bunch of Blocks and Items from the PC version. It includes things like Nether Quartz Ore, and a method to make it drop the right item, Zombie Pigmen drop Gold Nuggets (craftable), Endermen drop Ender Pearls (do not work, but do in other people's mods), and more. Also has new recipes to craft Podzol, and Grass, from standard ingredients in Survival! Another fun one...
Solar Powered Furnace
This is the same Solar Furnace I had out a few months back... the 0.9.5 update broke it then, and now it is fixed.
-Craft the Solar Panel in the Crafting table. Place it "on top" of a single furnace.
-(To place it on top, you need to tap a wall behind or beside the Furnace, one block above it).
-Tap the Solar Panel after you place it on top of a Furnace. This will turn it On if the Light Level is bright enough (14 or 15). The Solar Panel will "power" the Furnace by keeping it full of -Coal as long as the surrounding Light is bright enough. If the light level gets to dark, or if you Tap the Solar Panel again, it will turn Off, and all Coal will be removed from the Furnace.
-Only one Solar Panel can be used at a time.
I hope you enjoy these.
Please post here to with bugs, questions, or ideas to make these better![size=small]
Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, Magnesium, Aluminum and Silver ores.
All the ores, with Magnesium Dust, Silver Ingots and Dust, Aluminum Ingots and Dust, Rubies, Sapphires, and Amethyst!
Decrafting screenshots:
Got your ingredients back!
Emerald EVERYTHING screenshots:
Left to Right: Emerald Planks, Pole, Carpet, Post, Slab, Column, and Bookcase... all made with EMERALDS!
They are craftable in Survival, but I haven't added them to Creative mode yet...
MoreBlox screenshots:
Enchanting Table (no function), Nether Quartz Ore, and the Quartz it drops, a crafted Block of Redstone. In front are an Ender Pearl (now dropped by Enderman! woo!), Gold Nugget (dropped by Zombie-pigmen, also Craftable!) and a Slimeball (now dropped by Slime mobs!)... just some of the features of my MoreBlox mod!
Thanks for doing that. I'm glad someone finally did a video that actually shows my Fortune Emerald Pickaxe! THANK YOU!
Most other reviewers either skip over the Emerald Pickaxe or assume it doesn't work. Remember, the Emerald Pickaxe gets more item drops from valuable blocks, like Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, Lapis, Redstone Ore, coal, mature Crops, Gravel... just google Fortune II Enchantment... I made it the same.
Sorry, the video-emerald-pickaxe thing always bugged me!
********EDIT: Here's another good video! Thanks!
...Also, Thanks to everyone for over 1500 downloads for the Emerald Tools mod! Wow, over 1000 downloads... this is like being back in the old 0.8.1 mod days... thanks!
There's a way to get high without using the lit joint from smokecraft and have to make others. Make a joint but don't light it by crafting. Tap a torch with it and it should disappear off the quick select bar. Holding an unlit joint, open inventory and tap the lit joint to replace the unlit joint and you should see your guy eat the joint behind the inventory. When inventory is closed you will be high and still have the lit joint. Some steps to this may be unnecessary but I haven't tested other ways. Try it, it worked for me. Reply if it doesn't. Oh, and this not work with the pipes/bowls.
There's a way to get high without using the lit joint from smokecraft and have to make others. Make a joint but don't light it by crafting. Tap a torch with it and it should disappear off the quick select bar. Holding an unlit joint, open inventory and tap the lit joint to replace the unlit joint and you should see your guy eat the joint behind the inventory. When inventory is closed you will be high and still have the lit joint. Some steps to this may be unnecessary but I haven't tested other ways. Try it, it worked for me. Reply if it doesn't. Oh, and this not work with the pipes/bowls.
Wow, that is a cool discovery! The method you describe is so difficult sounding that I won't even try to fix the bug haha!
I like how you spent the time to experiment, and I guess this is gonna be a hidden Easter Egg feature haha.
Thanks for sharing this cool find for SmokeCraft.
Also, I added another video to the post before this, also for Emerald Tools/Armor.
If anyone wants to do a video review, go for it... and please post on this page when you do a video!
I also think it would be cool if someone did a "Lets Play" with some of my mods.
Download Totals: (for 0.9.x versions, as of Aug 10 2014)
Emerald Tools & Armor: 1900+
Emerald Trades: 400+
GlutenFree-craft: 100+
GuideBook, Clock, GPS: 140+
Redstone Block: 100+
Skeleton drops Bow: 80+
SkySpace: 120+
SmokeCraft: 220+, not very many people want a free bow when a Skeleton dies? Hmm...
Also, I noticed a small bug with SmokeCraft... in order to get the "high" effect (game speed and vision), you need to "smoke" (eat) the Lit Pipe/Joint, AND still have at least one of the same in your inventory/hotbar. This is basically because there is no way to detect when you eat in ModPE. Hmm.... any ideas, fellow mod makers?
Hey I'm getting force close with the guidebook GPS mod....and the esmeralda mode I can get it work. Items won't appear...I load the texture pack but nothing happens..
Hmmm...thanks for letting me know. Are you on the newest version of BlockLauncher? And you have the Texture Pack AND the .js mod for Emeralds installed?
Please tell me what kind of device you use. As for the Force Close.... I will look into that. Does it always force close or just after trying to use the book? Can you load a world with it on?
Also, what other mods do you have installed? It might be conflicting with something else.
Well..I have 1.7.7 pro blocklauncher version. Esmeralda mod just make it work fine...
The guidebook mode just for close when I try to load the world..I can load the world with it deactivated...when I activate it I tap anywhere with the guidebook and nothing happens...if I tap with a clock or a compass it force close.
Love the mod ♥ But I have I cant have a plastic texture pack on and this one on so it looks weird oh and I cant have a portal gun mod on and this then it looks super weird but a least this mod lets me have more than one with the other mods u have mad portal gun mod only allows u to have 1
Another big set of changes! Updates! Brand new Mods! And a YouTube Video series?!? Yup!!
So I updated all my old mods. Check the first post.
I also released many new Mods, including a Tree Planter Machine, a portable Tent mod, new Decrafting, some MoreBlox and also more EmeraldEverything! I know there are other Planters and other Decrafting mods, but try mine. They're different. Maybe not better, but different!
The TreePlanter plants any block randomly over a 32x32 area, on any Grass Block. It needs a Chest on top, to hold whatever you want to Plant. Featured in my videos!
The Tent is crafted from wool and sticks, and provides temporary shelter. Featured in my videos!
Decrafting has its own Table, plus simple decrafting recipes in the normal Crafting Table. Get your ingredients back! Many items work! Featured in my videos!
MoreBlox is my take on "What is missing from PC" and "What can be added easily." Check the first post of this topic for more detailed info.
Emerald Everything is a bunch of new Emerald Blocks, including Carpet, Slab, Post, BookCase... all craftable from Emerald ingredients.
And I have a YouTube LetsPlay series, doing MCPE survival with lots and lots of Mods. 28 Mods total, I think. Its like my own Modded Maddness/Yogscast Complete.... but smaller and MCPE'er. Check out the playlist here:
Thanks for your time, happy MineCrafting! Comment below with Bugs or ideas to improve. And Please check out the YouTube Playlist. Comment, subscribe and Like over there, too!
Screenshot update! As promised, I have 7 new sections of Screenshots for the new mods! The newest screenshots are above, in Post #2 of this topic. The rest of my screeshots are in post #3, right below.
There, now all you "No pics, no clicks" people ain't got nothin on me.. ha.
So, I just noticed someone stole the Emerald Tools mod, and reposted it as their work. As I was sorting this out, I realized all my mods' names start with 0.9.x .... and I just wanted to clarify that all my mods work fine on 0.10.x versions too. And thanks to everyone who noticed the fake, stolen versions! Happy crafting!
PS- new mods out soon. Quarry, and Nether caves with random, unique terrain generation. Woo... maybe in a few days!
I dont get it. The texture pack is outdated and even WITH the T.P the textures still dont load right. What do I do? Can i get a link to the right one? Thanks, Daniel.
Ok, I may have been using a slightly modified version on my own device....haha... what is wrong with the T.P.? Is it just *some* things that look wrong, or is the whole pack wrecked?
Also, wha device/OS are you on? I admit I haven't updated the Mipmaps (lo res distance renders) and that might make it look weird.
Thanks for letting me know!
EDIT: I am working getting a few new mods ready now, and I will make sure to re-release the old Emerald ones and everything else with guaranteed-working textures and 0.10.x compatibility. Gimme a few days.... like by Friday at the latest! Thanks again.
Mods by NateKrell a.k.a. Etan_Llerk a.k.a NateOK
For Android, MCPE 0.9.5
*Pictures are BELOW this, in posts #2 and #3. And yes, I use links now. Thanks for understanding, and waiting the extra 5 seconds to support my work!
Emerald Tools/Armor, *GlutenFree-Craft, *SmokeCraft, *Tent-mod, and *ElementCraft all use one Texture Pack. Download: [size=medium][/size]
[size=small]If you don't use that Texture Pack, the new items and tools will look wrong. Otherwise, it is pretty standard MC Textures...[/size]
Emerald Tools and Armor
New Updated mod and link! May 12 2015! -
Emerald tools are in the Crafting menu. They are enchanted with special powers:
-em Pickaxe: Fortune II increases the number of dropped items for many blocks, including Diamond, Lapis, Emerald, Redstone, and Coal Ores, and also Crops, Melons, and more!
-em. Shovel: Silk Touch drops the block you break, instead of the usual drop.
-em. Axe: TreeCapitator drops all Logs above the Log you break.
-em. Sword: Explode and Throw Mobs a short distance. Boom.
-em. Hoe: Randomly plant a crop, melon, pumpkin, or reeds... and water too!
Gluten Free -Craft
Get Almonds from Leaf blocks, and use them to craft GF food in workbench.
-Almond Milk, GF Bread, GF Cake, and now GF cookies!
Use Cannabis in MineCraft! The Mod adds a Joint, Pipe, & Full Pipe as items, and a Lit Joint & Lit Pipe as foods.
-Roll a Joint at the workbench, with Paper and Tall Grass (or Fern)
-Craft a Pipe, with Cobblestone and an Iron Ingot.
-Pack the bowl, and use a torch to light it! Use the Lit Joint/Pipe like a food item (eat it when your hearts are low).
Now with Slow-Speed and Vision- effects!!! (Lasts a short time).
Adds new Ores to Minecraft and generates them (once only!) as you move around and load new chunks.
-Found below level Y40, there is now Silver, Aluminum, Magnesium, Amethyst, Ruby and Sapphire!
-This keeps all the old ore blocks, and increases the number of ores from 7 to 13 (or 14, including Nether Quartz).
-So far you can Smelt the metals into Ingots and craft those into dust, as well as collect the gemstones from their ores.
***Also adds 1-in-200 chance of spawning an Emerald Cave! Full of Emerald Ore. Its like an Emerald Dungeon! More to come later!***
Tent mod
This adds a camping tent that can be placed down or packed up with just one click!
It can provide some protection from Mobs, etc, when you are adventuring far from your home.
-The Tent can be Crafted from Wool and Sticks in the Crafting Table.
-Tap the Tent anywhere to set it up (3x3x3 space needed).
-Tap the darker "corner" Block of the tent to take it down again. Re-usable.
-The tent is big enough for one Bed to be placed inside (not included - bring your own Bed) and one Player.
-(Note: the only "custom texture" on this mod is the Item icon for the Tent itself. It would still place a wool Tent down just fine without the Texture Pack, if you need)
Tree-Planter Machine!
One of my personal favorite Mods I have done, actually. It adds a Block that will plant Trees (or anything else!) over a 4 Chunk area (32x32 blocks square), but only on Grass Blocks!
-Craft the Tree Planter with Cobble, Plank Slabs, a trapdoor, redsrone dust, and a Sapling, in the Crafting menu.
-Place the Tree Planter down in the center of the area you want planted.
-Place a normal Chest *On Top* of the Planter. Put up to 64 saplings (or whatever) into the *first* space of the Chest.
-Tap the Planter Block to turn it on, and it will randomly check all Blocks around to see if they are Grass. If it is a Grass Block, it plants one item and checks another.
-The machine emits Redstone Smoke when it is on, and also makes a fast puff of green above itself, and also at the planted location, each time it finds an acceptable Block!
-It has chat messages to let you know when to refill the Chest on top. Plants any kind of Block!
[size=small] [size=medium](no texture pack):[/size]
Emerald Trades (my version)
Tap any Villager to trade for Emeralds and more! You must be holding the right number and type of Item when you tap the Villager. Each type of Villager only takes certain trades (the same as PC, but less choices):
GuideBook, GPS and Clock Time
-Craft the GuideBook in the workbench, tap it on any block/mob for info on ID, age, damage, etc...
-Tap a compass to get your x,y,z location.
-Tap a clock to have game-time converted to 12 hour am-pm format
Skeleton drops Bow
Adds a 12% chance that Skeletons will drop a bow along with its arrows and bones.
Tap Redstone Dust anywhere to blast yourself into Outer Space!!! You will float in the darkness, surrounded by stars, for a few seconds, then fall back to where you started, all safe. Just for fun.
De-Crafting (my version)
Adds a De-crafting Table, for complex de-crafting, as well as simple de-crafting recipes in the normal Crafting Table.
-Get your resources back from many things, including 4 Planks from a Crafting Table, 8 from a Chest...
-Get 6 Gold Ingots plus a Stick and Redstone Dust from a set of Powered Rails, Even get your Diamonds back after crafting a Nether Reactor Core!
-Just tap the Decrafting Table with the item you want to revert back to its base ingredients. Many things can be Decrafted, but many can not yet! Let me know what you want new Decrafting recipes for! this thread!
Emerald Everything!
This adds several new Emerald Blocks to craft and use. Also works in Creative. Adds: Emerald Carpet, Emerald Slabs, Emerald Posts ans Pillars (like fences and wall pillars), Emerald Bookcases, and more! Uses new, un-used IDs for new Blocks. Kind of a weird one... enjoy.
MoreBlox (my version)
Adds a bunch of Blocks and Items from the PC version. It includes things like Nether Quartz Ore, and a method to make it drop the right item, Zombie Pigmen drop Gold Nuggets (craftable), Endermen drop Ender Pearls (do not work, but do in other people's mods), and more. Also has new recipes to craft Podzol, and Grass, from standard ingredients in Survival! Another fun one...
Solar Powered Furnace
This is the same Solar Furnace I had out a few months back... the 0.9.5 update broke it then, and now it is fixed.
-Craft the Solar Panel in the Crafting table. Place it "on top" of a single furnace.
-(To place it on top, you need to tap a wall behind or beside the Furnace, one block above it).
-Tap the Solar Panel after you place it on top of a Furnace. This will turn it On if the Light Level is bright enough (14 or 15). The Solar Panel will "power" the Furnace by keeping it full of -Coal as long as the surrounding Light is bright enough. If the light level gets to dark, or if you Tap the Solar Panel again, it will turn Off, and all Coal will be removed from the Furnace.
-Only one Solar Panel can be used at a time.
I hope you enjoy these.
Please post here to with bugs, questions, or ideas to make these better![size=small]
Tent Mod screenshots:
ElementCraft screenshots:
Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, Magnesium, Aluminum and Silver ores.
All the ores, with Magnesium Dust, Silver Ingots and Dust, Aluminum Ingots and Dust, Rubies, Sapphires, and Amethyst!
Decrafting screenshots:
Got your ingredients back!
Emerald EVERYTHING screenshots:
Left to Right: Emerald Planks, Pole, Carpet, Post, Slab, Column, and Bookcase... all made with EMERALDS!
They are craftable in Survival, but I haven't added them to Creative mode yet...
MoreBlox screenshots:
Enchanting Table (no function), Nether Quartz Ore, and the Quartz it drops, a crafted Block of Redstone. In front are an Ender Pearl (now dropped by Enderman! woo!), Gold Nugget (dropped by Zombie-pigmen, also Craftable!) and a Slimeball (now dropped by Slime mobs!)... just some of the features of my MoreBlox mod!
Solar Furnace screenshots:
TreePlanter screenshots:
First set of Screenshots...
Emerald Tools and Armor:
All Emerald Tools and Armor.
Full Emerald Armor.
Emerald Trades:
This image is based on the picture from the Minecraft wiki about trading. This mod has less.
The Librarian actually gives 1 Bookcase, not Glass. Oops.
Gluten-Free -Craft:
All the GF items.
All SmokeCraft items.
Skeleton Drops Bow:
12% chance of dropping a bow.
You're welcome! Glad you like them!
...and here's an *excellant* video of my Emerald Tools Mod, revewed by Iqbal LP ( )
Thanks for doing that. I'm glad someone finally did a video that actually shows my Fortune Emerald Pickaxe! THANK YOU!
Most other reviewers either skip over the Emerald Pickaxe or assume it doesn't work. Remember, the Emerald Pickaxe gets more item drops from valuable blocks, like Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, Lapis, Redstone Ore, coal, mature Crops, Gravel... just google Fortune II Enchantment... I made it the same.
Sorry, the video-emerald-pickaxe thing always bugged me!
********EDIT: Here's another good video! Thanks!
...Also, Thanks to everyone for over 1500 downloads for the Emerald Tools mod! Wow, over 1000 downloads... this is like being back in the old 0.8.1 mod days... thanks!
Wow, that is a cool discovery! The method you describe is so difficult sounding that I won't even try to fix the bug haha!
I like how you spent the time to experiment, and I guess this is gonna be a hidden Easter Egg feature haha.
Thanks for sharing this cool find for SmokeCraft.
Also, I added another video to the post before this, also for Emerald Tools/Armor.
If anyone wants to do a video review, go for it... and please post on this page when you do a video!
I also think it would be cool if someone did a "Lets Play" with some of my mods.
Download Totals: (for 0.9.x versions, as of Aug 10 2014)
Emerald Tools & Armor: 1900+
Emerald Trades: 400+
GlutenFree-craft: 100+
GuideBook, Clock, GPS: 140+
Redstone Block: 100+
Skeleton drops Bow: 80+
SkySpace: 120+
SmokeCraft: 220+, not very many people want a free bow when a Skeleton dies? Hmm...
August 26, 2014 download totals:
Emerald Tools & Armor: 5000+
Emerald Trades: 840+
GlutenFree -Craft: 200+
MCPE GuideBook: 230+
Redstone Block: 210+
Skeleton drops bow: 270+
Sky-Space mod: 200+
SmokeCraft: 360+
Also, I noticed a small bug with SmokeCraft... in order to get the "high" effect (game speed and vision), you need to "smoke" (eat) the Lit Pipe/Joint, AND still have at least one of the same in your inventory/hotbar. This is basically because there is no way to detect when you eat in ModPE. Hmm.... any ideas, fellow mod makers?
Thanks, and let me know if you find bugs!
Please tell me what kind of device you use. As for the Force Close.... I will look into that. Does it always force close or just after trying to use the book? Can you load a world with it on?
Also, what other mods do you have installed? It might be conflicting with something else.
Thanks, and let me know how it goes! Good luck!
Anyone else having problems?
The guidebook mode just for close when I try to load the world..I can load the world with it deactivated...when I activate it I tap anywhere with the guidebook and nothing happens...if I tap with a clock or a compass it force close.
I'm using an S5 with kit kat
Is the only mod I'm using..besides Many items from mrARM
So I updated all my old mods. Check the first post.
I also released many new Mods, including a Tree Planter Machine, a portable Tent mod, new Decrafting, some MoreBlox and also more EmeraldEverything! I know there are other Planters and other Decrafting mods, but try mine. They're different. Maybe not better, but different!
The TreePlanter plants any block randomly over a 32x32 area, on any Grass Block. It needs a Chest on top, to hold whatever you want to Plant. Featured in my videos!
The Tent is crafted from wool and sticks, and provides temporary shelter. Featured in my videos!
Decrafting has its own Table, plus simple decrafting recipes in the normal Crafting Table. Get your ingredients back! Many items work! Featured in my videos!
MoreBlox is my take on "What is missing from PC" and "What can be added easily." Check the first post of this topic for more detailed info.
Emerald Everything is a bunch of new Emerald Blocks, including Carpet, Slab, Post, BookCase... all craftable from Emerald ingredients.
And I have a YouTube LetsPlay series, doing MCPE survival with lots and lots of Mods. 28 Mods total, I think. Its like my own Modded Maddness/Yogscast Complete.... but smaller and MCPE'er. Check out the playlist here:
Thanks for your time, happy MineCrafting! Comment below with Bugs or ideas to improve. And Please check out the YouTube Playlist. Comment, subscribe and Like over there, too!
There, now all you "No pics, no clicks" people ain't got nothin on me.. ha.
Also, thanks to everyone who has checked out my new Modded Lets Play series on Youtube -
PS- new mods out soon. Quarry, and Nether caves with random, unique terrain generation. Woo... maybe in a few days!
Also, wha device/OS are you on? I admit I haven't updated the Mipmaps (lo res distance renders) and that might make it look weird.
Thanks for letting me know!
EDIT: I am working getting a few new mods ready now, and I will make sure to re-release the old Emerald ones and everything else with guaranteed-working textures and 0.10.x compatibility. Gimme a few days.... like by Friday at the latest! Thanks again.
Anyone else notice broken mods/textures?