What the hell! The update 1.6.6 ruined my mixpack,ice turned into bedrock,carpet looks like a pumpkin,melon turned into a redstone block,door turned into gold blocks,bed looks like oak planks,stone bricks turned into diamond blocks,sapling turned into cobblestone,The newest update 1.6.6 ruined all the texture packs.......so in the end I'm just downgrading 1.6.4
What the hell! The update 1.6.6 ruined my mixpack,ice turned into bedrock,carpet looks like a pumpkin,melon turned into a redstone block,door turned into gold blocks,bed looks like oak planks,stone bricks turned into diamond blocks,sapling turned into cobblestone,The newest update 1.6.6 ruined all the texture packs.......so in the end I'm just downgrading 1.6.4
Is this Mojang issue? Occasionally I cannot connect to external servers, "Unable to connect to world" it says when I use BL, and when I switch to vanilla it works. Is this aBL issue?
(And oh yes since I know this is an "issue", why don't I report on GitHub?
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I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
Is this Mojang issue? Occasionally I cannot connect to external servers, "Unable to connect to world" it says when I use BL, and when I switch to vanilla it works. Is this aBL issue?
(And oh yes since I know this is an "issue", why don't I report on GitHub?
Really? With me it doesn't work at all. Though I haven't tried it with MCPE 0.8.1.
lol. I have been working on one called ModEZ (all it does atm is read files) and it's gonna make moding easy Me and Noahz have been talking about it.
I've been working on one called Mineshaft. xD I thought I was the only one who had this idea but looks like I was wrong. How about we work together?
Mineshaft uses a modpescript and it reads a file only so far.
Anyway I really am curious on how the new Blocks API works now (specifically textures)
I've been working on one called Mineshaft. xD I thought I was the only one who had this idea but looks like I was wrong. How about we work together?
Mineshaft uses a modpescript and it reads a file only so far.
Anyway I really am curious on how the new Blocks API works now (specifically textures)
Mine sucks. All it does is read file. I don't even know how to do everything I will need yet
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Willing to work on Android apps or multi-platform games, see profile bio for information.
Is this Mojang issue? Occasionally I cannot connect to external servers, "Unable to connect to world" it says when I use BL, and when I switch to vanilla it works. Is this aBL issue?
(And oh yes since I know this is an "issue", why don't I report on GitHub?
Extension: It only happens with external network. When I connect to cnr.hopto.org (my home ip) it always works.
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I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
What the hell! The update 1.6.6 ruined my mixpack,ice turned into bedrock,carpet looks like a pumpkin,melon turned into a redstone block,door turned into gold blocks,bed looks like oak planks,stone bricks turned into diamond blocks,sapling turned into cobblestone,The newest update 1.6.6 ruined all the texture packs.......so in the end I'm just downgrading 1.6.4
If the pack is one of those that I use to port the problem is not BL but the pack, and it's already fixed, you just need to download it again.
I've been working on one called Mineshaft. xD I thought I was the only one who had this idea but looks like I was wrong. How about we work together?
Mineshaft uses a modpescript and it reads a file only so far.
Anyway I really am curious on how the new Blocks API works now (specifically textures)
Do you mean ModPE libraries?
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I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
A library is different. What me, Temera, and 500ISE are working is a new modding system. Mine uses ModPE callbacks and functions and uses data read from a file as kind of the script.
A library is different. What me, Temera, and 500ISE are working is a new modding system. Mine uses ModPE callbacks and functions and uses data read from a file as kind of the script.
OK. I was too although it is nothing about ModPE. I am working on a modding system in SpiderMine. That's why this morning I asked you about XML.
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I can be found on Freenode IRC channels #pocketmine, #ModPEScripts, #LegendOfMCPE, #pmplugins or #BeaconMine.
I am a PocketMine-MP plugin developer. I hate it when people think that I love stupid admin positions. Being an admin is nothing compared to being a plugin developer.
I am also a main developer of BlockServer, a work-in-progress MCPE server software. You are welcome to download it, but it so far onlly spawns you in the upther (above the world). You can chat, though.
I do not own this server but I just love to put this banner here:
If you use 500ISE's Mercator app. You can unstitch a 0.8.1 terrain-atlas.tga. The output folder will contain all the individual texture names. Then the unused textures can be customed using [["cobblestone", 0], ["cobblestone", 0]] method. It works. I replaced the enchanting table textures with my own.
If you use 500ISE's Mercator app. You can unstitch a 0.8.1 terrain-atlas.tga. The output folder will contain all the individual texture names. Then the unused textures can be customed using [["cobblestone", 0], ["cobblestone", 0]] method. It works. I replaced the enchanting table textures with my own.
Will revert. Send me the texture pack.
(And oh yes since I know this is an "issue", why don't I report on GitHub?
Really? With me it doesn't work at all. Though I haven't tried it with MCPE 0.8.1.
Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]
I've been working on one called Mineshaft. xD I thought I was the only one who had this idea but looks like I was wrong. How about we work together?
Mineshaft uses a modpescript and it reads a file only so far.
Anyway I really am curious on how the new Blocks API works now (specifically textures)
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Mine sucks. All it does is read file. I don't even know how to do everything I will need yet
Willing to work on Android apps or multi-platform games, see profile bio for information.
Founder and CEO of Temena Development
Twitter: @TemenaPE
Instagram: @ItsLiterallyMath
If the pack is one of those that I use to port the problem is not BL but the pack, and it's already fixed, you just need to download it again.
A library is different. What me, Temera, and 500ISE are working is a new modding system. Mine uses ModPE callbacks and functions and uses data read from a file as kind of the script.
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Array of arrays with two elements: texture name and texture offset.
[["cobblestone", 0], ["cobblestone", 0]]
How can we add textures?
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Why we call TBPM ?-Three boys play minecraft
Not quite: Mercator renames the textures to match Desktop Edition. Check terrain.meta directly.
Here, have a list: http://zhuoweizhang.net/mcpetexturenames/
I'm on a 2012 nexus 7 with the rom CyanogenMod 10.1 installed.