i think blocklauncher free texture pack needs fixing. seriously many of thr buttons are a grey mess and chests are messed up, missing gui blocks etc. howabout using a different texture or maybe i can fix it for u?
Have you ever attempted to Root your Device? It will give you Default TexturePack
It seems that the integer 0 is returning null which is causing some of my scripts to crash. For now the sollution is to parse a string that has 0 in it (parseInt("0")). Please fix this
How does the Level.getSignText function work? Is it possible to do if(Level.getSignText(x,y,z,0)==hello) I have tried this but it doesn't work. How do I get it to work?
It seems that the integer 0 is returning null which is causing some of my scripts to crash. For now the sollution is to parse a string that has 0 in it (parseInt("0")). Please fix this
How does the Level.getSignText function work? Is it possible to do if(Level.getSignText(x,y,z,0)==hello) I have tried this but it doesn't work. How do I get it to work?
That should work:
if (Level.getSignText(x, y, z, 0) == "hello") { //if the first line of the sign is hello
If that doesn't work, it's a bug and I will fix it.
I am on BlockLauncher beta 1.5.5 and this script imports but comes up with an error when I use my hand to tap a sign with hello in the first line and 9 diamonds are in the first slot of my inventory. Is there a bug with Level.getSignText or is there something I did wrong?
function useItem(x,y,z,itemId,blockId,side)
if(itemId==0 && Level.getSignText(x,y,z,0)=="hello" && Player.getInventorySlot(0)==264 && Player.getInventorySlotCount(0)==9)
clientMessage("The trade has been successful!");
I would have posted the script in colour like you but I don't know how to.
You're checking if the player isn't holding anything and is holding item 264 - this will never be true. The player can't hold nothing and hold something at the same time!
Maybe just check if the player is holding 264?
By the way, for syntax highlighting, use
tags. I.e. at the beginning, write [ code ] (remove the spaces), and at the end, write [ / code ]
If the first slot in the player's inventory is diamond, the item/block which they are holding doesn't necessarily have to be the first slot item. For example the item in the first slot of my inventory could be a diamond, but the item that I am actually holding could be raw chicken. If the first item in my inventory is always the item that I am holding, then Player.getInventorySlot(0) would be useless and it would be the same as Player.getCarriedItem. I could be wrong, but this is my point of view.
Have you ever attempted to Root your Device? It will give you Default TexturePack
If all goes well, this will be the APK uploaded tomorrow.
i would if my s4 mino wasnt on a (just started) 2 year contract and still have warranty. also i have no pc to flash the root stuff
Here are a few , and you'll just have to keep up with this post to see what else is being Added
Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]
LoL500ise whats new for the new blocklauncher?
Custom Blocks , and Custom Textures , lil Man
And thanks for telling
Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]
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Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]
PM me your script? This has never happened to me.
That should work:
If that doesn't work, it's a bug and I will fix it.
function useItem(x,y,z,itemId,blockId,side)
if(itemId==0 && Level.getSignText(x,y,z,0)=="hello" && Player.getInventorySlot(0)==264 && Player.getInventorySlotCount(0)==9)
clientMessage("The trade has been successful!");
I would have posted the script in colour like you but I don't know how to.
Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]
You're checking if the player isn't holding anything and is holding item 264 - this will never be true. The player can't hold nothing and hold something at the same time!
Maybe just check if the player is holding 264?
By the way, for syntax highlighting, use
tags. I.e. at the beginning, write [ code ] (remove the spaces), and at the end, write [ / code ]
Want GUI Templates? Done!
P.S. Feel free to follow me so you know when I post "awesome" content and make the MCForums a brighter place (totally).
If you need to contact me you can either shoot a Kik message to beatz_unknown or send an email to [email protected]