The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I have been having this problem for a while. When using Block Launcher and you open chat the keyboard and the navigation bar will appear. But when you dismiss the keyboard the navigation bar stays on the screen covering a portion of the game including the chat button. I am using a Nexus 5. It does not have hardware navigation buttons so it triggers Immersive Mode when playing Minecraft PE.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I don't think BlockLauncher supports x86 devices
Like others, BlockLauncher won't apply mods on my x86 device, in my case an ASUS MeMO Pad. It's a new device, hardware's only a few months old.
BlockLauncher won't apply shaders either, but applies the textures fine. It's not my device- directly injecting the textures into the APK works fine with shaders.
Even if I have shaders in the APK itself, BlockLauncher won't show them.
Blocklauncherstopped working for me after new update for 0.9.x and 0.10.x my tablet is HP 7 or mesquite and has Intel core please fix ythe safe mode enabled crashes for my device please it has android jellybean
This means we can make completely new textures!! But you must use the latest beta
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Please give me an Internet. Please. Pretty Please with sprinkles on top
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Oh. I haven't. I am still at 5.0.1. Ok I will update tonight and see if it gets fixed.
So as I have said I was already at 5.0.1. But earlier today I upgraded to 5.0.2 and you were right! The problem was fixed!
there is not a way for iOS yet sorry, you are better off buying a cheap android phone or tablet to use blocklauncher and mods for MCPE
Like others, BlockLauncher won't apply mods on my x86 device, in my case an ASUS MeMO Pad. It's a new device, hardware's only a few months old.
BlockLauncher won't apply shaders either, but applies the textures fine. It's not my device- directly injecting the textures into the APK works fine with shaders.
Even if I have shaders in the APK itself, BlockLauncher won't show them.
Try to wipe the data and cache of the app before running it. The remove the Scripts or Addons you have.
It seems to be working just fine on my device.
i just edit and combine shader and texture packs
But it take time to extra - copy than zip.
If we have that option, it will faster
true, but for now my method prevails
This means we can make completely new textures!! But you must use the latest beta
I have a twitter!! Follow me for regular updates on my mods!