Info and Permission: What is this amazing plugin you ask? Well it is a gigantically expanded plugin with a goal of getting as much redstone operating objects in Pocket Edition! This is an expansion of the original redstone plugin by Hexdro! The link to his thread is here. If you ask me, did I have his permission, and yes Indeed I do have is permission. Even if you have to, you could ask him, but I believe he would not like the spam. Features are listed below and I hope you like this plugin!
What are the features: All the features in this plugin so far -Sticky Piston *Breaks non-solid blocks(torches, leaves, fire, water, etc.) *Pushes a limit of 10 blocks *Stops pushing if furnace, chest, obsidian, nether reactor, or bedrock is in the way. *Updates gravity blocks -Redstone -Lever -Redstone Repeater *Delays a signal for about 2 ticks -Dispenser *Shoots up to 9th slot available in the chest *Randomly selects slot *Shoots up to 2 blocks -Redstone Lamp -Redstone Ore *Drops set amount of set block for redstone -Opening doors, trapdoors, iron doors redstone ore -Config File Allows You To Toggle Things
Upcoming Features: All that are destined to be added -Regular Piston
-Daylight sensor -Block update detector -Hopper(in beta stages) -Give suggestions
-First and foremost, you need to know how to power the redstone, you have to use the source, the lever. To use it, you place it next to, on top of, below of, etc. And yah, all you have to do is TAP it. There you go! Representation in spoiler
-If you are going to power a piston, wherever the piston block is receiving power from, the opposite end will be the one that will be pushing. Image representation in spoiler.
Before input is onAfter input is toggled on(no, the sign did not turn into a fence.)
-If you are going to be using the repeater, it will need to be a stair in order for it to work. It also must be facing toward the input at all times and the output must always be a redstone wire. Example in spoiler
-Redstone lamps are togellable if they are touching a redstone wire and you use the lever to toggle the wire to it's on state. Representation in spoiler
-Dispensers are activated the same way pistons are, wherever it is receiving power from, the opposite side of it will be the place where it will shoot the item. Yes, the dispenser can shoot up and down if the power is coming from below or from on top. Representation in spoiler
Before it shootsAfter it shoots
-indev addons: redstone block is one indev addon in this plugin. It works, but with certain limitations at this point of time. First, it must be the only block the piston is pushing, if it isn't it won't power anything. Secondly, when it is powering something, it must power a redstone wire, not a lamp, a piston, or a repeater, it just won't work. The redstone block is mossy coblestone temporarily. Representation in spoiler.
-You can also set the config file values to toggle things such as the block id for redstone, sticky piston, etc. You can also toggle on and off the piston, and the repeater.
Default Settings for Config:
Redstone Wire: Netherrack(Will display warning if it is a transparent block)
Lever: Fence
Sticky Piston: NetherBrick
Repeater: Oak Stair(Changeable and can be disabled. Will display warning if not a stair)
Dispenser: Chest(Cannot Change But Can Disable)
Pressure pad: Stone and Double Stone Slab(Cannot Change)
Redstone Lamp: obsidian(Cannot Change)
Current Version: 1.0
Download PMF File: Link Removed
WOW.. just wow...
Pressure Plates not in the coming soon though? That's outrageous!
If I ever make a server using pocketmine- I know what to add first.
Well done!
EDIT: I would like a screenshot for pressure plates, I mean.
Actually there are pressure plates, I just forgot to add them to the feature list. Whoops! I'll add them tonight!
Alright, I'm going to experiment and see if I rewrite the main redstone code to try and make it more realistic so I can add redstone torch capabilities!
Why you don't upload this plugin on the Pocketmine forums?
BTW this version is awesome I will be waiting for hoppers
Suggestion: Add buttons
I might post it on the forums, soon . And yes, buttons are really soon! I just started to rewrite the code so it is able to handle redstone torches and buttons, going well so far, just some bugs to flatten out!
EDIT: Got buttons done! Now adding torches and hoppers hopefully! I am going to release a test version of this new version soon.
Thank you guys for 500+ downloads! Version 1.1 beta coming soon!! Just adding finishing touches and optimizing the code a bit for less RAM usage.
This might be the changelist, might not be a lot, was busy this week with classes.
*Button(Implemented easily by new wiring code, DONE)
*Redstone Torch(Easily implemented due to new wiring code, WRITING)
*Better and Rewritten redstone wire(Uses data.yml to store data if wire is ON or OFF, DONE[Bug Testing])
*Regular Piston(10 blocks pushed, DONE)
?Hopper(Planning and Writing Code Still, PLANNING)
?Daylight Sensor(Easily Implemented due to new wiring code, will use data.yml, FIXING CODE)
DON'T store the data in a yml file!
This will make it a lot slower.
Just use an array to store all the data, like it already did.
I just looked at the src code and you did a great job,
but you could make the code a lot smaller.
Okay, thanks! I'll make sure it doesn't get stored, will store it in arrays instead! Yes, I am currently optimizing the code to be a lot smaller and more effecient!
EDIT: Ok, now it stores them in arrays, and currently when the server is stopped, it saves it. And when it loads, it loads the data. This is so because it stores it if it is on or off, which makes redstone torches possible.
EDIT2: Optimization going well! Shortened the dispenser code a lot.
Thank you guys for 500+ downloads! Version 1.1 beta coming soon!! Just adding finishing touches and optimizing the code a bit for less RAM usage.
This might be the changelist, might not be a lot, was busy this week with classes.
*Button(Implemented easily by new wiring code, DONE)
*Redstone Torch(Easily implemented due to new wiring code, WRITING)
*Better and Rewritten redstone wire(Uses data.yml to store data if wire is ON or OFF, DONE[Bug Testing])
*Regular Piston(10 blocks pushed, DONE)
?Hopper(Planning and Writing Code Still, PLANNING)
?Daylight Sensor(Easily Implemented due to new wiring code, will use data.yml, FIXING CODE)
If you agree, I can be a tester for you, I'm a really great bug searcher, but only in-game I don't know php coding at this time.
this is my skype: Iksaku
Do you have a release date for version 1.1 in mind? If so, when would it be? And also great work on the plugin! If you ever need any beta testers, I can help test. Also, I have a YouTube channel with over 13.5k subs, and I've been fiddling with this plugin for a while. I'm getting ready to release some videos about the pluggin on my channel, so that might increase traffic here (idk). Anyway, I'm really looking forward to v1.1, so let me know when it might be released!
Sorry guys, I have been a way for a while, school got it the way, lol. Oh! 1.1 development is underway! I just need to fix the code a bit, it is a little bit buggy right now! I can't get an exact release date right now, but I will try to get it out ASAP!
EDIT: Here is a website you might want to check out when you make a topic. Here is something I made with it!
If you want to use it here is what you will need to copy [ IMG]http://i1279.photobu...zps81dde6de.png[ /IMG]
Without the space in between "[IMG]" And "[ /IMG]"
Awesome! I will fiddle around with that for a while!
Do you have a release date for version 1.1 in mind? If so, when would it be? And also great work on the plugin! If you ever need any beta testers, I can help test. Also, I have a YouTube channel with over 13.5k subs, and I've been fiddling with this plugin for a while. I'm getting ready to release some videos about the pluggin on my channel, so that might increase traffic here (idk). Anyway, I'm really looking forward to v1.1, so let me know when it might be released!
You have a nice channel you got there! Almost done with version 1.1! Hope to release it soon!
Sorry guys, I have been a way for a while, school got it the way, lol. Oh! 1.1 development is underway! I just need to fix the code a bit, it is a little bit buggy right now! I can't get an exact release date right now, but I will try to get it out ASAP!
Awesome cant wait I guess ._. I thought I posted on this thread, but guess not, xD
Sorry guys, I have been a way for a while, school got it the way, lol. Oh! 1.1 development is underway! I just need to fix the code a bit, it is a little bit buggy right now! I can't get an exact release date right now, but I will try to get it out ASAP!
I can help you with In-game testing send me a PM or contact me on skype: @iksaku
This plugin is getting awesome!
I cant pick up the items that shoot out the dispenser. Its like they are mirages where I cab see them, but can't touch them.
Hmm, never experienced that before. Make sure the dispenser is not shooting into a block, or else it will create a ghost item that bounces up to the top of that block. The real item should be inside the block itself.
Once I get the repeaters stable enough(PRETTY buggy with the new wiring), I will release a dev build for this update. I predict the build will be released within the time on Sunday, October 13, 2013 5:00 PM PST. Hope I will release it soon!
EDIT: You can find this topic on the pocketmine forums now!
Info and Permission: What is this amazing plugin you ask? Well it is a gigantically expanded plugin with a goal of getting as much redstone operating objects in Pocket Edition! This is an expansion of the original redstone plugin by Hexdro! The link to his thread is here. If you ask me, did I have his permission, and yes Indeed I do have is permission. Even if you have to, you could ask him, but I believe he would not like the spam. Features are listed below and I hope you like this plugin!
What are the features: All the features in this plugin so far
-Sticky Piston
*Breaks non-solid blocks(torches, leaves, fire, water, etc.)
*Pushes a limit of 10 blocks
*Stops pushing if furnace, chest, obsidian, nether reactor, or bedrock is in the way.
*Updates gravity blocks
-Redstone Repeater
*Delays a signal for about 2 ticks
*Shoots up to 9th slot available in the chest
*Randomly selects slot
*Shoots up to 2 blocks
-Redstone Lamp
-Redstone Ore
*Drops set amount of set block for redstone
-Opening doors, trapdoors, iron doors redstone ore
-Config File Allows You To Toggle Things
Upcoming Features: All that are destined to be added
-Regular Piston
-Daylight sensor
-Block update detector
-Hopper(in beta stages)
-Give suggestions
-First and foremost, you need to know how to power the redstone, you have to use the source, the lever. To use it, you place it next to, on top of, below of, etc. And yah, all you have to do is TAP it. There you go! Representation in spoiler
-If you are going to be using the repeater, it will need to be a stair in order for it to work. It also must be facing toward the input at all times and the output must always be a redstone wire. Example in spoiler
-Redstone lamps are togellable if they are touching a redstone wire and you use the lever to toggle the wire to it's on state. Representation in spoiler
-Dispensers are activated the same way pistons are, wherever it is receiving power from, the opposite side of it will be the place where it will shoot the item. Yes, the dispenser can shoot up and down if the power is coming from below or from on top. Representation in spoiler
-indev addons: redstone block is one indev addon in this plugin. It works, but with certain limitations at this point of time. First, it must be the only block the piston is pushing, if it isn't it won't power anything. Secondly, when it is powering something, it must power a redstone wire, not a lamp, a piston, or a repeater, it just won't work. The redstone block is mossy coblestone temporarily. Representation in spoiler.
Default Settings for Config:
Redstone Wire: Netherrack(Will display warning if it is a transparent block)
Lever: Fence
Sticky Piston: NetherBrick
Repeater: Oak Stair(Changeable and can be disabled. Will display warning if not a stair)
Dispenser: Chest(Cannot Change But Can Disable)
Pressure pad: Stone and Double Stone Slab(Cannot Change)
Redstone Lamp: obsidian(Cannot Change)
Current Version: 1.0
Download PMF File: Link Removed
Hope You Enjoy!
Actually there are pressure plates, I just forgot to add them to the feature list. Whoops! I'll add them tonight!
Indeed I did. Even says in the info section of OP.
BTW this version is awesome
Suggestion: Add buttons
I might post it on the forums, soon
EDIT: Got buttons done! Now adding torches and hoppers hopefully! I am going to release a test version of this new version soon.
This might be the changelist, might not be a lot, was busy this week with classes.
*Button(Implemented easily by new wiring code, DONE)
*Redstone Torch(Easily implemented due to new wiring code, WRITING)
*Better and Rewritten redstone wire(Uses data.yml to store data if wire is ON or OFF, DONE[Bug Testing])
*Regular Piston(10 blocks pushed, DONE)
?Hopper(Planning and Writing Code Still, PLANNING)
?Daylight Sensor(Easily Implemented due to new wiring code, will use data.yml, FIXING CODE)
Okay, thanks! I'll make sure it doesn't get stored, will store it in arrays instead! Yes, I am currently optimizing the code to be a lot smaller and more effecient!
EDIT: Ok, now it stores them in arrays, and currently when the server is stopped, it saves it. And when it loads, it loads the data. This is so because it stores it if it is on or off, which makes redstone torches possible.
EDIT2: Optimization going well! Shortened the dispenser code a lot.
If you agree, I can be a tester for you, I'm a really great bug searcher, but only in-game
this is my skype: Iksaku
I'm back from my hibernation. Most likely gone so don't pm me.
EDIT: Here is a website you might want to check out when you make a topic. Here is something I made with it!
[IMG] 2013 - 1/5bb88557ecc711ba1ccf7b618ecd1fa8f3a6d8483f1bde632be6a17546960ecb311d699ec6c35817da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709ca64874137734ff0cd79_zps81dde6de.png[/IMG]
If you want to use it here is what you will need to copy [ IMG] 2013 - 1/5bb88557ecc711ba1ccf7b618ecd1fa8f3a6d8483f1bde632be6a17546960ecb311d699ec6c35817da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709ca64874137734ff0cd79_zps81dde6de.png[ /IMG]
Without the space in between "[IMG]" And "[ /IMG]"
Awesome! I will fiddle around with that for a while!
You have a nice channel you got there! Almost done with version 1.1! Hope to release it soon!
Check out my game! It's an open-world, sandbox text adventure.
Follow @hexdro_
Hexdro © 2012-2015
If I helped in any way, feel free to drop me an Internet:

Or some Blue XP:
A test to see what number is most thought of when a 1-10 choice is given:
Don't think about it, just click on the first one that comes to you!
I can help you with In-game testing
This plugin is getting awesome!
Hmm, never experienced that before. Make sure the dispenser is not shooting into a block, or else it will create a ghost item that bounces up to the top of that block. The real item should be inside the block itself.
EDIT: You can find this topic on the pocketmine forums now!