Can you make a mod that changes the world border back to normal? Also, there is a bug in the nofog mod, far off objects and blocks sometimes appear through closer blocks. Can look very ugly.
Well its bug reporting time now.
The 20 minutes day, I thing you mixed the files 500ISE, because my days started to becom five minute-ish. Havent tried the real 5 minute day mod, can anyone confirm this?
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You can find me on twitter as @iLightus !
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The mods seem awesome! Would love to test them if I had an android if you ewe get the chance to make them for iOS I know myself and a lot of people would be greatful!
im a guy thanks man haha
yo dawg i herd u like.........
Tnt power, no. Flying - probably no. Almost infinite health, however, is possible in the latest Beta of PocketInvEditor.
This one's for you, XzombiecreeperX!
It's Anti-fog!
Ahh, to see the lovely sky... know, a mod to bring us the sun! JK, by the way, I am back!
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Too lazy to follow through all that? Shortcut! is a fully disassembled version of .
Useful hex codes to know and helpful links:
Edit: Oh, and you can't forget the PTpatch guide.
I personally create patches in PTPatch legacy format first, then convert them to the new, more complex format.
Let's clear some data... Will edit in a few minutes
Edit: Fixed it by removing the Android/data/com.snowbound... folder
Only MCPE doesn't start... 500ISE can you send it in a PM?
Nevermind, tried it again and it works! It looks great!
I can now see my survival world home from afar.F
Coud Anybody show me that picture?
Is beautiful
umm... it didn't patched ambient occlusion patch :/
The fog unlock + ambient occulsion unlock = XzombiecreeperX's hapiness
P.s will soon add pics on twitter
The 20 minutes day, I thing you mixed the files 500ISE, because my days started to becom five minute-ish. Havent tried the real 5 minute day mod, can anyone confirm this?
Add me on Steam!: Link Removed