It looks like phones with PowerVR GPUs are not compatiable with the mod. This includes most phones with TI OMAP processors. Now I understand why Mojang disabled the feature - because it fails on a large number of phones.
What i mean is, if i patch the lighting mod, then i patch the survival flying mod, will i end up with awesome lighting and survival super hero?
Or just one or the other?
What i mean is, if i patch the lighting mod, then i patch the survival flying mod, will i end up with awesome lighting and survival super hero?
Or just one or the other?
I think that it is just one at a time
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You can find me on twitter as @iLightus !
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What i mean is, if i patch the lighting mod, then i patch the survival flying mod, will i end up with awesome lighting and survival super hero?
Or just one or the other?
Mods do stack. As long as one mod doesn't override the other, which is a very rare case, but yes, you can patch as many mods as you can find and thy should all work.
Question, do these mods stack? What i mean is, if i patch the lighting mod, then i patch the survival flying mod, will i end up with awesome lighting and survival super hero? Or just one or the other?
When I port the survival flying mod to 0.3, it will.
So what proccessor does it work on?
So it works on Qualcomm cause thats what the htc evo design has. IF you have a rooted android u can get n app named chainfire 3d and install a Qualcomm mod. Im gonna test it.
Thank you so much, lighting mod works on mine
This Is The Worlds Greatest Castle
I have a PowerVR SGX 530 GPU,fml.
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What i mean is, if i patch the lighting mod, then i patch the survival flying mod, will i end up with awesome lighting and survival super hero?
Or just one or the other?
This Is The Worlds Greatest Castle
I think that it is just one at a time
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500ise, would you be so kind as to make a mod for 3.0 and 2.2with flying and lighting ?
This Is The Worlds Greatest Castle
Mods do stack. As long as one mod doesn't override the other, which is a very rare case, but yes, you can patch as many mods as you can find and thy should all work.
When I port the survival flying mod to 0.3, it will.
Yes, it does
I'll try.
So it works on Qualcomm cause thats what the htc evo design has. IF you have a rooted android u can get n app named chainfire 3d and install a Qualcomm mod. Im gonna test it.